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Where to start

Self Care for People Pilot Project What needs to be done to set up a Self Care Skills Training Course? Yvonne McGlinchey Self Care Support Co-ordinator. Where to start. Coldhurst. Identify the areas you want to work in and why?. St. Mary’s. Werneth. Alexandra. Hollinwood.

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Where to start

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Self Care for People Pilot Project What needs to be done to set up a Self Care Skills Training Course?Yvonne McGlincheySelf Care Support Co-ordinator

  2. Where to start Coldhurst Identifythe areas you want to work in and why? St. Mary’s Werneth Alexandra Hollinwood

  3. What’s already running in the areas and by who?

  4. Identify Trainers

  5. Reflection & evaluation, what worked, what didn’t Identify the areas you want to Work in Course materials, handbooks, handouts , pens, flipcharts etc Promote the course in those areas So what's needed to set up a Self Care Skills Training Course Session Planning Link in with key partners & agencies Refreshments /lunch Know your group and the needs of the group Do you need to book a crèche Find a suitable venue

  6. 20 community groups, including: Sure Start Playgroups Fatima Women’s Group Werneth men’s group Afro Caribbean Project Brook Young Parents 17 workplace, including: PCT OMBC Swift Court homeless families unit GP practice receptionists JD Williams, Shaw Outputs – November 2005 – Dec 200637 Self Care Courses delivered

  7. 420 participants – 86% women, 14% men, 35% BME • 85% attended over half of the course • 341 research participants recruited • Co-delivering with community (HV) staff nurses, Sure Start workers, community development workers, Cottoning On • Recruiting volunteers • Links with Food and Physical Activity Project • Stop Smoking Service

  8. Some Feedback from Course Participants I’m not the only one with problems Introduce relaxation techniques rather than alcohol as stress releaser . I’ve had a more positive attitude since the course. Can sleep better by using relaxation techniques and have now stopped taking anti-depressants after discussion with GP

  9. More Participant Comments Eat 5 fruit & veg a day now since the course – I feel great now I am happy because it has made me realise it is not as hard as I thought to get myself how I want The folder is really helpful and I will definitely use it in the future I have learnt how to understand and control my health

  10. Reflection & evaluation, what worked, what didn’t Identify the areas you want to Work in Course materials, handbooks, handouts , pens, flipcharts etc Promote the course in those areas So what's needed to set up a Self Care Skills Training Course Session Planning Link in with key partners & agencies Refreshments /lunch Know your group and the needs of the group Do you need to book a crèche Find a suitable venue

  11. Oldham Primary Care Trust Self Care for People Team Julia Wickett – Senior Practitioner Public Health Yvonne Mc Glinchey – Self Care Support Co-ordinator Jwickett@nhs.net yvonne.mcglinchey@nhs.net Sure Start House 11 Rock Street Oldham OL1 3US 0161 633 9951

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