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Quality Improvement & Six Sigma

Quality Improvement & Six Sigma. Dr. Eng. Bonivasius Prasetya. What is Quality?. A study that asked managers of 86 firms in the eastern United States to define quality produced several dozen different responses, including: Perfection Consistency Eliminating waste Speed of delivery

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Quality Improvement & Six Sigma

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  1. Quality Improvement& Six Sigma Dr.Eng.Bonivasius Prasetya 48

  2. What is Quality? A study that asked managers of 86 firms in the eastern United States to define quality produced several dozen different responses, including: • Perfection • Consistency • Eliminating waste • Speed of delivery • Compliance pemenuhan with policies and procedures • Providing a good, usable product • Doing it right the first time • Delighting or pleasing customers • Total customer service and satisfaction Today, most managers agree that the main reason to pursue mengejar quality is to satisfy customers. 48

  3. Garvin’s Dimensions of Product Quality Performance Features Durability. (Ketahanan) Reliability Serviceability Aesthetics Conformance Perceived Quality 48

  4. 8 DIMENSI MUTU PRODUK[GARVIN] • Performance. Karakteristikkinerja utama dari produk. Contoh : akselerasi mobil, kejelasan suara handphone, dll. • Features. Fasilitas tambahan diluar fungsi pokok dari karakteristik produk. • Reliability. Kemungkinan dari suatu produk untuk tidak berfungsi pada suatu periode tertentu. • Conformance. Kesesuaian fungsi / kinerja suatu produk dengan standar yang telah ditetapkan. • Durability. Ukuran umur (lama pemakaian) dari suatu produk • Serviceability. Kemudahan perbaikan jika produk membutuhkan perbaikan • Aesthetics. Tampilan, rasa, dan unsur estetik lainnya suatu produk • Perceived quality. mutu yang dapat diterima oleh konsumen. 48

  5. What Is Quality:A Final Perspective • Customer’s and producer’s perspectives depend on each other • Producer’s perspective: • production process and COST • Customer’s perspective: • fitness for use and PRICE • Customer’s view must dominate 48

  6. Walter Shewart In 1920s, developed control charts Introduced term “quality assurance” W. Edwards Deming Developed courses during World War II to teach statistical quality-control techniques to engineers and executives of companies that were military suppliers After war, began teaching statistical quality control to Japanese companies Joseph M. Juran Followed Deming to Japan in 1954 Focused on strategic quality planning Quality improvement achieved by focusing on projects to solve problems and securing breakthrough solutions Evolution of Quality Management: Quality Gurus 48

  7. Evolution of Quality Management: Quality Gurus (cont.) • Armand V. Feigenbaum • In 1951, introduced concepts of total quality control and continuous quality improvement • Philip Crosby • In 1979, emphasized that costs of poor quality far outweigh cost of preventing poor quality • In 1984, defined absolutes of quality management—conformance to requirements, prevention, and “zero defects” • Kaoru Ishikawa • Promoted use of quality circles • Developed “fishbone” diagram • Emphasized importance of internal customer 48

  8. Deming’s 14 Points Create constancy of purpose Adopt philosophy of prevention Cease mass inspection Select a few suppliers based on quality Constantly improve system and workers 48

  9. Deming’s 14 Points (cont.) • Institute worker training • Instill leadership among supervisors • Eliminate fear among employees • Eliminate barriers between departments • Eliminate slogans 48

  10. Deming’s 14 Points (cont.) • Remove numerical quotas • Enhance worker pride • Institute vigorous training and education programs • Develop a commitment from top management to implement above 13 points 48

  11. Impact of Quality • Increase in Productivity: Productivity = Output / Input(s) • Quality and Costs: • As quality of design increases, costs increase • As quality of conformance increases, costs decrease (less rework, complaints, scrap, etc…) • Reduction in Cycle Time • Quality and Value: Value = Quality / Price 48

  12. Quality Management • Quality Management: “The process of identifying and administering the activities needed to achieve the quality objectives of an organization.” • What is value? (refer to Warren Buffet) 48

  13. 8 QUALITY MANAGEMENT PRINCIPAL Leadership Customer Focus Mutual Benefit Relationship with Supplier People Involvement 8 Quality Management Principal Decission by Facts Process Approach System Approach Continuous Improvement 48

  14. Principle 1 Customer focus[Fokus pada Pelanggan] Perusahaan/Organisasi sangat tergantung pada konsumen. Jadi Perusahaan/Organisasi perlu memahami apa yang diinginkan oleh pelanggannya dan berusaha untuk memenuhi apa yang menjadi harapan dan keinginan pelanggan. 48


  16. Pelanggan selalu benar • Bila pelanggan ternyata tidak benar, baca aturan no.1. Customer’s Vice[Suara Pelanggan] 48

  17. Principle 2 Leadership [Kepemimpinan] • Leader/Pemimpin harus menyatukan tujuan dan arah organisasi ( Policy & Objectives ) secara jelas. • Leader/Pemimpin harus menciptakan lingkungan yang mendorong terciptanya keterlibatan segenap karyawan dalam mencapai tujuan organisasi/perusahaan. 48

  18. Principle 3 Involvement of People • Semua jajaran didalam organisasi adalah inti dari organisasi • Keterlibatan mereka untuk kebaikan organisasi 48

  19. INPUT Principle 4Process Approach OUTPUT Hasil yang diinginkan menjadi lebih efisien jika sumber daya dan aktivitas yang saling terkait dikelola dalam suatu proses 48

  20. INPUT INPUT 2 3 1 START 4 7 6 5 OUTPUT INPUT INPUT Principle 5System Approach 48

  21. Principle 6Shewhart’s Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle Act Plan Check Do 48


  23. Deming’s wheel (P.D.C.A.) PLAN DO ACT CHECK ISO 9001 Continuous Improvement CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENTDeming’s wheel 48

  24. Principle 7FACTUAL APPROACH TO DECISION MAKING • Factual approach to decision making • Keputusan yang efektif didasarkan pada analisa data dan informasi yang faktual, bukan dugaan dan asumsi-asumsi yang tidak berdasar. 48

  25. Principle 8MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP • Mutually beneficial supplier relationships • Organisasidanpemasoksalingmembutuhkan • Kerjasama yang salingmenguntungkanakanmemberikankemampuanuntukmenciptakannilailebihdarimasing-masing 48

  26. Quality System Evolution [Evolusi sistem kualitas] Total Quality Management Aim for continuous improvement Involve suppliers & customers Involve all operations Performance measurement Teamwork Employee involvement Third party approvals System audits Advanced quality planning Comprehensive Q. manuals Use of quality cost Involvement of non-production operations Failure mode and effect analysis Statistical process control Quality Assurance Develop Q. Manual Process performance data Self-inspection Product testing Basic quality planning Use of basic statistics Paperwork control Quality Control Inspection Salvage Sorting, grading Corrective actions Identity sources of non-conformance 48

  27. QUALITY ASSURANCE[QA] • Penyebab, akar penyebab, bukan gejala / symptoms; mutu harus dibangun mulai dari perencanaan proses. • Mutu tidak diperoleh dari inspeksi (inspection) • Quality Control yang hanya menekankan pada inspeksi adalah tipe QC yang old style ( kuno/lama) dan sudah tidak zamannya lagi. • Basic/dasar dari pengendalian adalah pencegahan terulangnya kesalahan/ penyimpangan. • Eliminasi/hilangkan penyebab terjadinya penyimpangan kualitas. 48


  29. Dimensions of Quality:Services • Time and timeliness • how long must a customer wait for service, and is it completed on time? • is an overnight package delivered overnight? • Completeness: • is everything customer asked for provided? • is a mail order from a catalogue company complete when delivered? 48

  30. Dimensions of Quality:Service (cont.) • Courtesy: • how are customers treated by employees? • are catalogue phone operators nice and are their voices pleasant? • Consistency • is same level of service provided to each customer each time? • is your newspaper delivered on time every morning? 48

  31. Dimensions of Quality:Service (cont.) • Accessibility and convenience (Akses dan Kemudahan) • how easy is it to obtain service? • does service representative answer your calls quickly? • Accuracy (Ketepatan) • is service performed right every time? • is your bank or credit card statement correct every month? • Responsiveness (Kemampuan Bereaksi) • how well does company react to unusual situations? • how well is a telephone operator able to respond to a customer’s questions? 48

  32. Services vs Products 48

  33. Services vs Products 48

  34. Two Focus on Services 48

  35. Total Quality in Organization KONTRIBUSI QUALITY TERHADAP PROFITABILITY QUALITY (Design and conformance) Reduced waste Greater productivity Greater Value Lower Costs Increased market share Improved asset utilization Improved margins Revenue growth 48 IMPROVED PROFITABILITY


  37. Total Quality in Organization 48

  38. Total Quality in Organization 48

  39. Total Quality in Organization 48

  40. Total Quality in Organization 48

  41. Total Quality in Organization 48

  42. Total Quality in Organization 48

  43. Total Quality in Organization 48

  44. Total Quality in Organization 48

  45. Total Quality in Organization 48

  46. Total Quality in Organization 48

  47. Tugas Besar Buat secara lengkap “Deming’s View of a Production System” secara detail/lengkap (mulai dari Input=>Processes=>Outputs) perusahaan di tempat Saudara bekerja. Paper & soft copy (file) DIKUMPULKAN : paling lambat Pertemuan-3, tgl. 21 September 2013 48

  48. Referensi • ReferensiUtama: • Goetsch, D. L. & Davis, S. B. (2010). Quality Management for Organizational Excellence, 6th ed., • Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc. • ReferensiRujukan: • Besterfield, D. H., Besterfield-Michna, C., Besterfield, G. H. & Besterfield-Sacre, M. (2003). • Total Quality Management, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc. • Evans, J. R. & Lindsay, W. M. (2008). The Management & Control of Quality, 7th ed., • Mason, OH: South-Western. • Foster, S. T. (2007). Managing Quality: Integrating the Supply Chain, • Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc. • Gryna, F. M., Chua, R. C. H. & DeFeo, J. A. (2007). Juran’s Quality Planning & Analysis for • Enterprise Quality, 5th ed., New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. 48

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