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D11-044 - Dir. proj. Dr. M. Dima

Institute for Nuclear Physics & Engineering Bucharest - Romania. QUANTGRID - sistem de criptare quantica in GRID. D11-044 - Dir. proj. Dr. M. Dima. D11-044, Parteneriate-P4

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D11-044 - Dir. proj. Dr. M. Dima

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  1. Institute for Nuclear Physics & Engineering Bucharest - Romania QUANTGRID - sistem de criptare quantica in GRID D11-044 - Dir. proj. Dr. M. Dima D11-044, Parteneriate-P4 IFIN-HH, INFLPR, UPB - Bucuresti

  2. Institute for Nuclear Physics & Engineering Bucharest - Romania Parteneri: - coordonator / GRID: IFIN-HH (20 total – 15 tineri) - partener / laseri: INFLPR (2 total – 0 tineri) - partener / algoritmi: UPB (2 total – 1 tineri) http://proiecte.nipne.ro/pn2/index_en.php?id=3

  3. Institute for Nuclear Physics & Engineering Bucharest - Romania Obiective Generale: - realizarea primei linii de criptare quantica din Romania si aplicare in GRID - optimizare IT (viteza, volum/cheie) si fizic (rata erori, imunitate bruiaj) - acumularea de experienta romaneasca in tehnologia criptarii quantice Specifice: - realizare algoritmi proprii (Key Distillation, Privacy Amplification, “hash”) - metode numerice proprii (detectie interceptie, nivel zgomot) - experimentare si documentare atacuri (bruiaj, decriptare, interceptie) - experimentare masuri antidot la atacuri Noutate: - realizarea celor de mai sus in plan national Beneficiari si posibili utilizatori: - utilizatorii GRID, sistemul bancar, servicii de stat cu caracter confidential

  4. Institute for Nuclear Physics & Engineering Bucharest - Romania Etapa 1 Resurse financiare - buget de stat (190000 RON), co-finantare (0 RON) - parteneri: P1 (190000 RON), P2 (0 RON), P3 (0 RON) - dotari: P1 (0 RON), P2 (0 RON), P3 (0 RON) Activitati - conceptia detaliilor tehnice pt.: - cuplarea solutiei quantice in arhitectura GRID - realizare sistem optic de criptare quantica - realizare algoritmilor de securizare quantica Achizitii - nu au fost efectuate in etapa 1.

  5. Institute for Nuclear Physics & Engineering Bucharest - Romania Etapa 2 Resurse financiare - buget de stat (735000 RON), co-finantare (0 RON) - parteneri: P1 (310000 RON), P2 (400000 RON), P3 (25000 RON) - dotari: P1 (10000 RON), P2 (350000 RON), P3 (0 RON) Activitati - P1: realizare cluster GRID gazda si interfatare la sistem de comunicatii quantice studii securizare GRID, viteza de transfer, rata de erori - P2: achizitie si realizare mediu de comunicatii pe fibra optica studii de atenuare a pulsurilor laser / performantele liniei optice - P3: implementare software algoritmii securizare quantica: Key Distillation, Privacy Amplification, “hash” Achizitii - P1: 4 x PC pt. GRID, P2: componente echipament criptare quantica.

  6. Componente sistem QKD Institute for Nuclear Physics & Engineering Bucharest - Romania

  7. Institute for Nuclear Physics & Engineering Bucharest - Romania Etapa 3a si 3b Resurse financiare - buget de stat (360000 RON), co-finantare (0 RON) - parteneri: P1 (295000 RON), P2 (50000 RON), P3 (15000 RON) - dotari: P1 (0 RON), P2 (0 RON), P3 (0 RON) Activitati - P1: realizare releu de comunicatii GRID (la Partener-2) si interfatare cu echipament comunicatii quantice (teste GRID) - P2: asamblare componente linie comunicatii quantice / interfatare sist. Calcul - P3: dezvoltare algoritmi de compresie maximala in spatiul-fazelor Achizitii - nu au fost prevazute pt. Etapa-3.

  8. Institute for Nuclear Physics & Engineering Bucharest - Romania Participare tineri Parteneri: - coordonator / GRID: IFIN-HH 20 total (15 tineri , 5 drd.) activitati GRID, algoritm de criptare AES, tehnologie IPC in C++ - partener / laseri: INFLPR 2 total (0 tineri) nu sunt tineri - partener / algoritmi: UPB 2 total (1 tineri, cu dr.) activitati dezvoltare algoritmi Key Distillation, Privacy Amplification

  9. Institute for Nuclear Physics & Engineering Bucharest - Romania Teste GRID-ware gLite Activitate tineri in IFIN-HH - activitati GRIDware gLite - securizare transm. GRID in tehnologie AES cat si cu tehnologie proprietara

  10. Institute for Nuclear Physics & Engineering Bucharest - Romania Diseminare rezultate Articole: - RO J. Phys. 54, 441 (2009), "The QUANTGRID Project (RO) – Quantum Security in GRID Computing Applications" - to appear in Proceedings of the 7th Conference BPU (American Institute of Physics), "QUANTGRID - Quantum Security for GRID Computing“ - to appear in Proceedings of ROMOPTO’2009 – Micro to Nanophotonics, "Quantum Security in GRID Computing Applications" Postere: - 7th Conference BPU, Alexandroupolis-Greece 09-16 Sept. 2009 (above) - poster S5-P30, 10th Int. Balkan Wk-shop Applied Physics, 06-08 Jul. 2009, Ct-RO, “Classical and Quantum Security in Quantum GRID Computing Applications“ - poster III.P.7 to ROMOPTO'2009 - Micro to Nanophotonics, 31 Aug.- 03 Sept., RO, "Quantum Security in GRID Computing Applications"

  11. Institute for Nuclear Physics & Engineering Bucharest - Romania Tehnologie proprietara AXV4 – clasa C++ de/criptare Advanced Encryption Std. (FIPS-197) - destinata transm.-lor securizate in GRID - participare activa a tinerilor

  12. Institute for Nuclear Physics & Engineering Bucharest - Romania Tehnologie proprietara SXV4 – clasa C++ tehnologie Inter-Process Communications - destinata transmisiilor securizate in GRID - integrata cu AXV4, dezvoltarea proprie de criptare Adv. Encrypt. Std

  13. Institute for Nuclear Physics & Engineering Bucharest - Romania Va multumim !

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