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Bell Ringer

Learn about the end of World War I, the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles, and its impact on global peace and stability. Understand the significance of Wilson's Fourteen Points and the challenges faced during the negotiations.

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Bell Ringer

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  1. Bell Ringer • Germany’s policy of ___________ ___________ ____________ led to the sinking of the Lusitania. • What did Vladimir Lenin promise the Russian people? • What country did Russia become?

  2. The End of World War I “The war to end all wars”

  3. Today in class… We will… Explain the end of WWI and the provisions and impact sof the Treaty of Versailles. You will be able to… Language Social Studies • Define: Armistice, Mandate, Reparation, Self-determination, League of Nations • Describe how the War ended without a clear-cut, knockout blow by either side. • Recognize Wilson’s 14 Points and explain their importance. • Explain the major provisions of the Treaty of Versailles and judge its fairness and effectiveness. NEXT TIME/SOON: Complete unit vocabulary and all HW assignments

  4. Looking ahead …. • Mon-Tues next week will be a review day! However…. if we have a snow day, then you will have the Imperialism, WWI, Russian Revolution test the next time we see each other! You will be able to use your study guide on the test!

  5. Armistice • Agreement to stop fighting

  6. Mandate • Land that was surrendered by Germany and Turkey that was put under the control of another country and watched over by the League of Nations

  7. Reparations • When a country that loses a war pays money or materials to the countries that won the war

  8. Self-determination • People should be free to decide what form of government they want to have

  9. League of Nations • International organization started after WWI with the goal of keeping world peace

  10. Central Powers Crumble • July 1918: Allies and Germans clashed in the Second Battle of the Marne on the Western Front. • Allies had 350 tanks, 2 million Americans steadily advanced to Germany

  11. Central Powers Crumble • Bulgaria surrenders • Ottoman Turks surrender • Revolution in Austria-Hungary What two empires are coming to an end?

  12. Germany • Soldiersmutiny and the public turned on the Kaiser • Kaiser Wilhelm II was forced to step down. • Germany was declared a republic.

  13. Armistice • Armistice was signed in a railway car in a forest near Paris. • On November 11, 1918: World War I came to an end.

  14. Armistice Day is marked every year in Europe on the "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month" by two minutes of silence.

  15. Wilson’s Fourteen Points • U.S. President Woodrow Wilson came up with a peaceplan that he believed would bring stability to Europe. • Known as the “Fourteen Points”

  16. Think/Pair/Share • Read through SOME of Wilson’s 14 Points. • Below each point, write how it directly relates to the MAIN causes of WWI.

  17. 1) Open covenants of peace, openly arrived at, after which there shall be no private international understanding of any kind but diplomacy shall proceed always frankly and in the public view. 2) Absolute freedom of navigation upon the seas, outside territorial waters, alike in peace and in war, except as the seas may be closed in whole or in part by international action for the enforcement of international covenants. 4) Adequate guarantees given and taken that national armaments (weapons) will be reduced to the lowest point consistent with domestic safety.

  18. 7) Belgium, the whole world will agree, must be evacuated and restored, without any attempt to limit the sovereignty which she enjoys in common with all other free nations. No other single act will serve as this will serve to restore confidence among the nations in the laws which they have themselves set and determined for the government of their relations with one another. Without this healing act the whole structure and validity of international law is forever impaired. 8) All French territory should be freed and the invaded portions restored, and the wrong done to France by Prussia in 1871 in the matter of Alsace-Lorraine, which has unsettled the peace of the world for nearly fifty years, should be righted, in order that peace may once more be made secure in the interest of all.

  19. 14) A general association of nations must be formed under specific covenants for the purpose of affording mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike....

  20. Germany expected a treaty based on these 14 points. However, the French thought the plan was too easy Germany. The Germans were not invited to Paris to negotiate the Treaty of Versailles. Germany had no say in the making of the peace treaty. Although Germany complained about the harshness of the Treaty of Versailles, in the end Germany had no choice but to sign the document.

  21. Treaty of Versailles • Meeting: Paris Peace Conference • Treaty: Treaty of Versailles • Attendants: Woodrow Wilson (U.S.),Georges Clemenceau (France),Lloyd George (Great Britain),Premier Orlando (Italy) • When: January 1919

  22. The Big Four After Signing Paris, 1919 Which country is not a member of the Big Four?

  23. YouTube - Make Germany Pay - The Big 3 • 4 min.

  24. Treaty of Versailles • Skit and Questions

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