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Teacher Leadership seminar Session 1

Teacher Leadership seminar Session 1. By: Carrie Pilant Presented at Imogene Gideon Elementary Thursday, October 7, 2010. Leadership defined – Yukl (2010).

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Teacher Leadership seminar Session 1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Teacher Leadership seminarSession 1 By: Carrie Pilant Presented at Imogene Gideon Elementary Thursday, October 7, 2010

  2. Leadership defined – Yukl (2010) • “Leadership is the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and how to do it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives” (p. 8).

  3. Leadership defined – Blankstein (2004) • Effective school leaders are able to collaboratively create and sustain changes that continually enhance student achievement. They display the following characteristics: • Creating a culture where failure is not an option (FNO) • Work collectively with staff to bring about mission of achievement for all students • Long-term view of sustainability so that internal capacity will continue to thrive. • (p. 194-195)

  4. Comparison of Yukl and Blankstein Yukl (2010) • influencing • understand • agree • facilitating • collective • shared Blankstein (2004) • effective • collaboratively • achievement • culture • collectively • mission • sustainability • thrive

  5. A Leader is…

  6. The essence of effective leadership • Help interpret the meaning of events. • Create alignment on objectives and strategies. • Build task commitment and optimism. • Build mutual trust and cooperation. • Strengthen collective identify. • Organize and coordinate activities. • Encourage and facilitate collective learning. • Obtain necessary resources and support. • Develop and empower people. • Promote social justice and morality. (Yukl, 2010, p. 522-523)

  7. Leadership is…

  8. Leadership Quality Effective Communication

  9. Principle-centered leadership (covey, 1991) • “Effective communication requires skills, and skill development takes practice” (p. 113). • Leader’s responsibility for open communication • Communication – prerequisite for problem solving • Should be defined as mutual understanding

  10. Principle-centered leadership (covey, 1991) • High trust = Easy communication • Low trust = Difficult communication • “Communications systems will function more effectively if they are organized around a shared vision and mission” (p.186).

  11. Practice Positive Communication: • Foster team spirit • Breed Optimism • Promote resilience • Renew Faith and Confidence • (p. 147). The Leadership Challenge

  12. Despite Obstacles: • Remain positive • Stay enthusiastic • People follow a leader with a “Can-Do” attitude. The Leadership Challenge

  13. Promote external & internal communication • Unless external communication is encouraged, people interact with outsiders less & less frequently & new ideas are cut off. • Maintain open line of communication with parents & community leaders. • Positive e-mails about students are encouraged. • Face to face meetings are essential, even with all the electronic communication.

  14. Communication between home & school should be regular, two-way, and meaningful. Failure is not an option

  15. FNO suggests these practices: • Variety of communication tools • Establish opportunities for parents to share information about their child • Provide clear expectations • Mailing report cards and regular progress reports

  16. FNO suggests these practices (cont.): • Distribute information on school reforms, policies, disciplinary procedures, assessment tools, and school goals • Include parents in any related decision-making • Conducting conferences with parents at least twice a year, with follow ups as needed. • Providing staff development re: effective communication

  17. FNO suggests these practices (cont.): • Encouraging immediate contact between parents and teachers when concern arise • Distributing student work for parental comment and review on a regular basis • Translating communication to assist non-English-speaking parents

  18. FNO suggests these practices (cont.): • Communicating with parents regarding positive student behavior and achievement • Providing opportunities for parents to communicate with principals & other admin staff • Promoting informal activities at which parents, staff, and community members can interact

  19. Who feels like this?

  20. Wrap up • A peek at the handouts • Discuss ways of how we can aid in helping others become stronger leaders on campus • Question/ Answer time • Thank you for your time!!

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