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Chapter 3 Operational Amplifiers 3A Properties of operational Amplifiers

Chapter 3 Operational Amplifiers 3A Properties of operational Amplifiers OP Amp. ; a class of amplifiers having the following properties : (1) Large open-loop gains(104 to 106) (2) High input impedance (1~106MΩ) (3) Low output impedance(10~100Ω)

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Chapter 3 Operational Amplifiers 3A Properties of operational Amplifiers

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  1. Chapter 3 Operational Amplifiers 3A Properties of operational Amplifiers OP Amp. ; a class of amplifiers having the following properties : (1) Large open-loop gains(104 to 106) (2) High input impedance (1~106MΩ) (3) Low output impedance(10~100Ω) (4) Essentially zero output for zero input offset voltage is the input voltage required to produce a zero output potential. -They are employed to perform such mathematical operations as summing, multiplying, differentiating and integrating.

  2. 3A-1 Symbols for OP Amp. Equivalent circuit: Equivalence circuit of Op Amp.

  3. Symbols for OP amps.

  4. Circuit design of a typical OP Amps.

  5. ☆ Negative feedback 주로 이용 Non inverting terminal (+), inverting terminal (-) ① If "-" terminal of a rectifier is connected to the minus (or invertiry terminal), the output of the amp. is positive. if it converts, a negative output result. ② An ac signal input into the inverting terminal yields an output that is 180 deg. out of phase. ③ Ground connection; The ground provides a common return for all currents to their sources. ... all voltages in the circuit are with reference to the common ground.

  6. 3B Operational Amplifier Circuits 3B-1 Comparators Under ideal conditions, the output of the amplifier is determined entirely by the nature of the network and it components.

  7. 3B-2 The Voltage Follower Voltage Follower

  8. 3B-3 Current Follower Circuits Operational amplifier current follower

  9. 3B-4 Frequency Response of a Negative Feedback Circuit. 1)The gain of Op Amp. decreases rapidly in response to high frequency input signal. 2)Having external negative feedback , The Op Amp has a constant gain (dc~105Hz)

  10. ①A gain of approx. unit. ②Output potential is the same as the input (106MΩ or more impedance when FET are employed) (output impedance < 1Ω) ** large output current.

  11. 3C Amplification & measurement of transducer signals. Concentration-dependent, include current, potential & resistance. 1) Current Measurement : small current measuring ex) Voltammetry, coulometry, photometry, and gas chromatography. * Internal resistance of the measuring device be minimized negative feedback circuit 에서 Ri를 deleting,

  12. Fig. 3-10 Application of OP AMP to the measurement of small photo current Ix

  13. Ix = If + Is = If Point S is at virtual ground so that the potential Vo corresponds to the potential drop across the resistor Rf. From ohm's law, Vo = -IfRf = -IxRf and Ix = -Vo/Rf = kVo If Rf is reasonably large, the accuracy measurement of small currents is feasible. ex) Rf =100kΩ, 1uA result in a potential of 0.1V.

  14. 3C-2 Voltage Measurements ex) transducer: temp. and the concentration of ions in soln. thermocouple, ion selective electrode ☆ very high Z voltage -meas . device ⇒ (feedback circuit) +(the voltage - follower circuit) ⇒ 1012Ω ☆ Electrometer ; 100MΩ 이상의 저항을 갖는 amplifier. Fig. 3-11 A high impedance circuit for voltage amplification

  15. 3C-3 Resistance or Conductance Measurements ex) Thermistors, bolometer

  16. 3C-4 Difference Amplifiers ⇒To compare a signal generated by an analyte to a reference signal. Fig. 3-13 An difference amp. measuring the output voltage of a pair of thermocouple.

  17. 3D Application of Op Amp. to V & I Control 3D-1 Constant -Voltage Source : I 에 의한 V 의 alteration 이 최소 되도록. → Potentiostat Reference source : Weston Standard cell

  18. Fig. 3-14 Constant voltage sources

  19. 3D-2 Constant-Current Sources 1) OP Amp 의 power sources 에 의한 전류 (not Vs) 2) Constant current sources ⇒ amperostat. * The non inverting booster amp. develops relatively large currents in the cell. Fig. 3-15 Constant current sources

  20. 3E Application of Op Amp. to Mathematical Operations 3E-1 Multiplication & Division by a Constant 3E-2 Addition or Subtraction

  21. (a) multiplication or division Vo = (Rf/Ri)Vi (b) addition or substation (c) Integration (d)differentiation

  22. 3E-3 Integration To begin the integration, the rest switch is opened and the hold switch, closed. The integration is stopped at time t by opening the hold switch.

  23. 3E-4 Differentiation Integration circuit 와의 차이점은 C 와 R의 위치가 변형 된 것 . 3E-5 Generation of Logarithms and Antilogarithms

  24. 2C-6 . Application of Op Amp. to Comparison

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