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Welfare Rights Training 2015

Welfare Rights Training 2015. A claimant under pension age could be claiming? Income Support Jobseekers Allowance Employment Support Allowance Incapacity Benefit Severe Disablement Allowance Universal Credit. Which one would give them the most income?.

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Welfare Rights Training 2015

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  1. Welfare Rights Training 2015

  2. A claimant under pension age could be claiming?Income SupportJobseekers AllowanceEmployment Support AllowanceIncapacity BenefitSevere Disablement AllowanceUniversal Credit

  3. Which one would give them the most income?

  4. Would you be able to tell themwhich one to claim?

  5. By the end of today you should be able to tell them!

  6. INCOME MAXIMISATION • What’s this all about? • The ability to listen, fact find, and notice that something is missing, advise accordingly, helping to identify further claims due. • Thus increasing the weekly income of any client.

  7. INCOME MAXIMISATION How do you do this?

  8. Interview and listen carefully

  9. Think ahead

  10. Write down or record the facts / information given on a case record sheet

  11. Check this information again at the end

  12. Calculate existing entitlements using the above information

  13. Submit and backdate any and all existing claims identified at this first stage

  14. Identify any possible new claims due

  15. Re-calculate again as if these claims where awarded / paid

  16. Submit any and all claims that would become payable only if or when these new claims are paid / awarded

  17. Clearly explain to the client what will or will not happen

  18. The following are normal • He is 63, has CB-ESA at £109.30 and Low rate DLA Care at £21.80, he claims no HB & CT Benefit as refused earlier due to excess savings. So pays full Rent at £72 weekly and Council Tax at £14 weekly he has savings at £21,400. Benefit check requested. Interview, think ahead, write down, and check again, all done.

  19. CALCULATE (Ignore DLA) Income now £ Employment Support 109.30 Savings £21,400 Savings limit £16,000 for HB – CTB – IB/ESA ANY CLAIMS? NEW CLAIMS?

  20. RE-CALCULATE (Ignore DLA) Income now £ Applicable amount £ Incapacity 109.30 Pension Credit 151.20 Tariff on savings 23.00 Pension Credit 18.90 Total 151.20 Total 151.20

  21. Claims: Pension Credit due £18.90 weekly (£151.20 - £132.30 = £18.90 PC due) Arrears 13 x £18.90 = £245.70 HB now due in full £72 weekly (Arrears £936) CT now due in full £14 weekly (Arrears £182) (Backdating limited to three months)

  22. Couple under 60:He has Employment Support Allowance Contribution Based (CBESA) at £73.10 weekly and Disability Living Allowance at Middle Rate Care (£55.10) and Low Rate Mobility (£21.80) he also has an Occupational Pension at £24.25 weekly, she only has Carers Allowance at £62.10 They pay £6.50 rent and £2 Council Tax.He has failed the ESA medical scoring nil points and is looking for help to appeal.

  23. Calculate (Ignore DLA)Income Now £’s Applicable Amount £’sESA (CB) 73.10 Couple ESA 114.85Carers Allowance 62.10 Carer Premium 34.60Occ Pension 24.25Total 159.45 149.45Excess income £10 x 65% (£6.50) x 20% (£2)

  24. Challenge the ESA decision?Any other claims?

  25. What about her claiming Income Support? Re-Calculate (Ignore DLA)Income Now £’s Applicable Amount £’sESA (CB) 73.10 Couple 114.85Carers Allowance 62.10 Carer Premium 34.60Occ Pension 24.25 Disability Premium 45.95Total 159.45 195.40 Income Support now due at £35.95Rent & CT now paid in full so £8.50 weekly saved

  26. Couple: Both over 65, one has DLA at Middle Rate Care (£55.10) and the other has Attendance Allowance at (£82.30) weekly The AA has only recently been awarded

  27. Other incomes? Both have weekly Retirement Pensions at £160 & £98.30 They pay rent @ £6.50 weekly and Council Tax @ £2 weekly They live alone Interview, think ahead, write down, and Check again, all done

  28. CALCULATE (Ignore DLA & AA) Income now £ Applicable amount (Before AA) £ Retirement Pension 160 Pensioner Couple 230.85 Retirement Pension 98.30 Total 258.30 Total 230.85 Over 65 So Add full Savings Credit To HB/CTB 17.45 (This is a HB & CTB figure only) (248.30)) Rent x 65% CT x 20% Excess Income 10.00 Council Tax paid now £2 Rent paid now £6.50


  30. Claim: Carers Allowance x 2 Pension Credit Backdated three months

  31. RE-CALCULATE (Ignore DLA & AA)

  32. Claims? • Carers Allowance £62.10 x 2 (Underlying only) Backdated 13 weeks • Pension Credit GT On-Going @ £165.45 weekly Backdated 13 weeks @ £2,150 • Pension Savings Credit On-Going @ £17.45 Backdated 13 weeks @ £227 • Housing Benefit increase @ £6.50 weekly Backdated 13 weeks @ £84.50 • Council Tax increase @ £2 weekly Backdated 13 weeks @ £26 • £191.40 weekly increase in income (PC/GT £165.45, PC/SC £17.45, Rent / HB £6.50, Council Tax £2) • Arrears paid @ £2,488

  33. Carers Allowance will be awarded but not be PAID, due to the Retirement Pensions of a higher value, however underlying entitlement will give the Carer/s Premiums x 2 (£34.60) within their applicable amount so additional PC will be due Rent & Council Tax will be nil due to PC/GT Due to backdating Pension Credit client will get a refund of any Rent & Council Tax already paid for that time. SDP X 2 WILL STILL BE PAID AS UNDERLYING CARERS DOES NOT STOP IT

  34. Couple with 2 children under 10Husband works 18 hours at £130 weeklyPartner has no income at all, she recently got awarded DLA Low Care (£21.80) They also have Child Tax Credit at £115 and Child Benefit at £34.40

  35. They had until April 2012 Working Tax Credit at £80 weekly but due to the 24 hour couple rule this was stopped.They have a mortgage at £50 weekly and are struggling to pay the household bills etc.They already get full Council Tax BenefitWhat if any claims are available to them?

  36. What about her claiming means tested ESA if she can get a sick line?Calculate (Ignore DLA)Income Now £’s Applicable Amount £’s Wages 130 Couple 114.85 Earnings Disregard 20Total 130 134.85ESA due £4.85 not a lot to help with the mortgage Anything else?

  37. Now that she has the DLA she is classed as disabled for Working Tax Credit purposes so they are now due Working Tax Credit again even although he only works 18 hours, this is worth about £80 weekly.That will help with the mortgage

  38. Couple with one disabled child under 16, the child recently got DLA at Middle Rate CareShe works 22 hours earning £180 weekly.Partner has no income

  39. They also have Child Benefit at £20.70 and Child Tax Credit at £65 weekly.No Working Tax Credit paid since April 2012 due to the 24 hour couple rule.Any other claims?

  40. The Child Tax Credit at £65 weekly is very low for a disabled child? Suggesting that they have failed to tell Tax Credits that the child now has DLA? This DLA award will increase the Child Tax Credits by about £58 weekly, backdating is now limited to one month, unless Tax Credits are told quickly following the DLA award.Anything else?

  41. He can now claim and backdate a Carers Allowance claim worth £62.10 weekly for him looking after the disabled childAs he is now a Carer, she only has to work 16+ hours now (Rather than the previous 24 hours) to allow Working Tax Credit to be paid at about £80 weekly

  42. Single person aged 48 who was working full time but is now off work sick. She is getting paid basic Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) at £88.45 weekly, she also has Working Tax Credits at £12.55 weekly and DLA at Low Rate Mobility.Any other claims?

  43. What about Income Support? Calculate (Ignore DLA)Income Now £’s Applicable Amount £’sSSP 88.45 Single 73.10Working Tax 12.55 Disability Prem 32.25 No Disregard ? Total 101 105.35Income Support due £4.35 weekly

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