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Invertebrate Phylum Mollusca (Mollusks)

Invertebrate Phylum Mollusca (Mollusks). Vocabulary visceral mass = contains internal organs of digestion, excretion, and reproduction mantle = thin membrane that surrounds internal organs. Vocabulary Radula = tongue-like structure with teeth used to grate, cut, and scrape

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Invertebrate Phylum Mollusca (Mollusks)

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  1. Invertebrate Phylum Mollusca (Mollusks)

  2. Vocabulary visceral mass = contains internal organs of digestion, excretion, and reproduction mantle = thin membrane that surrounds internal organs

  3. Vocabulary Radula = tongue-like structure with teeth used to grate, cut, and scrape Torsion = visceral mass twists 180* in relation to head Siphon = fleshy tubes for movement of water in a mollusk

  4. Characteristics • true coelm • * bilateral symmetry • * two body openings • * 3 body parts: head, muscular foot, visceral mass • * most have shell secreted by mantle • * gills for gas exchange with water • * some have a radula for feeding

  5. Three Major Classes

  6. Gastropoda: "stomach foot" * single shell - snails, abalone, conch * no shell - nudibrachs, slugs * move by muscular contractions of foot * open circulatory system

  7. Bivalvia: shell with "two valves” * clams, oysters, scallops * strong muscle for pulling shell and burrowing * no head or radula * filter food from water via gills; cilia move food to stomach

  8. Cephalopoda: "head-foot” * octopuses, squid, nautilus * free swimming; predatory; tentacles with suckers * radula and sharp beak * large brain and advanced nervous system * closed circulatory system

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