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Windsor Ascot and Maidenhead Clinical Commissioning Group. Windsor, Ascot and Maidenhead . Presentation to Public Board Meeting April 3 rd 2013. WAM CCG - working together locally to deliver sustainable excellence in healthcare.
Windsor Ascot and Maidenhead Clinical Commissioning Group Windsor, Ascot and Maidenhead Presentation to Public Board Meeting April 3rd 2013 WAM CCG - working together locally to deliver sustainable excellence in healthcare
There are three Ascot practices which are members of the Bracknell and Ascot CCG. 87% of the CCG population lives within the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead The CCG also includes a small practice (Taplow) which is within the Buckinghamshire boundary. NHS Berkshire East currently has responsibility for the Runnymede district which includes 11,945 registered patients within the two Englefield wards in North Surrey.
Patients & the Public Consultation Room Provider surveys Local Healthwatch Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) Local Involvement Networks (LINks) PPG Network Customer Services (PALs) Website Elected Members Localities Clinical Leads WAM CCG Lay Member WAM CCG Governing Body
WINDSOR, ASCOT and MAIDENHEAD CCG LOCALITIES Patient Participation Groups Member Practices 3 11 16 6 9 14 1 19 4 8 12 17 2 15 7 10 20 5 13 18 2x Lay Members 5x GP Practice Manager Local Nurse Accountable Officer WAM Governing BodyChief Financial Officer LA representative Secondary Care Consultant Nurse Director Clincal Leads and Performance (including Education & Training) Practice Manager Lead Forum PPG Network Practice Nurse Forum Operational Leadership Team East Berkshire Federation Federation QIPP & Performance Quality Strategy & Transition East Berkshire Federation, Chiltern + Surrey & Borders CCGs Provider Development Group
Federation and Collaboration • Windsor, Ascot and Maidenhead CCG works locally to respond to health needs and with Federation partners to: • share resources • improve quality • manage financial risk • maximise influence on providers • Improving commissioning relationships with CCGs in Bucks and Surrey
WAM CCG – how we will commission Vision – ‘working together locally to deliver sustainable excellence in healthcare’ • Clinical leadership and quality are at the heart of the CCG • Based on population needs, benchmarking and feedback from clinicians and patients • Partnership working • Health and Wellbeing Board • Shared activities • Commission within our resources (one of lowest )
WAM Our Strategic Objectives WE SHALL COMMISSION SERVICES • To promote recovery from ill health or injury prevent ill health or premature death • To offer the greatest chance of living full and independent life • Maximise our patients experience of healthcare, reflect best practice and deliver the pledges of the NHS Constitution • Commission and work with others to ensure people are protected from unavoidable harm • Promote a culture of Safety and Quality allowing Patients Carers and Staff feel able to report their concerns and have them addressed quickly • Commission integrated services where this improves outcomes WE SHALL DELIVER STATUTORY DUTIES AND VISION WHILST DEMONSTRATING OUR VALUES
VISION We want to develop and deliver with others (particularly public health and the local authority) services to prevent ill health and premature mortality. Preventing people from dying prematurely PROJECTS Age extension breast screening NHS Health Checks High impact pathways for paediatrics Prevention service including falls Alcohol Harm Reduction
Helping People to recover from episodes of ill health or following injury PROJECTS Implement early supported discharge for stroke Musclo- skeletal CATs Community Dermatology Service Map of Medicine Review commissioning strategy for community beds/ Reduce the number of care home placements Focussed work with secondary care clinicians on implementing best practice Physiotherapy review VISION We want patients to have the right support around them in as quickly as possible and in an environment that meets their needs in order to recover have a positive experience of care have the same access to care no matter where they are seen access high quality services that are based on best practice Support from Doctors and Nurses who understand and adhere to best practice guidelines
Enhancing the quality of life for people with long term conditions PROJECTS Implementation of integrated care teams including risk stratification Development of self care programmes/ EPP Access to IAPT for people with long term conditions Review of care home dementia patients on anti-psychotic medication Develop screening and health and social care support for people with dementia National and local prescribing QIPP indicators and quality standards e.g stable angina, optimising PPI use Review prescribing safety for asthma Telehealth and Telecare Heart Failure Nurses VISION We want people to know how to manage their own condition and how to deal with their condition when it gets worse. We want Patients and Carers to feel well supported by teams to meet their health and social care needs. Reliance in institutionalised care will be reduced.
Ensuring that people have a positive experience of care PROJECTS Improve transition from children’s to adults services Introduce NHS 111 Improve performance in A and E Improve performance on 18 weeks Improve performance in maternity Improve performance in ambulance response and handovers Implement the ‘Friends and Family’ test Promote ‘Ageing well’ in conjunction with dementia screening Carers Worried Mums Shared decision making and patient choice VISION We want Care that patients receive to be a positive experience. We want to use your experience to shape commissioning decisions and keep providers to their contracts . We need real time information about patient experience, patients should feel empowered to provide feedback and feel that the CCG has considered this feedback and acted appropriately.
Treating and caring for people in a safe environment and protecting them from avoidable harm PROJECTS Reduction in the number of out of area mental health placements Review of all placements post Winterbourne Care Homes Project – whole system relationships, education and training, access to health services and information sharing and monitoring. Clinical support and mentoring in care homes Reduction in antibiotic prescribing VISION We want People to feel safe when they are being cared for. We expect Patients and staff to feel able report poor practice and this will be addressed swiftly. We want to develop a culture of safety and quality in all providers .
CCG Our Organisational Development PROJECTS EPIC continued development in live with CCG strategy Develop member engagement Development of PPG Network Systematic use of patient and clinician feedback to improve the quality of care Stakeholder engagement in planning Development of relationship with voluntary sector Development of Health and Wellbeing Board Development of joint commissioning Development of health and wellbeing strategy Succession planning Organisational development VISION We want to grow and develop as an organisation meeting our statutory duties and vision, whilst clearly demonstrating its values. We would like people living within WAM CCG to receive high quality services which are integrated where necessary. We want our commissioned services to have been have been shaped by member practices, patients and the public. The CCG must be financially stable and commission services by living within its means
‘Working together locally to deliver sustainable Excellence in healthcare’WAM CCG