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Vocabulary – Unit 4

Vocabulary – Unit 4. Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes. Prefixes. p re- Examples: p recede, predict, preface. Prefixes. p re- Meaning: before, in front of. Prefixes. p ost- Examples p ostpone, posthumous, post-game. Prefixes. post- Meaning: after, behind. Prefixes. t ele - Examples

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Vocabulary – Unit 4

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vocabulary – Unit 4 Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes

  2. Prefixes pre- Examples: precede, predict, preface

  3. Prefixes pre- Meaning: before, in front of

  4. Prefixes post- Examples postpone, posthumous, post-game

  5. Prefixes post- Meaning: after, behind

  6. Prefixes tele- Examples telephone, telepathy, television, telegram

  7. Prefixes tele- Meaning: distant

  8. Prefixes a- / ab- / abs- Examples abstract, abduction, abstain, abnormal

  9. Prefixes a- / ab- / abs- Meaning: away, from

  10. Prefixes ad- Examples adhere, adjoin, adjacent

  11. Prefixes ad- Meaning: to or toward

  12. Prefixes im- / in- Examples imperfect, impolite, impossible, impractical, indiscreet, invisible

  13. Prefixes im- / in- Meaning: not

  14. Roots/Bases aqua- / aque- Examples aquatic, aquarium, aqueduct

  15. Roots/Bases aqua- / aque- Meaning: water

  16. Roots/Bases duc- / duct- Examples induce, deduce, seduction, conduct, abduct, produce, aqueduct

  17. Roots/Bases duc- / duct- Meaning: lead

  18. Roots/Bases fin- / finit- Examples final, definite, infinite

  19. Roots/Bases fin- / finit- Meaning: end, limit

  20. Roots/Bases magn-Example magnify, magnate, magnificent

  21. Roots/Bases magn- Meaning: large, great

  22. Roots/Bases scrib- / script- Examples manuscript, scribe, scripture, scribble, prescription

  23. Roots/Bases scrib- / script- Meaning: to write, written

  24. Roots/Bases sol- Examples solitary, solo, soliloquy, solitaire

  25. Roots/Bases sol- Meaning: alone

  26. Roots/Bases vid-/ vis- Examples video, vision

  27. Roots/Bases vid- / vis- Meaning: to see

  28. Roots/Bases voc- / voke- / voice Exaples vocal, invoke, revoke, invocation, convocation

  29. Roots/Bases voc- / voke- / voice Meaning: voice, to call

  30. Roots/Bases ami- / amic- Examples amiable, amicable, amorous

  31. Roots/Bases ami- / amic- Meaning: love

  32. Roots/Bases aud- Examples auditorium, audible, audiologist, audiotape

  33. Roots/Bases aud- Meaning: sound

  34. Roots/Bases gram- / graph- Examples telegram, graphite, biography, telegraph, geography

  35. Roots/Bases gram- / graph- Meaning: to write or draw; writing; printing

  36. Roots/Bases chron- Examples chronicle, chronology, synchronize, chronological order

  37. Roots/Bases chron- Meaning: time

  38. Roots/Bases grad- / gress- Examples graduate, progress, gradual, progression, transgression

  39. Roots/Bases grad- / gress- Meaning: to step

  40. Roots/Bases hydr(o)- Examples dehydrate, hydraulics, hydroelectric, hydroplane

  41. Roots/Bases hydr(o)- Meaning: water

  42. Roots/Bases mut- Examples mutant, mutate, mutability

  43. Roots/Bases mut- Meaning: change

  44. Roots/Bases terr(a)- Examples subterrarean, terrain, terrestrial, disinter, territorial

  45. Roots/Bases terr(a)- Meaning: earth, ground

  46. Suffixes -ate Examples Donate, vibrate, implicate

  47. Suffixes -ate Meaning: to make

  48. Suffixes -ation Examples donation, vibration, implication

  49. Suffixes -ation Meaning: the result of doing

  50. Suffixes -ify Examples justify, magnify, intensify

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