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Amendments made in the aftermath of the civil war

This amendment was ratified as a reaction to Franklin Roosevelt being elected to 4 terms in office. . Amendments made in the aftermath of the civil war. Unfair voting practice in the south. Not a literacy test but…. These amendments all extended suffrage.

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Amendments made in the aftermath of the civil war

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  1. This amendment was ratified as a reaction to Franklin Roosevelt being elected to 4 terms in office.

  2. Amendments made in the aftermath of the civil war

  3. Unfair voting practice in the south. Not a literacy test but…

  4. These amendments all extended suffrage

  5. This amendment was ratified in an attempt to allow elected officials to start their job more quickly.

  6. A part of the plan of reconstruction, in order to be readmitted to the Union, this needed to be passed.

  7. Progressive Amendments

  8. Solved the eventual problem, what if the VP and Pres don’t like eachother?

  9. Evidence obtained illegally can be inadmissible in court under this principle

  10. Evidence obtained illegally can be inadmissible in court… unless it can be discovered, through an overwhelming amount of evidence, that regular old police work would have eventually uncover the evidence in question.

  11. The right of the government to take your land away for public use… mentioned in amendment 5

  12. When the dogs came to sniff everyone’s lockers and cars, what was the standard the police used for establishing probably cause?

  13. What are the 5 parts of the 5th amendment?

  14. What are the 4 parts of the 14th amendment?

  15. Being tried twice for the same crime

  16. Police need this if they don’t have probable cause

  17. Which Amendment protects you against unreasonable searches and seizures by government agents?

  18. Which Amendment protects against being a witness against yourself (the right against self-incrimination)?

  19. Which Amendment states: "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted?"

  20. Which Amendment includes the right of defendants in criminal prosecutions to confront witnesses against them?

  21. Which Amendment discusses "the right of the people to keep and bear arms?"

  22. Which Amendment declares that we the people have rights not listed in the constitution?

  23. Which Amendment protects you against unreasonable searches and seizures by government agents?

  24. Which Amendment protects against being a witness against yourself (the right against self-incrimination)?

  25. Which of these rights is not explicitly mentioned in the First Amendment?

  26. “If you having girl problems I feel bad for you son, I’ve got 99 problems put a (pejorative) ain’t [sic] one.” • In actuality the pejorative is not describing a human female, but what?

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