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Learning and Problem-solving

Learning and Problem-solving. 김홍선 박준규 이영. Learning and Problem-solving. 은 무엇인가 ? 은 어떤 차이가 있는가 ?. Technology as an Occasion for Structuring: Evidence from Observations of CT Scanners and the Social Order of Radiology Departments. Stephen R. Barley. Sturcture 에 관한 두 가지 다른 정의.

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Learning and Problem-solving

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Learning and Problem-solving 김홍선박준규이영

  2. Learning and Problem-solving 은 무엇인가? 은 어떤 차이가 있는가?

  3. Technology as an Occasion for Structuring: Evidence from Observations of CT Scanners and the Social Order of Radiology Departments Stephen R. Barley

  4. Sturcture에 관한 두 가지 다른 정의 • Abstract, formal relations • Patterned action, interaction, behavior and cognition

  5. Suburban’s Phase 1:Negotiation of Discretion ->CT 도입, 초보 rad, tech • Unsought validation • Anticipatory questioning • Preference stating

  6. Suburban’s Phase 2:UsurpingAutonomy ->순환 근무 • Clandestine teaching • Role reversals • Blaming the technologist

  7. Urban’s Phase 1:Negotiating Dependence ->주도적인 rad, 초보 tec • Direction giving • Countermand • Usurping the controls • Direction seeking

  8. Urban’s Phase 2 and 3:Constructing and Ensuring ineptitude ->Tec의 발전 위한 근무 방법 변경 Unexpected criticisms Accusatory questions

  9. Urban’s Phase 4:Toward Independence ->보직 변경 • Technical consultation • Mutual execution

  10. 절대적 진리(Absolute truth) VS 상대적 진리(Relative truth)

  11. Organizational Learning and Communities-of-Practice: Toward a Unified View of Working, Learning, and Innovation John Seely Brown and Paul Duguid

  12. 이론 VS 현실 Q. 직장에 다니면서 동시에 학교에서 이론을 공부하는 이유는?

  13. 1. Working • Canonical Practice • Noncanonical Practice • Central Features of Work Practice • Narration • Collaboration • Social Construction

  14. 2. Learning • Transfer models • LPP(Legitimate Peripheral Participation) • Groups and Communities • Fostering Learning

  15. 3. Innovating • Discovering organization • Enacting organization

  16. Questions • 현실적으로 가능한지? • 실제 업무 환경은 굉장히 분업화 되어있고, 매뉴얼이 잘 되어 있는 일이 많아 교육이 가능하지 않을까? • 순환 보직과 같은 제도에 대한 생각

  17. Learning-before-doing in the development of new process technology Gary P. Pisano

  18. 이론-canonical-Learning before doing? 현실-noncanonical-Learning by doing?

  19. β5(생명공학에서 개발비용에 기술이전 시기의 효과)는 양(+)의 값을 가질 것으로 예상되며, 이는 생물공학 산업에서는 learning by doing 전략의 효용성이 있음을 의미함 • β6가 음(-)의 값을 나타낸다면 화학산업에서의 learning-by-doing 전략의 효용성은 • 거의 없음 의미함

  20. Thin knowledge? Deep knowledge?

  21. “Sticky Information” and the Locus of Problem Solving:Implications for Innovation Eric von Hippel

  22. Stickiness = cost of transfer ? Learning process도 Sticky information이라 할 수 있을까?

  23. StickyInformation and the Locus of Innovation-related Problem Solving

  24. Sticky Information and “Iteration”

  25. Sticky Information and “Task Partitioning”

  26. Sticky Information and Investing in “Unsticking” Information • On line • 전문가 시스템 Q.산업화의 많은 부분이 “Unsticking”의 과정은 아니었을까? Ex) 분업화, MIS 도입 등

  27. Questions • Stickiness를 기업의 경쟁력으로 가지고 있을 경우의 장점과 위험 요소는? • Unsticking을 지나치게 시도하다 보면 solving의 패턴이획일화 되고 이는 경직된 기업 문화를 불러일으키지 않을까? Ex)Urban tec

  28. Modes of experimentation:an innovation process-and competitive-variable Stefan Thomke, Eric von Hippel, Roland Franke

  29. Trial-and-error problem solving process • Strategies for experimentation

  30. Rapid advances being made in problem-solving methods can have on the competitive position of adopting firms

  31. New drug discovery methods

  32. Rational drug design

  33. Combinatorial chemistry

  34. Questions • Experiments는예측 할 수 있는 Alternatives 에 대한 PS방법 이것이 Innovation에도 적용될 수 있을까? • Innovation과 learning, Problem solving대하여

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