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Commercialisation Fund Programme 2011

Commercialisation Fund Programme 2011. Commercialisation Fund Programme 2011. Overview of Programme Guide for proposal preparation Overview of the proposal evaluation process.

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Commercialisation Fund Programme 2011

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  1. Commercialisation Fund Programme 2011

  2. Commercialisation Fund Programme 2011 • Overview of Programme • Guide for proposal preparation • Overview of the proposal evaluation process

  3. Programme objective: Support the development of technologies for licensing to a new commercial enterprise or industry in Ireland in 2-5 years. • Call Open: December 23rd 2010 • Call Close: NOON February 23rd 2011 • Project costs: €80K- €350K approx.

  4. Website:www.enterprise-ireland.com/commercialisation http://www.enterprise-ireland.com/en/Funding-Supports/Researcher/Funding-to-Commercialise-Research/Commercialisation-Fund.html

  5. Commercialisation Fund Programme 2010-September CallBreakdown of Proposals submitted and Proposals Funded 103 Eligible Proposals 31 Small Projects typically< €100K 72 Large Projects >€100K 11 ICT 10 IndTec 10 LS & Food 17 ICT 27 IndTec 28 LS&Food Funded Funded Funded Funded Funded Funded 2=18% 3=30% 3=30% 5=29% 6=22% 6=21% 8 Funded=26% of Small Projects 17 Funded=24% of Large Projects ICT=Information and Communication Technologies Projects IndTec= Industrial Technologies Projects LS& Food= LifeSciences and Food Projects

  6. Who can apply? • Researchers in 3rd level institutions and non-profit research performing organisations in the Republic of Ireland-colleges in Northern Ireland can be collaborators but must have their own funding • Researchers on contract can apply. If you are the project Principal Investigator, then a permanent member of staff (usually the head of department or research centre) must sign the proposal • For a researcher on contract- should your proposal be successful, the institution must agree to extend your contract to cover the project period for which you will be funded

  7. Projects that will deliver an innovative technology to meet a market need in a 2-5 year timeframe Projects that will deliver a licensable technology Projects that develop a technology that can be commercialised in Ireland Projects that will generate start-up companies in Ireland Characteristics of Successful Proposals Commercial arguments well made-”gap” or “need” for technology clearly articulated Validation of market need (consultation with Industry, customers, clinicians) Value of the market and relevant market segment for technology detailed Good exploitation strategy Patentability assessed/Good IP protection plan Competitive advantage/innovative elements clearly identified and bench-marked against current commercially available technologies Clear detailed work-plan including commercial and technical work-packages Clear validation methodology-end user trials Regulatory approval explored-provision for consultants to support this activity can be included if required Concrete quantifiable deliverables Value for money research What type of project is Enterprise Ireland looking for?

  8. Projects that do not have a clear commercial case: Technology will not be commercialisable in Ireland Technology will not be license-ready in 2-5 years Technology is not innovative with no unique differentiator from competitors No niche or sizeable market opportunity for the technology Basic or early stage investigations Low risk technical projects Characteristics of Unsuccessful proposals Poorly written and constructed No commercial case for the technology Naive or non-existent commercial arguments No exploitation strategy No concept of IP management Straightforward development only – not technologically innovative Aggregate of known technologies with “glue” added Fuzzy deliverables Budgetary padding Excessive travel budgets etc What type of project will not be funded?

  9. Project Structure Projects will be structured in stages and can have one or more stages: Small Project typically <€100K(one-stage project) Close to commercialisation and technology can be license ready in 2 years Large project typically >€100K (multi-stage project) Earlier in the commercial pipeline and more technology development required Expected to be commercialisable in a 2-5 year timeframe Each stage will have technical and commercial work-packages with quantifiable milestones, deliverables including go/no go technical and commercial deliverables: • Each stage will have an independent contract • Continuation of funding is dependent on delivery of the technical and commercial go/no go deliverables at each stage

  10. Preparing the Application: General Advice • Use the Application Form-Commercialisation Fund 2011 Proposal Application Form • Read the Guidebook- Commercialisation Fund 2011-Guidelines for Applicants and Evaluators • Consult the “Frequently asked questions” section on the Commercialisation Fund website • Seek assistance from the EI Commercialisation Specialists AT LEAST 1 MONTH BEFORE CLOSING DATE and your local TTO or equivalent office in good time • Stick to the ALLOWED LENGTHS for each section of the application • Do a final check to ensure you have followed the guidelines for submission before you post and email your application

  11. Fill in Principal Investigator and collaborator details If the collaborator is not receiving monies for the project please indicate this by using “informal” after the name Provide details of all Informal collaborators including those based in 3rd level and not based in 3rd level institutions or research performing organisations in this section Please provide details of previous project funding that is relevant for the technology development proposed in this project Provide a summary of the number of Stages in your project and the costing Indicate if you have submitted this proposal for funding to another funding programme. Enterprise Ireland assesses proposals under three technology areas. Please select the ONE area that is relevant for your proposal Please indicate if ethical approval is required for the project and the timeframe to obtaining same Name the commercialisation specialists with whom you have had detailed discussions regarding your proposal List any companies or end-users you have consulted regarding the technology which is the subject of the proposal Indicate any planned sabbaticals Indicate a proposed start date for the project (projects must start within 90 days of signing the contract) Section 1: Applicant Details

  12. Section 2: Commercial Potential and Technology Development Section 2 is critical to the Phase 1 evaluation of your proposal-You need to make a convincing commercial case for the project or your application will not progress to a technical evaluation • Read each question (Q 2.1-Q 2.9) on the application form thoroughly • Read the Guidebook pgs 8-11-Details on the information requested in each question is described • Additionally, for Q2.6 and Q2.9 websites are listed that might be helpful when preparing answers • For Q2.7 you are advised to consult with your technology transfer office to seek their guidance • You might also consider whether researchers/students in your marketing and business schools could help you in finding the information to address some of the questions in this section of the application • Read “ The Evaluation Process” section of the guidebook (pgs 19-25) and the questions the evaluators will consider. Have you made a convincing commercial case for the project?

  13. Section 3: Principal Investigator and collaborators Section 3 describes the experience and capability of the team to perform the project and their availability to undertake the project • Section 3.1: Describe the team members, their skills both technical and commercial and the role they will have in the proposed project-include a 1 page CV for each team member in the body of the application after the signature page. • Section 3.2: Describe each team members current work commitments and the planned commitment to this project Informal collaborators not based in 3rd level institutions or research performing organisations who are part of the project team should submit a letter stating their role in and support for the project. The letter should be included in the application after the signature page (they do not need to complete the commitments table) • Section 3.3: Describe the teams track record of achievement on previously funded EI projects in terms of the technical outputs achieved and their commercialisation (where applicable this will be considered by the project review panel and EI Industrial Research and Commercialisation Committee) Note: First time applicants will not be disadvantaged

  14. Section 4: Project Management Section 4 describes the detailed work-plan and the project costs • Templates for describing the work-plan are provided including: • Project Overview/summary Number of stage/s and aim of each project stage Start Date for each project stage List of the technical and commercial work-packages for each project stage List of Deliverables for each project stage List of go/no go deliverables for each stage Costs per stage • Project Stage 1 plan • Overview plan for subsequent stages of multi-stage projects • Projects should comprise a balance of commercial and technical work-packages • You must include a Gantt chart showing the timing, work-packages and tasks, interdependencies of work-packages and tasks and project milestones and deliverables • For multi-stage projects you must provide a detailed work-plan for Stage 1 and an outline plan for subsequent project stages

  15. Project Work-plan Stage 1: Using the template provided for Stage 1 describe: the aim of each of the technical and commercial work-package/s in Stage 1 the tasks/activities of each work-package details of the team members contributing to each work-package and the person-months to be spend on each task of each work-package the milestones and deliverables for the work-package the technical/commercial risks for Stage 1 The go/no go commercial and technical deliverables for Stage 1 Project Work-plan Stages 2+3: Using the template provided describe: the aim of the subsequent project stage/s an outline of work-package/s in each subsequent project stage/s an outline of contributors to work-packages of each subsequent stage the milestones and deliverables for the subsequent project stage/s the go/no go commercial and technical deliverables for the subsequent project stages Section 4: Project Management

  16. Project ManagementMilestones and deliverables Milestones and deliverables should be realistic quantifiable, stating specifically what will be achieved within the timeframe indicated. A milestone is used as a project checkpoint to validate how the project is progressing and can signify some other work that has to be completed. A deliverableis any measurable, tangible, verifiable outcome, result, or item that must be produced to complete a project or part (stage) of a project. Go/No Go Deliverable defines a critical point in the project which determines the technical and/or commercial feasibility of the project. The Go/No Go deliverables must be set to be delivered 2-3 months before the end of the project stage.

  17. Examples of typical quantifiable milestones and deliverables for Molecular Diagnostics-Real-Time PCR tests COMMERCIAL (See Guidebook page 12 for other examples) TECHNICAL:

  18. Sections 4.2/4.3: Project costs: Costs must be detailed and justified for each project stage and for each institution collaborating on a project stage Financial support for Ph.D and Masters is not eligible as a cost Typical breakdown of costs includes: Salaries-60% or greater Note: Consult your Research Office regarding the rules that apply to charging pension costs. Materials-20-25% Travel – not more than 10% Consultancy/sub-contracting-not more than 10%-requires EI approval and where possible work should be sub-contracted in Ireland Equipment: Only essential specialist equipment necessary for the project will be considered. Ineligible costs include but not limited to: Advertising Recruitment costs, Interview expenses Student fees Redundancy costs Relocation costs Subsistence payments to visiting personnel who are not on the payroll of the institute Protection of Intellectual property rights Cost of courses (unless relates directly to the project) Membership fees (unless relates directly to the project) Subscription costs (unless relates directly to the project) General stationary Company start-up costs Indirect costs such as bench fees & flat rate charges Preparing the Application: Section 4: Project Management

  19. Section 5: Signatures and Verification The following signatures are required on the application form: All original signatures required and all on the signature page of the application form • Principal Investigator of the host and collaborating institutions-if the PI is a contract researcher then a permanent member of staff (head of department, head of research centre) must sign the application • Informal collaborators based in 3rd level institutions and research performing organisations • Vice President of Research or equivalent authorised signatory from the host and collaborating institutions • Director of Technology Transfer or equivalent in the host and collaborating institutions. The TTO should also stamp the application Note: Informal collaborators not based in 3rd level institutions or research performing organisations do not need to sign the application but must include a letter in the body of the application after the signature page stating their role in and support for the project

  20. Submitting your application Closing date for receipt of applications is NOON on February 23rd Make sure you post it on time! By Post: • Send 1 original with all signatures from the host and collaborating institutions and 2 copies to Majella Maher, Commercialisation Manager, Enterprise Ireland, East Point Business Park, The Plaza, Dublin 3. By Email to commercialisation.fund@enterprise-ireland.com • Electronic copy of a the application ina single file (pdf max size 5 MB)and named using the following nomenclature: First Letter First name, First Letter surname of PI-CF Spring 2011-Technology Area- First Letter First name, Full surname.doc e.g. MM-CF Spring 2011-LifeSciences-MMaher.doc

  21. Overview of Evaluation and Selection Process-Phase 1 Proposal evaluation will be performed in 2 Phases-Phase 1 and Phase 2: You must be successful in Phase 1 to go to a Phase 2 evaluation • Phase 1 –Internal Expert Evaluation of all projects-Commercial case is critical. • The following criteria will be evaluated using the evidence you provide: • Commercial Opportunity-market size and validation of need • Economic Impact- route to exploitation in Ireland • Technology Innovation-Innovation and team calibre to deliver • You must achieve an acceptable rating for all 3 criteria to progress to a Phase 2 evaluation • Evaluator may contact PI during Phase 1 evaluation if clarification on the application is required • Proposals will go to external moderators for review to ensure consistency of reviews

  22. Overview of Evaluation and Selection Process-Phase 2 • Evaluation of the technical work-plan, costing and project team and resources in the context of the commercial case for the project • Small projects (typically <€100K) will be reviewed by internal experts • Large projects (typically >€100K) will be reviewed by external experts • Panels of internal and external experts will review and rank proposals • PIs of large projects that are presented to the external panel for review and ranking may be contacted to clarify questions that arise at the panel meeting • Proposals will be presented to the Enterprise Ireland Industrial Research and Commercialisation Committee for decision (IRCC) • Feedback will be provided to all applicants on their proposal after the IRCC meeting

  23. Applications Received Eligibility check Small Projects(<€100K) Phase 1 Evaluation-Internal Panel Commercial case Technology Innovation Unsuccessful projects Phase 2 Evaluation-Internal Panel Project Team Project Management Project costs External Moderators Industrial Research and Commercialisation Committee

  24. Applications Received Eligibility check Large Projects(>€100K) Phase 1 Evaluation-Internal Panel Commercial case Technology Innovation Unsuccessful projects Phase 2 Evaluation- External Experts Commercial case Technology Innovation Project Management Project costs External Moderators External Panel (PI Interview) Industrial Research and Commercialisation Committee

  25. Do a final check to ensure you have followed the guidelines for submission before you post and email your application Good Luck!

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