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By: Suhaiza Ismail ,

A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF RESEARCH ON THE PRIVATE FINANCE INITIATIVE (PFI) OR PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP ( ppp ). By: Suhaiza Ismail , Department of Accounting, Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, Inter national Islamic University Malaysia. OUTLINES.

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By: Suhaiza Ismail ,

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  1. A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF RESEARCH ON THE PRIVATE FINANCE INITIATIVE (PFI) OR PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP (ppp) By: Suhaiza Ismail, Department of Accounting, Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia

  2. OUTLINES • Introduction & Motivation of Study • Research Objectives • Literature Review • Methodology • Findings and Discussion • Future Direction of PFI/PPP Research • Limitations and Conclusion

  3. INTRODUCTION & MOTIVATION • The PPP was launched in the UK in 1992 & initially known as the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) • PFI: A long-term contract between the private sector & the government. • Private sector plays a key rolein designing, building, financing, and operating the facilities for the provision of public services. • Government makes regular payments to the private sector provider over the contract period for the capital and operating costs incurred. • 1997, Labour government took power, PFI uses a new label: Public Private Partnership (ppp).

  4. Two Meanings of PPP FOCUS ON THIS • The broad form of private sector participation in public services delivery • A specific type of PPP called PFI

  5. INTRODUCTION & MOTIVATION • The PFI/ppp - a widely used mechanism in delivering public services. • A growing amount of published academic research on various issues and relevant topics regarding PFI/ppp. • However, there is currently no comprehensive review of the PFI/ppp research that has been published in the public-sector or public-administration journals.

  6. Research Objectives • To identify the important characteristics of research on PFI/ppp(i.e. the number of papers published, the journals that contributed most to PFI research, and the origins of the papers) • To recognise the trend of PFI/ppp research and to offer suggestions for future direction of the PFI/ppp research agenda.

  7. Literature Review Prior studies : Adopted a qualitative meta-analysis approach on the topic of PFI/ppp ADOPT THIS APPROACH Studies that have critically examined the findings of past studies to clarify a specific concept or area of PFI/ppp Studies that have comprehensively examined characteristics and trend of published research on PFI/ppp


  9. METHODOLOGY ADOPT THIS METHOD META-ANALYSIS QUANTITATIVE QUALITATIVE A statistical operation used to combine results from independent studies A systematic review of literature without having any mathematical synthesis

  10. SELECTION OF JOURNALS The Social Science Citation Index The Scopus English-medium Journals categorized as public administration or public sector 42 public sector journals Only 26 journals that had published on the topic of PFI/PPP

  11. Search for papers on PFI/ppp in the selected journals (1992-2010)- using library databases (i.eABI-Inform, EbscoHost) or the website of the individual journal Keywords: private finance initiative, public private partnerships, PFI or PPP Identification of relevant papers 156 papers matched with the search terms 44 articles which did not refer to the intended definition of PFI/ppp 4 articles were categorized as ‘forwards’, ‘editorial’, ‘book review’, or ‘articles in press’ 108 papers are relevant

  12. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Number of PFI/ppp Articles Published Each Year from 1992 to 2010

  13. Public Sector Journals with Papers Concerning PFI/ppp

  14. Research Methods Used * The total is more than the number of papers analysed because there are papers that adopted more than one research method

  15. PFI/ppp Sectors Involved * The total is more than the number of papers analysed because there are papers that addressed more than one sector

  16. Review of PFI/ppp Issues Covered

  17. Percentage of Publications Based on PFI/ppp Issues

  18. 36 Studies on Concept & Application

  19. 26 Studies on Performance Evaluation

  20. 14 Studies on Risk Management

  21. 12 Studies on Project Management

  22. 7 Studies on Accounting for PFI/ppp

  23. 13 Studies on Integration Research (Others)

  24. FUTURE DIRECTION OF PFI/PPP RESEARCH • Assess the actual performance and true success of PFI/ppp project over the whole contractual period • Compare the performance of PFI/ppp across countries • Discover the modified PFI/ppp procedures and assessment mechanisms

  25. LIMITATIONS AND CONCLUSION • It ignores relevant PFI/ppp literature published in journals of other fields, such as accounting, construction, and engineering • Journals listed on Social Science Citation Index and Scopus are still questionable due to the subjective and not transparent measures used in determining journals to be listed • DESPITE THE LIMITATIONS, • This study offers some insights on the key characteristics and future direction of PFI/ppp literature in the top public-sector journals

  26. Wallahua’lam bis shawab

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