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Evolution Continued: Evidence & Other Concepts

Evolution Continued: Evidence & Other Concepts.

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Evolution Continued: Evidence & Other Concepts

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  1. Evolution Continued: Evidence & Other Concepts Paleontologists have long thought that Archaeopteryx fossils, including this one discovered in Germany, placed the dinosaur at the base of the bird evolutionary tree; evidence suggests the beast may have been a birdlike dinosaur.CREDIT: Humboldt Museum fürNaturkunde Berlin

  2. Summary color is orange; vocabulary is underlined. • Hyperlinks are in green; they will take to you videos and animations. Unit #12 Evolution Continued http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zkeALNoUN-A/T_Kt0nx-8-I/AAAAAAAAAWo/udwwi2Zs5UI/s1600/Evolution__Biologia_UEPB_by_resenhista.jpg

  3. Today, most of the evidence for evolution is grouped into these main categories: • Fossil Record • Biogeography • Homologies • Anatomy • Embryology • Molecular • Observable Events http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Equine_evolution.jpg The Evidence of Evolution Use the information on the following slides to complete your “Matching Notes” student sheet.

  4. Most fossils are found in layered sedimentary rock • Older fossils = lowest layers • Comparing fossils from different layers shows: • Life on Earth has changed • Increased biodiversity 1 - FOSSIL RECORDWatch “Fossils As Evidence for Evolution” Textbook Reference pg. 399-400

  5. Paleontology – study of fossils • Types of Fossils: • Remains: EX bone, tooth, or shell • Traces: EX burrow, footprint, or imprint Dinosaur fossil searcher Ray Stanford discovered a large fossil of a Nodosaur just a few feet from this spot. Tracy A. Woodward / THE WASHINGTON POST Fossils Cont. http://www.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_606w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2012/08/17/Local/Images/NASADino6_1345234800.jpg

  6. Beaver Muskrat Beaver andMuskrat Coypu Capybara Coypu andCapybara • Biogeography: the geographic distribution of organisms • organisms living widely apart (even different continents),may be similar because they share a common ancestor 2 – BiogeographyWatch “Biogeography As Evidence for Evolution”

  7. 3 - Homologies: AnatomyWatch “Anatomical Development and Homologies as Evidence for Evolution” Textbook Reference pg. 400-402

  8. Homologous structures: w/ similar structure, but different function show an evolutionary relationship • EX limbs of vertebrates (turtle, alligator vs. mammal) http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-0rVjJQ9_gsQ/TtoEjKxfZ1I/AAAAAAAAA2Y/5XV9AmEwOlE/s1600/Pentadactyl.JPG Anatomy Cont.

  9. Show an organism’s evolutionary past • Ancestral species would have similar structures that are still functioning • EX human tailbone, appendix, whale femur/pelvis • Vestigial structures: reduced in size, are nonfunctioning remnants of similar structures in ancestral species http://www.kirksville.k12.mo.us/khs/teacher_web/alternative/whale-vestigial-structure.jpg Anatomy Cont.

  10. Can you spot the vestigial limbs? (Photo Credit: Marc Mythos)

  11. Embryos of different species may appear similar in early stages of development • Can show developmental relationships http://www.evolutionnews.org/Mader_2010.jpg 4 - Homologies: Developmental (Embryology) Textbook Reference pg. 402

  12. Hox genes:found in animals, determine the pattern of the body during development • Control transcriptionfactors • Can show genetic relationships 4 - Homologies: Developmental (Homeobox/Hox Genes)

  13. The genetic code [GCAT] is the same in all organisms • Triplets (or codons) of DNA bases code for specific amino acids to build proteins http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/1993/illpres/protmol-aminoacid-v4.gif 5 – Homologies: Biochemistry Textbook Reference pg. 402-403

  14. Sequenceof amino acids in a particular protein is compared between organisms • AA Sequencing is probably the strongestevidence for relationships among organisms • Cladogram: diagram that shows the evolutionary relationship among a group of organisms. http://www.bio.miami.edu/dana/pix/hemoglobincomparison.jpg Biochemistry Cont.

  15. Some changes in species have been observed and studied inrecent times • Observable events show that evolution is an ongoing process Observable Events

  16. Species: a group of organisms that breed with one another and produce fertile offspring • Speciation: the formation of a new species as a result of evolutionary change caused by certain isolating mechanisms • Isolating Mechanism Animation Speciation Textbook Reference pg. 409 http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evosite/evo101/VBDefiningSpeciation.shtml

  17. Two populations become reproductively isolated from each other • Members cannot interbreed because of genetic material is too different Spotted owl subspecies living in different geographic locations show some genetic and morphological differences. Isolating Mechanism: Reproductive IsolationTextbook Reference pg. 410

  18. Photo Credit, Mike Eggett • Two populations are capable of interbreeding, but have differences in courtship rituals, etc that involve behavior. • EX two different species of cricket that would be indistinguishable unless you heard their mating songs, a noticeably different pitch  Isolating Mechanism: Behavioral Isolation

  19. Two populations are separated by geographic barriers • EX rivers, mountains, or bodies of water http://biology-forums.com/gallery/33_14_07_11_6_00_25.jpeg Isolating Mechanism: Geographic Isolation

  20. Two species reproduce at different times. Photo Credit, Christian Ziegler Populations may mate or flower at different seasons or different times of day. Three tropical orchid species of the genus Dendrobium each flower for a single day; the flowers open at dawn and wither by nightfall.  Britannica Isolation Mechanism: Temporal Isolation

  21. Do a population’s genes (or gene pool) change over time? Yes! • % of an allele in a gene pool= allelic frequency • Genetic equilibrium: frequency of alleles remains the same • A population in equilibrium is NOT evolving • Influenced by • environment, mutations • Genetic drift Genetic Equilibrium

  22. Adaptive radiation: type of divergent evolution; ancestral species evolve into an array of species to fit diverse habitats • EX Galápagos Finches http://media-1.web.britannica.com/eb-media/11/54911-004-B661673C.jpg Types of Evolution: Divergent Evolution Textbook Reference pg. 412-13

  23. True or False? The shark and the dolphin are closely related? http://matthewbonnan.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/convergent-evolution.jpg

  24. Convergent evolution: when unrelated species occupy similar environments, evolving similar traits, but are NOT closely related • Convergent evolution results in analogous structures • EX Bat wing vs. butterfly wing http://bio3vo.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/analogous-structures.jpg Types of Evolution: Convergent Evolution

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