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Ethics. System of moral principles governing the appropriate conduct for a person or group. Ethics. Always conflict between individual and the ‘group’. Prisoner’s Dilemma. Arrested. You and an accomplice have been arrested Both care more about themselves then the other

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  1. Ethics System of moral principles governing the appropriate conduct for a person or group

  2. Ethics Always conflict between individual and the ‘group’

  3. Prisoner’s Dilemma

  4. Arrested • You and an accomplice have been arrested • Both care more about themselves then the other • Prosecutor makes the following offer: • Choose to confess or remain silent • If you confess and other silent, you go free • If other way, they go free you serve lots of time • Both confess, both serve smaller sentences • Both silent, minor charger with little time for both

  5. Choose

  6. Think about: • What is the conflict with each option? • What is the best choice for both? • What is your safest option? • Which would you pick?

  7. Tragedy of the Commons Conflict for resources between individual interests and the common good

  8. Therefore • Unrestricted access to a resource ultimately dooms the resource to be over-exploited. • We look at it as individuals and do what is best for us, and not for the whole. • Ethically we cannot look at best for us, but best for whole • Adam Smith has invisible hand theory: By looking out for self we ultimately look out for whole because it is what is best for us – If others look out for themselves everyone is taken care of • Does this work?

  9. Other cases of ‘Tragedy of the Commons’ • Whistle blowing • Arms race • List ethical decisions you face everyday • Prepare a debate for your point of view • Example

  10. Research: Find arguments for pro / conExample • Cheating • Lying • Stealing • Downloading • Fighting • Drinking / Smoking underage • How you act at work • Racism • Use of Cell Phones in School • PDA • Other topics:

  11. The case • We are farmers. • We raise sheep • What do we want • Lots of sheep • What do we need for the most sheep? • Lots of land to graze • Once to many for our land – what will we do? • Use any available

  12. If there are other farmer’s what do they also do? • Use available land • When we forget about everything & everyone else what will happen to the land • Used up • What happens then? • All sheep die • Who benefits from overusing? • We did for short time, then everyone loses due to over exploiting

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