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Aug 4 & 5, 2010

OVERVIEW OF PROPOSED Spatial methodologY. Aug 4 & 5, 2010. Agenda. Introduction Brief background Overview of Spatial Methodology Next Steps – Sharepoint and your input. Background - Why Now ?. NatureServe’s EO Spatial Methodology established ~10 years ago

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Aug 4 & 5, 2010

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  1. OVERVIEW OF PROPOSED Spatial methodologY Aug 4 & 5, 2010

  2. Agenda Introduction Brief background Overview of Spatial Methodology Next Steps – Sharepoint and your input

  3. Background - Why Now ? • NatureServe’sEO Spatial Methodology established ~10 years ago • Incorporated in Biotics 3, programs tested/piloted (incl. NY, MI, BC) • Put into broad use with release of Biotics 4.0 in 2003 • After release, methodology put into practice; no major revisions followed • 2006 – Provisional Observation Data Standard published to network • 2008 – Recommendations of Biological Mapping Approaches Team (BMAT) completed • Currently developing tools for managing observations – Kestrel, Handheld Project • Have many years of practical experience applying the methodology • Time was right to: • Re-evaluate spatial methodology • Identify ways to incorporate Obs Standard and BMAT findings

  4. Goals • Revised process for developing spatial features, which includes • observations • identified stages with consistent output data • options for automation, moving data from one stage to the next • Products and Network teams confirmed benefits of consistent output from each proposed stage in the revised methodology workflow • More work is needed to define consistent map surface products valuable at both national and local levels

  5. Benefits • Allows us to leverage existing work on observation data management platforms, i.e., Kestrel and Mobile Observations System • Establish systematic and practical approach for integrating observations and managing map surfaces in program work flow • Helps to establish blueprint for both critical path upgrades and long-term enhancements to Biotics

  6. The process • Established core project teams – March 2010 • Observations and Element OccurrencesWorkshop – Southeast Region Heritage Conference, Austin, TX – April 29 • Methodology design review conference calls with Network Team - May 25 & 27

  7. Key Participants Project Leads Jennifer Nichols Whitney Weber, Rob Solomon Products Team • Kat Maybury • Jason McNees • Shara Howie • Lynn Kutner Mapping Team • Pat Comer • Jon Hak • Rickie White • Tim Howard (NY Heritage) Observation & EOs Team Tim Howard (NY Heritage) Don Faber-Langendoen Larry Master Jay Cordeiro

  8. Network Team Participants Dave Clark – Parks Canada Cullen Hanks – Texas Jim Morefield – Nevada Karen Walker – Montana Pete Sorrill – Ontario Ross Geredien – Maryland Sabra Schwartz – Arizona Amy Lavender – Colorado Gretchen Fowles – New Jersy Jason Bulluck – Virginia KierstinCarlson, Susan Klugman– Pennsylvania MeherzadRomer, Marta Donovan, KatrinaStipec – British Columbia

  9. Current Spatial Methodology Process

  10. Simplification • Replaced Observed Feature with Observation • Removed Basic Feature • All Source Features now include locational uncertainty, making them consistent in what they represent • Consistent Source Features allow for automatic generation of EO if Separation Distance is automatically applied, grouping Source Features

  11. New Items • Option to digitize Observations • Option to have Separation Distance automatically applied • Option to save EOs autogenerated by system through automated application of Separation Distance • Option to refine EOs by defining Unsuitable Habitat Features

  12. Changes in Process • If Observation is digitized: • Accuracy Type and Distance are assigned • Distance is provided as default of LU Distance for Source Features with Areal – Estimated LUT • If Observation is not digitized: • Pre-source Feature is digitized for Source Features with Areal – Estimated LUT • Locational Uncertainty Type is assigned at the Source Feature level • Conceptual Feature Type is always assigned at the Source Feature level

  13. Summary of stages in the proposed methodology

  14. Summary of conditions for digitizing Features:

  15. Please Provide Feedback! SharePoint site: • https://members.natureserve.org/projects/Observations/default.aspx Login: • Username: Native\firstname.lastname • Password: Sharepoint2

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