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Organization-wide PBS Planning Processes

Organization-wide PBS Planning Processes. Module 9, Field-based Activity Power Point Presentation. Step 1: Build a Planning Team. CONTINUUM OF INSTRUCTIONAL & POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT. Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized

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Organization-wide PBS Planning Processes

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  1. Organization-wide PBS Planning Processes Module 9, Field-based Activity Power Point Presentation

  2. Step 1: Build a Planning Team

  3. CONTINUUM OF INSTRUCTIONAL & POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Children/Adults with High-Risk Behavior ~5% ~15% Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Children/Adults with At-Risk Behavior Primary Prevention: Organization-wide Wide Systems for All Children/Adults, Staff, & Settings ~80% of Children/Adults

  4. Supporting Social Competence & Quality of Life OUTCOMES Supporting Decision Making Supporting Staff Behavior DATA SYSTEMS PRACTICES Supporting Individuals

  5. Working Smarter, Not More • Do less, better • Consolidate/integrate • Think small • Small # data-based priorities • Know where you want to go • Measurable/observable

  6. Staff Development • One shot workshops are ineffective • Longitudinal staff development efforts result in the greatest change • Develop multiple strategies for training • Use online resources to supplement training • Promote ongoing learning • Take advantage of staff development strengths

  7. Working at your Own Pace • Where would you like to be in five years? • What types of activities can you do this year? • Pick something that has the biggest impact for your organization

  8. Change is a Team Process • All staff members are leaders • Our direct staff, trainers, etc. are the ones that make change happen • Everyone has to be involved in planning • Collaboration is the key to successful change • Communication strategies must be effective

  9. Creating a Planning Team • Planning teams should not be too large • 3-7 participants • Create links to other related meetings within the organization • the team should represent the entire organization • Make sure all staff have a voice

  10. Participation from Management/Administration Administrators: • Play an active role in the PBS change process • Attend team meetings • Actively communicate commitment to support PBS to staff and other personnel • Reinforce staff and build a climate that supports change

  11. Building Behavioral Expertise • Identify individuals within the organizations who will receive training in behavior support • Ensure team has a person with behavioral expertise attending meetings • Consider the KIPBS Facilitator role and decide whether others should be trained • As a KIPBS Facilitator • Receive mentoring by a KIPBS Facilitator • Create a cadre of trainers

  12. Assessing Interest & Commitment • 80% staff support for organization-wide PBS process • 3 year action plan, progress occurs over time • PBS policies and procedures are reviewed and edited • All staff agree to participate in implementation • Identifying key social skills • Work with families/staff to build social skills into everyday events • Review progress in meetings • Reinforce and recognize positive social behavior

  13. Strategies • Present key features of organization-wide PBS to team and ask for vote • Ask an agency implementing organization-wide PBS to present • End presentation by passing out small piece of paper for voting

  14. Review the First Section of the PBS Kansas Organization-wide Planning Checklist Items 1-9

  15. Planning Team Processes Related to Building Awareness • Identify individuals who understand have time to assist in building an action plan • Consider representation of major stakeholders within the organization • Are there individuals who can make decisions related to resource allocation that would be willing to attend? • What types of strategies can you use to learn more about staff experience (surveys, interviews, etc.)?

  16. Step 2: Team Self Assessment Gather information to share with all staff and stakeholders

  17. Assessing Awareness of PBS • How many people within the organization know about positive behavior support? • How many people are familiar with person-centered planning/wraparound? • Are there ways in which to gather information about experience in PBS planning

  18. Effective Planning Teams: Roles and Responsibilities • PBS Facilitator-facilitates meetings, reviews past meeting minutes, keeps focus of group on agenda • Record Keeper- writes down the actions and activities • Timekeeper- before meeting gets consensus on time to be spent on each topic, monitors time for each topic, and gives warnings when time is running out (i.e., “we have 5 minutes left”) • Data Entry Person- trained to enter and access office referral data and brings the data to the meetings • Behavioral Expertise-a person who has received training in individual positive behavior support • Coordinator-Lead person who coordinates organization-wide planning efforts

  19. Discussion: Planning Team Preparation • Who are you including on your planning team? • What are the strengths each person brings to the team? • What issues do you anticipate related to setting up effective meetings? • Who would benefit from the Introduction to PBS presentation you created in your previous class?

  20. First Step in Self Assessment • Define the area you will focus on in your organization • Family support in the community • Vocational settings for adults • Residential support systems • Think about what areas need the most support • Young adults moving into adulthood • Family requests for PBS services in the home

  21. Working Smarter


  23. Activity: Complete the Working Smarter for your Own Organization

  24. Consider What Elements are Already in Place Primary Prevention • Systematically teaching staff to concentrate on key social and communication skills • Providing examples of situations and settings that staff members should prompt skills • Verbal and other reinforcers whenever positive skills are observed • Measures obtained on engagement, use of communication, etc.

  25. Consider What Elements are Already in Place Secondary Prevention • Identifying children/adults early who are engaging in minor problem behavior and intervening early • Providing additional social and communication interventions to targeted groups of individuals • Strategies for monitoring possible events that set the stage for problem behaviors

  26. Consider What Elements are Already in Place Tertiary Prevention • KIPBS Facilitators provide intensive PBS planning • Team monitors all plans and uses evaluation data for ongoing staff development • Individual plans are scored for fidelity and level of impact • Plans contain information for evaluation • Changes in problem behavior • Changes in social skills • Changes in quality of life

  27. Family Support Systems Some Thoughts on How to Adapt Organization-wide Change Concepts: • Teach staff to assist families in identifying 3-5 positive social skills and expectations for all of their children at home • Create strategies for reinforcing positive social skills • Teach how to respond consistently to problem behavior • Consider how to collect data from families that evaluates major incidents • Data similar to incident reports in residential settings • Allows for simple check the box behaviors (not for high frequency problem behaviors)

  28. Self Assessment Tools PBS Kansas Organization-wide Planning Checklist Agency-wide Benchmarks KIPBS Self Assessment Technology Readiness Incident Reports/Child Data

  29. Activity Discuss Staff Meeting Processes Discuss the answers to these questions with your team: • Are meetings effective? • Can teams problem-solve well? • Are individual PBS plans developed with the direct involvement of all staff? • Is there a sense of staff ownership in meetings? • Are there opportunities for staff to receive feedback on PBS implementation? • Are teams using data to make decisions? • What types of data are collected?

  30. What Staff Development Systems Are Available Now that Address PBS? • Are materials available to introduce PBS to others? (Awareness Level ) • Families • team members • policy makers…directors • What strategies are available for all staff ? (Primary Prevention) • Inservice • Preservice • How many professionals have expertise in PBS? • Do you need to mentor other staff • Does every team have access to PBS plan facilitation? • Are there training materials that behavior support professionals can use to teach teams about PBS?

  31. Staff Development Assessment Tool Review the Staff Development Tool

  32. Discussion: Staff Development Assessment • List the types of training your agency has on the staff development assessment form • What are your organization’s strengths? • What areas could your organization improve?

  33. Would Your Organization Be Interested in Including Online Instruction in Staff Development Planning?

  34. Using Online Instruction • Online instruction can be learner guided • Staff members can access materials at any time convenient to them • Materials can printed if internet access is unavailable • Free time for trainers to provide more onsite technical assistance

  35. KIPBS Resources • KIPBS Online Modules • Materials introducing PBS and person-centered planning • Toolbox & other resources • Links to PBS, person-centered planning, and medical resources • Newsletter about current issues in PBS, person-centered planning & related issues

  36. Assess Technology Strengths & Resources • How many people can access the internet? • Managers can access • Staff members can access individually • Main office resources • Do materials need to be printed out and disseminated? • Which individuals in the agency have strong computer skills? • Can they show others how to access materials? • Can they teach a targeted number of staff to use the internet?

  37. Technology Assessment Tool

  38. Identify Children or Adults with Intensive PBS Plans • Identify individual PBS plans that require more intensive training • Assess how staff receive training and support • Make a list of interventions that are more complicated and need hands-on training • Identify what data are being collected to evaluate the success of the PBS plans

  39. Assess Current Staff & Trainer Skills Assess Staff Skills & Training Methods: • Evaluate skill level of staff members in PBS • Assess group for potential lead trainers • Are hands-on training and mentoring strategies in place? • Trainer of trainers • Coaching and mentoring • Group problem solving

  40. Responding to Problem Behavior • Does your organization have a clear plan for referring individuals to a behavior support team or specialist? • What types of policies and procedures are in place that address teaching PBS concepts proactively? • How are incidents recorded? Can you graph • Average number of Incidents per day per month? • By problem behavior • By location • By time • By child/adult

  41. Teaching Consistency • What incidents require documentation • Incident report form that guides data analysis • Clear understanding of behavioral definitions • Staff are involved in defining behaviors • Examples and nonexamples of aggression, self injury, property destruction

  42. Crisis Planning and Evaluation • Do staff know what to do when there is a crisis? • Are there opportunities for staff to practice skills? • Are data gathered in way in which the team can evaluate what additional trainings and information are needed?

  43. Activity: PBS Kansas Self Assessment Interview • Read pages 1 and 2 (Up to the Crisis Plan Section) • Discuss how you think your team would respond to the questions on the interview form

  44. Review the First Section of the PBS Kansas Organization-wide Planning Checklist Items 12-17

  45. Data-based Decision Making First Example: School-wide Information System www.swis.org

  46. Average Incidents Per Day Per Month (Majors Only) 2005-2006 Total Office Discipline Referrals 629

  47. Average Incidents Per Day Per Month (Minors Only) 2005-2006

  48. Major Referrals By Problem Behavior

  49. Major Referrals By Location

  50. Major Referrals By Time

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