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Europe in the Middle Ages

Europe in the Middle Ages. Name the 4 social classes in Feudalism from highest to lowest. Monarchs Lords Knights Peasants. Define hierarchy. A hierarchy is a social system that organizes people into ranks. What is the difference between a peasant and a serf?.

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Europe in the Middle Ages

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Europe in the Middle Ages

  2. Name the 4 social classes in Feudalism from highest to lowest

  3. MonarchsLordsKnightsPeasants

  4. Define hierarchy

  5. A hierarchy is a social system that organizes people into ranks

  6. What is the difference between a peasant and a serf?

  7. A peasant is a person who works the land and is loyal to a lord. A serf, on the other hand, is tied to the land and is not free to move around.

  8. What is the vocabulary word that means a land grant given by a lord?

  9. Fief!

  10. Compare knights to a group in modern American society

  11. One possibility – soldiers/the militaryBoth of these groups are responsible for defending their country, both are highly trained and both are loyal to their government

  12. When we say “The Church” to which church are we referring?

  13. The Roman Catholic Church

  14. What was a pilgrimage?

  15. A pilgrimage is a journey to a holy site. Going on a pilgrimage would show devotion to God and the church.

  16. What was the difference between the lives of monks and the lives of mendicants

  17. Monks lived in monasteries and lived according to certain vows. Mendicants lived out in the world helping the needy.

  18. Other than its size, name 4 things that made the church even more powerful than European monarchs.

  19. SalvationOrganizationLiteracyMoney

  20. What was the purpose of the sacraments?

  21. Sacraments were major events that showed you were on the right path according to the church. The sacraments showed devotion to God and, therefore, helped a person gain grace.

  22. What geographical feature were Medieval towns usually near

  23. Water: either rivers or oceans

  24. Why were Medieval towns usually near water?

  25. Because of trade – most trade routes were over the water and therefore it was important for towns to be near water so they could participate in trade

  26. What was a guild?

  27. Guilds were organizations or unions of people in the same trade or craft

  28. Name 2 advantages (benefits) of being in a guild

  29. Guilds would take care of sick workers and their families • Guilds made sure workers had fair hours • Guild workers could use guild halls and attend guild fairs

  30. How did merchants become the most powerful people in towns?

  31. People began to move away from manor lands and into towns. There, trade was more common. As trade grew, merchants became more wealthy and powerful.

  32. Come up with 5 words to describe houses in the Middle Ages

  33. ColdDarkWoodenLeaning Dirty CrowdedDrafty

  34. What was one common medical treatment in the Middle Ages?

  35. PrayerUse of herbsMagic CharmsBleeding Patients Leeches

  36. Explain how the living conditions in Medieval Europe led to health problems

  37. The streets were dirty and so germs spread quickly causing many people to get sick

  38. Name one common punishment in Medieval Europe?

  39. Trial by OrdealTrial by CombatStocksFinesPossibly Execution

  40. Why would the church disapprove of mystery and miracle plays?

  41. The church people would take religion less seriously if it was entertainmentThe stories may not have been told the way the church wanted/intended them to be

  42. Explain how the development of Feudalism was an effect of the Fall of the Roman Empire

  43. When the Roman Empire fell Europe broke into chaos, it needed a new political system that would provide stability

  44. Because life among social classes varied so greatly, what unified people in Medieval Europe?

  45. Belief / Membership in the Roman Catholic Church

  46. How did we see the influence of religion in Medieval education?

  47. Monks were the ones who often did the educating because they were the ones who could read and write

  48. Explain how we see the religious tension beginning to surface in Medieval Europe (think about commerce)

  49. Jewish people were shut out of certain jobs. They were given jobs that Christians thought were inappropriate or “unholy”

  50. How do you see the influence of the church on medical treatments?

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