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StatusBoard 2.0

StatusBoard 2.0. End User Training. Section 1 Intro to StatusBoard 2.0. Objectives. StatusBoard 2.0 has all of the features of the original StatusBoard , plus several new features designed to lessen confusion between agencies and eliminate overlap of talkgroup use. .

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StatusBoard 2.0

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  1. StatusBoard 2.0 End User Training

  2. Section 1 Intro to StatusBoard 2.0 Objectives StatusBoard 2.0 has all of the features of the original StatusBoard, plus several new features designed to lessen confusion between agencies and eliminate overlap of talkgroup use. • The new version will look and function very differently from the original StatusBoard. • What does the StatusBoard do? • Why StatusBoard 2.0? • Discover why the StatusBoard is on the Internet • Explain the CalendarFeature

  3. Section 1 Intro to StatusBoard 2.0 StatusBoard 2.0 was developed under sponsorship by the Statewide Emergency Communications Board and is hosted and maintained by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. You will learn what to expect from StatusBoard 2.0, learn how it is more complex and how these complexities will make scheduling and reserving resources much easier. Objectives • Learn about decentralized role-based administration • Review the StatusBoardARMER Standard 3.31.0

  4. Original Status Board Currently, access to the StatusBoard is provided through an ARMER based dispatch console. • Reserve Mutual Aid Resources • Limits confusion when sharing mutual aid resources

  5. New Features • Web Browser Functionality • A Calendar View & Scheduling • Role-Based, decentralized admin • A High Degree of Control over the Configuration Decentralizedrole-based administration allows various levels of control for users and empowers PSAPS to customize what StatusBoard2.0 will look like! StatusBoard 2.0 still has all of the features of StatusBoard. Three Main Controls: Quick Schedule Calendar Schedule Notes

  6. Why the Internet? Three main reasons: Any authorized user can access StatusBoard 2.0 from anywhere COML & responders in the field can access it from any scene Dispatchers can access it from any PSAP with Internet access

  7. Calendar Feature This will help avoid overlapping reservations of talkgroups. Creates a central location where users can view a resource schedule New Calendar feature provides a formal place for users to reserve talkgroups in advance.

  8. Role-Based Administration End Users This features let’s you… Configure what your users see and have access to when they log into StatusBoard 2.0 View Only Full Control PSAPs will have the flexibility and control to manage their own resources and users.

  9. ARMER Standard 3.31.0 StatusBoard • This training modules covers the operation of StatusBoard 2.0 • All users of StatusBoard 2.0 are required to adhere to ARMER Standard 3.31.0 when operating StatusBoard 2.0 ARMER Standard 3.31.0

  10. Section 2 Logging into StatusBoard 2.0 Objectives • Login in with Temporary Password • Create a New Password • Wrong Password Procedure • Logging Off

  11. Logging into StatusBoard 2.0 • You are required to log in with a valid username and password • Passwords will need to be changed • You must log off at the end of your shift • You will not share a generic user account

  12. Logging into Status Board 2.0: • You will be prompted to enter your temporary password. • Any attempts to go the Home Page will bring you back to the login screen.

  13. You will be asked to enter this new password twice. Record your password somewhere safe! When you enter your temporary password in correctly, you will be prompted to change your password to one of your choosing. • Your new password: • Must be at least 8 characters • Must have at least one upper case, one lower case, one number and one special character • Will expire every 90 days • Should not be the same as any password you have used in the past 24 password changes • Should not be shared with any other user • Should not be easily guessed with personal information

  14. Entering an Incorrect Password: • If you enter a new password, but both fields don’t match, you will be prompted to try again. • After five failed attempts, you will be locked out of the system. • The same is true for logging in after you have set your new password. • Your administrator can set the login failed attempts higher or lower if desired. • See your administrator if you are locked out of the system.

  15. When you log in correctly, you will arrive at the View StatusBoardScreen

  16. Section 3 StatusBoard 2.0 Screen Objectives • Location, Date & Time • Use the Application Menu • Navigate the Tabs • Features Menu • Content Area • Logging Off

  17. Location, Time and Date Field

  18. Home will return you to the StatusBoard Screen from anywhere in the StatusBoard 2.0 application. Help includes a link to StatusBoard 2.0 training video. Admin includes several options for administrators.

  19. Tabs: • Provide quick access to resources by category. • The All tab lists all resources available on the system in alphabetical order • Tabs are used to group resources together and can be customized for each user.

  20. Current Administration Notes is for any notes that pertain to the status of the resource if it is in use. • ResourceNameis the name of the resource. • Calendar Schedule or Quick Schedule are used to reserve resources. Use Calendar Schedule to reserve resources for future use. Use Quick Schedule to reserve a resource you need right away. • CurrentOwner is the name of the system user who has reserved the resource. NOTE: Current Status does not tell you whether that resource has been reserved in the future, unless there is a potential conflict with a quick schedule, in which case this field will read Resource Reserved. • Edit is active only when a resource is reserved and allows you to make edits to reservations by clicking on the corresponding edit icon. • Current Status tells you the status of the corresponding resource.

  21. Always remember to log off StatusBoard 2.0. The system will not time out or log you off automatically.

  22. Section 4 Reserving Resources Objectives • Use Quick Schedule • Use Calendar Schedule • Edit a Current Reservation • Over-Ride a Reservation

  23. Scheduling a Resource Remember,you will have three main controls: Quick Schedule Calendar Schedule Notes • There are two ways to schedule a resource: • Quick Schedule – ImmediateUse • Calendar Schedule – FutureUse

  24. Sort columns to find Resource in Use – Current Status Current Status column is sorted alphabetically Current status is sorted in Descending order displaying all of the Resource In Use status first

  25. Note: Twelve hours is the default time in StatusBoard 2.0 for reservations to time out. Your manager can change that if desired. Ask your manager if you don’t know the default time out for your communications center. The resource will stay reserved under your user name until you either cancel it or after twelve hours in use. Use Quick Schedule to Reserve the LTAC1 Resource Immediately

  26. Use Quick Schedule to Cancel the Existing Reservation

  27. Use the Edit Feature to Add Notes

  28. NewAppointment/New All Day Event – Reserve a Resource • “Go To” Options – move quickly to a specific date • Change View To – another way to change your view. Calendar Schedule

  29. Calendar Schedule – New Appointment

  30. To find your Appointment: Use the Previous and Next Appointment buttons To find your Appointment: Right mouse click and select Go To Date Edit a Calendar Reservation

  31. Quick Edit Calendar Item

  32. Override a Resource • StatusBoard 2.0 supports only one reservation per resource for a given period of time. • Reservations cannotoverlap. StatusBoard 2.0 treats Quick Schedule reservations and Calendar Schedule reservations the same, and the system does not allow for any overlapping reservations. Existing Calendar Schedule reservation Quick Schedule (12 hour) reservation User A: Quick Schedule Reserves LTAC1 (12 Noon) User B: Quick Schedule Reserves LTAC1 (12:10 p.m.)

  33. Users should not routinely have to override and cancel existing reservations. • StatusBoard 2.0 DOESallow any user to override any other user’s reservations. • Refer to Standard Operating Procedures Overriding a Resource Reservation

  34. Using Text-Only Resources • Cannot be Reserved • User can update the notes field only • There is no Quick Schedule or Calendar Schedule option • This resource is used for announcements

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