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Bull Jumping, Palace of Knossos, c1400 BCE MINOAN

Bull Jumping, Palace of Knossos, c1400 BCE MINOAN. Atrium of a Roman House Pompeii, Italy, second century B.C., rebuilt A.D. 62-79 EARLY EMPIRE ROMAN. Leon Alberti S’ant Andrea 1470-76 EARLY ITALIAN RENAISSANCE. Antonio Gaudí, Casa Milà, 1905-1907. ART NOUVEAU.

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Bull Jumping, Palace of Knossos, c1400 BCE MINOAN

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bull Jumping, Palace of Knossos, c1400 BCE MINOAN

  2. Atrium of a Roman House Pompeii, Italy, second century B.C., rebuilt A.D. 62-79 EARLY EMPIRE ROMAN

  3. Leon Alberti S’ant Andrea 1470-76 EARLY ITALIAN RENAISSANCE

  4. Antonio Gaudí,Casa Milà, 1905-1907.ART NOUVEAU

  5. Palladio, Villa Rotunda, 1566, ITALIAN RENAISSANCE

  6. From Palladio’sFour Books of Architecture

  7. The Erechtheion, completed in 438 BCE.Architectural design by MNESIKLES HIGH CLASSICAL GREEK

  8. Exeter Cathedral, 1275-1369ENGLISH DECORATED GOTHIC

  9. Richard Boyle [Lord Burlington], Chiswick House, NEOCLASSICAL [Palladian], 1736.

  10. Thomas Jefferson, Rotunda at the Univ. of VA, NEOCLASSICAL [Palladian], 1822-26.

  11. Frank Lloyd Wright, Robie House, Chicago, 1910.PRAIRIE STYLE

  12. Hokusai,The Great Wave (off Kanagawa), 1832, Woodblock Print, EDO PERIOD

  13. Moai(Large Monolithic heads) Rapa Nui (Easter Island) 1250-1500 POLYNESIAN

  14. Gislebertus, Last Judgment Tympanum(from Saint-Lazzare) Autun, France ca 1120-1135ROMANESQUE

  15. Queen Hatshepsut’s Funerary TempleEgypt, Dynasty XVII NEW KINGDOM

  16. ChacMool figure, MAYAN CIVILIZATION

  17. Filippo Brunelleschidome of Florence Cathedral Florence, Italy 1420-1436 (*NOTE: Brunelleschi did NOT design the cathedral… that was a guy named Arnolfo di Cambio… Brunelleschi just designed the dome.) EARLY ITALIAN RENAISSANCE

  18. El Castillo, Temple at Chichen Itza (Mexico), MAYAN

  19. Temple of Ramses IIAbu Simbel, Egypt, Dynasty 19 Ca 1290-1224 BCNEW KINGDOM EGYPT

  20. Machu Picchu, Peru, 1450-1530. INCA EMPIRE

  21. Church of Saint-Sernin, Toulouse, France ca 1070-1120ROMANESQUE

  22. Christopher Wren, St. Paul’s Cathedral (London), 1670s. BAROQUE

  23. Jean-Francois Millet,The Gleaners, 1857. REALISM

  24. Gustave Courbet,A Burial at Ornans, 1849. REALISM

  25. Carlo Maderno, Saint Peter’s Front Facade Vatican City, Rome, Italy 1606-1612 ITALIAN BAROQUE

  26. Giorgio de Chirico Mystery and Melancholy of a Street 1914. SURREALISM

  27. Giorgio de Chirico The Song of Love 1914. SURREALISM

  28. Le Corbusier, Villa Savoye (France), 1929. INTERNATIONAL STYLE*(*Beginnings of Architectural Modernism)

  29. Meret Oppenheim,Object, 1936. SURREALISM

  30. Cindy Sherman, Untitled Film Still #14, 1978.

  31. Palace of Aachen (Begun 786), GermanyCAROLINGIAN

  32. Maya Lin, Vietnam Memorial Wall, 1982. MINIMALISM

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