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Rare B Decays at Belle

Rare B Decays at Belle. Hsuan-Cheng Huang ( 黃宣誠 ) National Taiwan University 2 nd BCP Workshop @ NTU, Taipei June 7 - 9, 2002. Outline. Introduction Charmless Hadronic B Decays Charmless Baryonic B Decays Radiative / EW Penguin B Decays Suppressed b -> c Decays Summary. Introduction.

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Rare B Decays at Belle

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  1. Rare B Decays at Belle Hsuan-Cheng Huang (黃宣誠) National Taiwan University 2nd BCP Workshop @ NTU, Taipei June 7 - 9, 2002

  2. Outline • Introduction • Charmless Hadronic B Decays • Charmless Baryonic B Decays • Radiative / EW Penguin B Decays • Suppressed b -> c Decays • Summary Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  3. Introduction • Rare B decays can be described by various tree and penguin diagrams • They are useful to determine the CKM unitarity triangle • Search for CP violation and probe new physics Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  4. Belle Collaboration A World-Wide Activity Involving 50 Institutions 14 Nations Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  5. Belle Collaboration • ~ 300 authors Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  6. KEK View 日本 茨城県 つくば市 Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  7. (4s) (10.58GeV/c2)  = 0.425 (4s)  B B KEKB Asymmetric e+e- Collider 8GeV electron 3.5GeV positron KEKB Collider Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  8. KEKB Luminosity: the world’s best ! • Peak L 7.251033 cm-2s-1 (Mar. 28, ’02) • Daily Integrated L 387 pb-1/day (May 11, ’02) • Weekly Integrated L 2.52 fb-1/week (May 9, ’02) Daily Integrated luminosity history Integrated luminosity history 82 fb-1 recorded (Jun. 6, ’02) 29 fb-1 43 fb-1 Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  9. Silicon Vertex Detector (SVD) Impact parameter resolution  55m for p=1GeV/c at normal incidence Central Drift Chamber (CDC) (Pt/Pt)2 = (0.0019Pt)2 + (0.0034)2 Pt in GeV/c2 K/ separation with dE/dx in CDC (dE/dx =6.9%) TOF (TOF = 95ps) Aerogel Cerenkov (ACC) Efficiency = ~87%, Fake rate = ~8% up to 3.5GeV/c , e with CsI crystals (ECL) E/E ~ 1.8% @ E=1GeV e : efficiency > 90% (~0.3% fake for p > 1GeV/c) KL and  with KLM(RPC chambers)  : efficiency > 90% (~2% fake at p > 1GeV/c) 87% Kaon efficiency pcontamination 8% PID(K)>0.6 Belle Detector ACC Quite stable performance up to now Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  10. Signals Analysis Method • Identify Signals: beam-constrained massMbc and energy differenceDE Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  11. B  hh: Introduction Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  12. K+p0 K+p- K0p0 K0p+ p+p0 p+p- p0p0 B  hh: Results 29 fb-1 • Updated measurementswith 31.7M BB •  mass is assigned to charged tracks • Likelihood ratio cut optimized for each mode • Shaded area corresponds to background from other rare B decays⇒Better fitting systematics • 00Hint⇒Feedback to 2 measurement Preliminary Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  13. B  hh: Branching Fractions BaBar 55.6 fb-1 • 00Hint • No KK yet! * * Bartoldus @ FPCP Preliminary * 20.6 fb-1 Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  14. B  hh: Direct CP Search quark Preliminary K-p+ K-p0 K0p+ p-p0 Fluctuation? BaBar55.6 fb-1 K+p- K+p0 K0p- p+p0 Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  15. B  (‘)h: Introduction Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  16. 9 8 Results of B  K* / ’K 29 fb-1 Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  17. B  K Results Preliminary Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  18. B   Results Preliminary Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  19. B  (‘) h: Summary Preliminary Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  20. B  h: Introduction Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  21. B  h: Results Preliminary Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  22. B  h: Consistency Check Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  23. B  h: Summary Preliminary Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  24. First Observations of Three-Body Charmless B Decays B g Khh Dalitz Sizable PRD 65 092005 (2002) f Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  25. B -> K h h’ Preliminary A. Garmash @ FPCP * PRD 65 092005 (2002) ** H.C.Huang@Moriond 02 EW Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  26. Pseudo-Two-Body Decay BFs 29 fb-1 B+ K+p+p- B+ K+ K+ K- PRD 65 092005 (2002) 43 fb-1 B+ KSp+p- Gabyshev @ DPF2002 Preliminary B+ KS K+ K- Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  27. Charmless B Decays to Baryons PRD 65, 091103 R (2002) Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  28. First Observation of Charmless Baryonic B Decays Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  29. 3-body Baryonic B Decays, cont. J/y fJ(2220)? Hou & Soni, PRL 86, 4247 (2001) Chua, Chua, Hou, Tsaihep-ph/0204186 Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  30. BaBar (20.6 fb-1) PRL 88, 101805 (2002) Radiative B Decays EM Preliminary Starting to Constrain NP Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  31. 45M BB More Radiative Penguins s UL hep-ex/0205025, submitted to PRL PLB’01 Exclusive (Kpg, Kppg) / Inclusive = (35 ± 8) % Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  32. FPCP 56.4 fb-1 First Obseervation of ElectroWeak Penguin !? Signal! PRL 88 021801 (2002) But, BaBar 20.7 fb-1 Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  33. Inclusive B -> Xsl+l- • Xs = (K+ or KS) + (0 ~ 4) p+ (upto 1 p0) Senyo@FPCP 43 fb-1 First Evidence! Preliminary First Evidence! Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  34. Inclusive B -> Xsl+l- Mll Distribution MXs Distribution • With higher statistics, more information will be obtained from M(Xs) and M(ll) distributions K K* MC based on the NNLO calculation Ali-Lunghi-Greub-Hiller, hep-ph/0112300 J/psi and psi’ vetoes Hsuan-Cheng Huang

  35. Summary • Recent Rare B Results from Belle have been presented • First Observations: B  ppK±, Khh, Kll, Kppg • First Evidence: B  ± , K± , Xsll • “Re”-Observation: B± K± • Improved Measurement: B  K, , K*g • More and more interesting results are coming 80fb-1 @ ICHEP2002 Hsuan-Cheng Huang

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