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FAO – Somalia Water & Land Information Management (SWALIM) Workshop

FAO – Somalia Water & Land Information Management (SWALIM) Workshop. Institutional Partnership and Challenges in Data Acquisition and Distribution of Remotely Sensed Data for Environmental Change Monitoring in the Horn of Africa

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FAO – Somalia Water & Land Information Management (SWALIM) Workshop

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  1. FAO – Somalia Water & Land Information Management (SWALIM) Workshop Institutional Partnership and Challenges in Data Acquisition and Distribution of Remotely Sensed Data for Environmental Change Monitoring in the Horn of Africa Anthony MWANGUDZA, Juma MWINGA,Marco CASTRONUOVO, Michael NGULI, David KIRUGARA, Jane NDUNGU, and Byron ANANGWE

  2. Introduction Initiatives and Development Satellite Data-potential in Marine, Drought Monitoring and Forecasting Contribtution to Oceanographic investigation in WIO Future Developments Conclusion and recommendations Contents

  3. Broglio Space Centre – The Satellite Acquisition Facility The satellite data acquisition facility was started in 1997 at Malindi in Kenya by ASI & Kenya Government. The whole establishment is popularly referred to as San Marco Project. It is the only station in Africa, and located on the equatorial zone and is ideal for launching satellites into an equatorial orbit. The Remote sensing facility acquires ERS2 SAR images, but also include AVHRR sensor on NOAA satellite series, SeaWiFS sensor on SeaStar satellite, and MODIS data on board Terra and Aqua. In 2003, the Italian Government transferred the responsibility of managing the Centre to the Italian Space Agency, previously under the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’. Introduction

  4. The Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI) is a State Corporation in the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development of the Government of Kenya established by an Act of Parliament in 1979 It is mandated to conduct aquatic research covering all the Kenyan waters and the corresponding riparian areas including the Kenyan's EEZ in the Indian Ocean waters.

  5. Vision: To be a centre of excellence in aquatic research and promotion of sustainable utilization of marine and freshwater resources. Mission: To contribute to the management and sustainable exploitation of aquatic resources and thus alleviate poverty, enhance employment creation and food security through multidisciplinary and collaborative research in both marine and fresh-water aquatic systems.

  6. The RCSSMRS now renamed RCMRD was established in Nairobi in Kenya in 1975 under the auspices of United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. It is an Inter-governmental Organization. Contracting Non-Contracting Member States

  7. ORIGINAL OBJECTIVES • To provide services in the fields of surveying, mapping, remote sensing, calibration and maintenance of surveying and mapping equipment. • To provide training for nationals of contracting parties in surveying, mapping and remote sensing • To provide advisory services relating to Surveying and Mapping. Current Mission Mapping for Sustainable Development

  8. Present Activities at RCMRD • Commissioning of the first Africa Reference Framework (AFREF) Continuous (GNSS/GPS) Reference Station (CORS) at RCMRD with support from Leica Geosystems. Data is available from RCMRD and IGA websites • Commissioning of a MERIS Platform (Satellite Receiving Station) with support from ESA within the framework of Global Monitoring for Food Security (GMFS). Later to be upgraded to receive MODIS and AVHRR data • Increased linkages with international partners such as Italian Space Agency and Canadian Space Agency with a view of broadening capacity building initiatives, research and product diversity • Promoting scientific awareness in emerging geomatic trends particularly using active sensor technologies

  9. Initiatives and Development Hosting of training courses at the BSC with participants from local universities and governmental institutions on how to set and manage a satellite acquisition ground station including manipulation, interpretation, archiving and distribution of satellite imagery. Cooperative ventures first established with KMFRI, then others, since large amounts of data useful for marine applications, land use, drought, climate and weather forecasting and assessment are available at the BSC In 2006, a team from the Italian Space Agency met with Meteorology Department (UoN), ICPAC , DRSRS, KMD and RCMRD to partner on the way forward in identifying suitable and appropriate satellite data to be acquired at BSC with direct and immediate applications for the regional community. These institutions could act as hubs for all data generated from BSC for archival and distribution.

  10. PROJECT AIM To set up the infrastructure for the development of a satellite-based fishery forecasting system for the entire Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region, specifically for Tuna and tuna like species. A combination of sea-surface temperature with ocean colour data can greatly improve high periodic potential fishing zone maps. Such parameters may also be utilised to map and monitor Ocean hot spots. For the future a regular production of the information will be implemented by BSC for use and dissemination by KMFRI with inputs from KMD. Satellite Data Potential in Marine and Drought Monitoring & Forecasting. Western Indian Ocean Satellite Application Project (WIOSAP) KMFRI, BSC & KMD

  11. Determination of the Extent of the Lake Victoria Water Hyacinth Coverage KMFRI & BSC The Figure shows the extent of the weed on the Kenya part of the lake towards the end of 1999. Satellite Data Potential in Marine and Drought Monitoring & Forecasting.

  12. In Jan-Feb of 2002, a red tide bloom accompanied by a high fish death rate appeared along Kenya-Somalia coast which was easily detected through increased Chl.a content exhibited by SeaWiFS data. The slide shows the location of this phenomena especially along the Somalia coast. Also shown are aerosol exponential values derived from a different SeaWiFS image. Satellite Data Potential in Marine and Drought Monitoring & Forecasting

  13. Change detection analysis has also been performed to determine the intrusion of man’s activities on Mombasa and its environs based on Landsat TM images. From the figure below it is evident that Mombasa Island has suffered severe vegetation degradation between 1986 to 1995. Availability of such data and methodology has been extended for desertification identification and spread around Maralal in northern Kenya. Satellite Data Potential in Marine and Drought Monitoring & Forecasting 1995 1986

  14. A number of KMFRI, KMD, UoN and other institution personnel have undergone training at the BSC. KMFRI has organised a tailor made course on satellite applications specifically for the WIO region community. Advanced training in Ocean remote sensing, particularly on satellite imagery analysis for SeaWiFS, MODIS and AVHRR and MERIS required by users will be organised by ASI also in the near future. Contributing to Oceanographic Investigation in WIO.

  15. Future joint activities of BSC, KMFRI and other partnering institutions will include the implementation of an Early Warning System for oil spill detection in the WIO region based on ERS-2 SAR images and the soon to be launched COSMOS Sky-Med satellite constellation. More useful information on Ocean parameters could be derived from MERIS and other sensors onboard of ENVISAT satellite, managed by ESA, which the Italian Space Agency has cordial working relationship. Contributing to Oceanographic investigation in WIO.

  16. COSMO-SkyMed is a RS dual system constellation of 4 identical SAR Satellites (X band) in low earth orbit. It is funded by the Italian Government, and it is anticipated that once launched, BSC-Malindi will be involved in support and data acquisition. (The first was launched on Friday last week) The Italian Space Agency Balloon Project to be launched, is initially a one year project to be carried out at the BSC, Malindi, starting in the near future. The study will assess which type of stratospheric balloon flights are to be carried out from Malindi, an opportune location for equatorial wind circulation studies. Main fields of future development will be the establishment of a regional remote sensing centre, and will be one of the most promising facilities with great impact for Kenya’s development and its position in the region. The involvement of Italian Universities will also guarantee adequate training and study cycles, in order to offer a platform to develop Theses and undertake post graduate studies. Future Developments.

  17. Organisations within the region such as KMFRI & RCMRD are invited to partner in joint projects with ASI The availability of such a facility in the region does encourage the community to take interest in what space technology and research and its application offer to a country’s or regional development agenda. As much as data acquired at the facility are available free of charge to the Kenyan research community and relevant governmental institutions, it is imperative that rigorous hands on training is made available on handling the necessary equipment and learn the satellite data processing techniques and keep abreast of the current practices in space applications. Institutions with better spatial data distribution networks are in particular encouraged to source and fill in any data gaps in their existing inventories, through, or in partnership with the BSC remote sensing facility. Conclusion and Recommendations

  18. Thank You Ahsanteni ! ! ! http://www.asi.it REGIONAL CENTRE FOR MAPPING OF RESOURCES FOR DEVELOPMENT http://www.rcmrd.org remotesensing@rcmrd.org KENYA MARINE & FISHERIES RESEARCH INSTITUTE http://www.kmfri.co.ke

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