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How to check horoscopes compatibility for marriage

Kundli matching, to the modern generation, looks a very orthodox word. But if one understands, this is not just kundli/horoscope matching. It is the matching of compatibility factors between the two persons who take a plunge to live together with each other for life. Get to know the importance of Horoscopes compatibility for marriage and how to check horoscopes compatibility for marriage. Kundli matching assesses the compatibility of the partners using specific surefire techniques. <br><br>https://www.vinaybajrangi.com/marriage-astrology/kundli-matching-horoscopes-matching-for-marriage.php<br>

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How to check horoscopes compatibility for marriage

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  1. HOW TO CHECK HOROSCOPES COMPATIBILITY FOR MARRIAGE Kundli matching, to the modern generation, looks a very orthodox word. But if one understands, this is not just kundli/horoscope matching. It is the matching of compatibility factors between the two persons who take a plunge to live together with each other for life. And if you understand this, you will indeed be inclined to know the importance of Horoscopes compatibility for marriage and how to check horoscopes compatibility for marriage. Role/Importance of horoscopes compatibility What is the role/importance of horoscopes compatibility, and why check horoscopes compatibility before marriage: very simple. Marriage starts with a new relationship between two persons, and married life depends on how these two understand respect and respond to each other. This is the importance of checking the horoscope compatibility. I will go a step further that if you are in a relationship, you tend to ignore or maybe take a few things for granted about your partner. You even defy if someone tends to pinpoint anything. But does your partner has adaptability and readiness to reciprocate what you expect? Similarly, in an arranged marriage, these factors of horoscopes compatibility hold equal importance. Yes, in an arranged marriage, in case of some compatibility issues, parents, family, and friends are there to bridge the gap on these horoscopes compatibility. But in love relationships, you generally find the two partners only as the peddler to resolve such issues. Then why not get your horoscopes

  2. compatibility checked before marriage. You would agree that marriage needs commitment, dedication, and sacrifices as the situation comes, and this is what you get by checking the horoscopes compatibility between two before marriage. Life before marriage is different, and life after the marriage takes a new tern in terms of responsibilities and, more importantly, responding to each other’s expectations. Does horoscopes/Kundli matching lead to a successful marriage Yes, horoscopes matching lead to successful marriage to a larger extent. Now, if you take this acid test either to convince others or complete the formality and simply go for Gun Milan, you match or don’t match horoscopes; it does not matter. But if you are really serious and determined to have a successful marriage, yes, horoscopes/kundli matching leads to a successful marriage. A very old saying: marriages made in heaven are unmade and broken at will on earth. Should we blame our current social structure that supports freedom and licentiousness at every step? Reasons are best known to those inside the wedlock or out of it. Horoscopes matching gives you enough grounds to know the strengths and weaknesses of the opposite partner. Once you know all this, you can always prepare to adjust yourself accordingly or decide otherwise. The conclusions drawn may not be failure-proof. There are scores of marriages where the heavens have approved the match, but the couple has not approved each other. And it happens only when there is a big gap in the horoscopes’ compatibility. Ultimately, as per the verdict of the Rishis of yore, it is the perfect compatible or like-minded couples that succeed despite the astrological differences. For the rest of us, it is the astrological compatibility that keeps the marriage going. How does kundli matching assess the compatibility of the partners? Kundli matching assesses the compatibility of the partners using specific surefire techniques. Usually, the Kundli software available on almost all websites satisfies only the basic requirements, the Ashtakoot Milan. The feature embedded in the software hardly provides a comprehensive picture. Only the astrologer, after personal analysis, can provide customized solutions as per the needs of each individual. Hence consulting a learned astrologer would be the best course to take as he can do the kundli matching using the essential ingredients – the date, time, and place of birth.

  3. Read more to know how horoscopes matching helps? Else just forget about checking the horoscopes compatibility or kundli matching for marriage. Consider below: Would you not want physical compatibility between both of you? Venus governs it. Would you not like sexual compatibility between you? Venus governs it. You want longevity of marriage. Jupiter governs it. You want a happy family life and marital happiness – your 7th house controls this. Would you want peace, prosperity, and growth in life? 4th house ensures this. Can you tolerate infidelity or inclination towards extramarital affairs, you can know this through the 11th house. Can you afford to have an excessively aggressive life partner? Mars in horoscope denotes this. Would you need a partner who does not respect your family or abide by general rules of society? Would you like to deny a marriage proposal because it has the effects of Manglik/ Nadi Dosha? There are very specific ways to see the cancellation of all these Doshas and examine if the horoscopes counterbalance such effects. Like that, there are many more astrological insights that are read through your 7th house and planets like Venus, Jupiter, Mangal, and more in the different houses of two horoscopes. But you need an experts’ eye and special techniques to review all this before saying Yes/No to any compatibility between two horoscopes. This is how horoscopes matching helps in a successful marital bliss. Ideally, if the comprehensive horoscope matching does not approve of the relationship, the couple should not marry each other. If they are insistent, then some pre-marriage Astro counseling sessions before the marriage can help the partners survive the rough patches in their relationship. This is much better than resorting to mindless rituals to save the marriage. Any specific issues, connect with me on my website or call my office on +91 9278555588/ 9278665588. Source Link: https://theindiasaga.com/saga-corner/how-to-check-horoscopes-compatibility-for-marriage/

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