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Jeopardy. Pronunciación – 10 puntos. Divide the following word into syllables and underline the accented syllable. Then, listen to the word being pronounced. Finally, indicate whether the word needs an accent mark. noventon. No / ven / tón. Pronunciación – 20 puntos.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy

  2. Pronunciación– 10 puntos Divide the following word into syllables and underline the accented syllable. Then, listen to the word being pronounced. Finally, indicate whether the word needs an accent mark. noventon No / ven / tón

  3. Pronunciación– 20 puntos Divide the following word into syllables and underline the accented syllable. Then, listen to the word being pronounced. Finally, indicate whether the word needs an accent mark. estenotipia e / ste / no / ti / pia

  4. Pronunciación– 30 puntos Divide the following word into syllables and underline the accented syllable. Then, listen to the word being pronounced. Finally, indicate whether the word needs an accent mark. polea Po / le/ a

  5. Pronunciación– 40 puntos Divide the following word into syllables and underline the accented syllable. Then, listen to the word being pronounced. Finally, indicate whether the word needs an accent mark. sanscrito Sán / scri / to

  6. Pronunciación– 50 puntos Divide the following words into syllables and underline their accented syllables. Finally, pronounce each word. mandriladora jurisprudencia Man / dri / la / do / ra Ju / ri / spru / den / cia

  7. Días, Meses, Estaciones– 10 puntos How do you say “weekend” in Spanish? Fin de semana.

  8. Días, Meses, Estaciones– 20 puntos Which months form part of the winter in the US? Diciembre, enero, febrero.

  9. Días, Meses, Estaciones– 30 puntos What days begin with “M” in Spanish? Martes y miércoles.

  10. Días, Meses, Estaciones– 40 puntos What seasons are the mildest? Otoño y primavera.

  11. Días, Meses, Estaciones– 50 puntos What are the months that begin with “A” and “J”? Abril y agosto. Junio y julio.

  12. Concordancia– 10 puntos How do you say “My friends are “nice”, “extroverted”, and “intelligent”? Mis amigos son simpáticos, extrovertidos e inteligentes.

  13. Concordancia– 20 puntos How do you say “My computer is small.” in Spanish? Mi computadoraespequeña.

  14. Concordancia– 30 puntos How do you say “Mexico City is very big.” in Spanish? La Ciudad de México esmuygrande.

  15. Concordancia– 40 puntos How do you say “My mother and I are timid.” in Spanish? Mi mamá y yosomostímido/as.

  16. Concordancia– 50 puntos How do you say “The backpacks are big.” in Spanish? Las mochilas son grandes.

  17. Vocabulario– 10 puntos How do you say “open your book and read page 5” in Spanish? Abretulibro y lee página 5.

  18. Vocabulario– 20 puntos How do you say “It’s a pleasure to meet you” three ways in Spanish? Un gusto. Encantado/a. Igualmente.

  19. Vocabulario– 30 puntos How do you say “light brown”, “brown”, and “dark brown” in Spanish? Café, marrón, pardo.

  20. Vocabulario– 40 puntos How do you say “clock” and “blackboard” in Spanish? Reloj y pizarra.

  21. Vocabulario– 50 puntos How do you say “lazy” and “ugly” in Spanish? Perezoso y feo.

  22. Verbos– 10 puntos How do you say “I am” in Spanish using the ver SER? Soy

  23. Verbos– 20 puntos How do you say “we are” in Spanish using the ver SER? Somos

  24. Verbos– 30 puntos What are the three types of answers for “¿Eres de España?”? Sí, soy español. No, no soy español. No, soy estadounidense.

  25. Verbos– 40 puntos How do you say “I need” and “I have” in Spanish? Necesito. Tengo.

  26. Verbos– 50 puntos What verb means “there is” or “there are” in Spanish? Hay

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