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Module A-1

Module A-1. Vital Signs. Vital Signs. Respiration. Pulse. Skin. Pupils. Blood Pressure. Vital Signs. Respiration. Respiration. Watch for chest rise and fall. Determine rate, rhythm, and quality. Count the number of times the chest rises in 30 seconds. Multiply by 2.

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Module A-1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Module A-1 Vital Signs

  2. Vital Signs Respiration Pulse Skin Pupils Blood Pressure

  3. Vital Signs Respiration

  4. Respiration Watch for chest rise and fall. Determine rate, rhythm, and quality. Count the number of times the chest rises in 30 seconds. Multiply by 2.

  5. Rescuer assesses respirations.

  6. Rescuer assesses infant’s respirations.

  7. Normal Respiratory Rates PatientRate Infant 25-50 Child 15-30 Adult 12-20

  8. Vital Signs Pulse

  9. Pulse Determine rate, rhythm, and quality. Count the number of beats in 30 seconds. Multiply by 2.

  10. Rescuer palpates radial pulse.

  11. Rescuer palpates carotid pulse.

  12. Rescuer palpates brachial pulse.

  13. Normal Pulse Rates PatientRate Infant 120-150 Child 80-150 Adult 60-80

  14. Vital Signs Skin

  15. Skin Determine color, temperature, and condition. Assess capillary refill in children under 6 years of age.

  16. Relative Skin Temperature

  17. Rescuer pinches patient’s nail bed.

  18. Rescuer releases and counts.

  19. Vital Signs Pupils

  20. Pupils Shine light into patient’s eyes and watch for pupil to constrict in response to the light. Pupils Equal Reactive to Light.

  21. Constricted Pupils

  22. Dilated Pupils

  23. Unequal Pupils

  24. Vital Signs Blood Pressure

  25. Blood Pressure Higher Number = Systolic Lower Number = Diastolic

  26. Use stethescope and blood pressure cuff.

  27. Rescuer palpates brachial artery.

  28. Rescuer applies BP cuff.

  29. Rescuer inflates BP cuff, then...

  30. …slowly releases air.

  31. Blood Pressure by Palpation

  32. Normal Blood Pressure Ranges PatientSystolicDiastolic Child 2 X age + 80 50 - 80 Adult Age + 100 65 - 90 (Up to 150 mmHg) mmHg

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