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Warning! This is a lengthy presentation!. Please take the time to review the whole thing! Spread it out over a few days if necessary… You will be glad you did!.
Warning!This is a lengthy presentation! • Please take the time to review the whole thing! • Spread it out over a few days if necessary… • You will be glad you did!
“The internet is a valuable tool for entertainment and education and children should be encouraged to use it as such. However, your child can also be exposed to material and behavior that they may find threatening and upsetting.”
THINK Are your posts, pictures, videos, and tweets… TRUE??? HELPFUL??? INSPIRING??? NECESSARY??? KIND???
Facebook • Wikipedia states that, “”Facebook is a social networking website that allows anyone to share photos, videos, and status updates.” People can “like” something or comment on anything that you share. • MANY security settings have changed over the years. • Check your security/privacy settings ! • Other iPhone apps, such as Instagram &Pinterest, connect to Facebook . • If you’re not on Facebook, but your child is… create an account and “friend” your child. • Explore Facebook so you can learn this website & & understand the lingo.
DID YOU KNOW??? • Anyone can contact you and be your friend! But…You can limit the ability of others to contact you by changing the "Privacy Settings" on your profile. • Facebook pictures can end up on Google! To make sure any personal pictures or messages posted on your profile do not pop up on Google or other search engines, click on the "search" option under "Privacy Settings" and make the change. • EVERYONE, yes EVERYONE, can see your facebook page, unless you change it in your security settings. Make sure only your friends can see what you post.
But what if we are friends?? • Managing Facebook privacy settings may feel like a full time job, but what happens between "friends" on Facebook can be just as daunting to a parent. If your child is on Facebook, chances are that photos, videos, comments and links are flying between friends on a daily basis. • Bullying, teasing and flirting can be magnified in this setting, and social pressures can make it hard to say when enough is enough. Here's what kids need to know about protecting themselves on Facebook, and how parents can help…
Block users who are bullying or harassing you through your privacy settings. If someone is making your child uncomfortable, put your foot down and insist that they be blocked or at least "unfriended.“ • Limit who can comment on photos or view posts to friends who won't make hurtful comments or share your information with others. • Don't put anything up that could come back to haunt you! Racy photos and pictures of alcohol and drug use should not go online, period! • Allow a parent to be your "friend" on Facebook. If a child does not want to befriend you on Facebook, they have something to hide.
Instagram • “It’s a fast, beautiful and fun way to share your photos with friends and family.” says Instagram.com. (“And it is,” says Ms. G, “when used the right way.”). • What they don’t tell you is that unless you’re a private member, ANYONE can see your personal pictures and memories. “PUBLIC” is the default setting… you need to make it “PRIVATE” • The picture is not ONLY on Instagram either… The user then has the option to simultaneously upload this photo to a number of social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and Foursquare, depending on which ones they sync to their Instagram account. The photo will also be uploaded to the Instagram community where people can like and comment on it.
#HASHTAGS Like Twitter, people use hashtags (#) to search on Instagram. They search for categories of interest. (ex. #lovingcupcakes) If someone uses hashtags to comment under a photo… anyone can search for that interest and find themselves a picture. - YourSphere.com
“My 3rd grader has Instagram!” • If you’re 12 years old, there isn’t even a 1999 year to choose when signing up!! (and you have to be 13 years old to use Facebook, too). • Instagram has strict Terms of Use and Community Guidelines that make their age requirement clear. Also, there’s an obvious connection between Instagram and other adult-intended social networks like Facebook and Twitter. • Your child should not sign up if they are under the age of 13. - YourSphere.com
Twitter • Twitter is an information network that allows you to post your status, or any other information that you want others to know. • You have followers, like Facebook or Instagram, that can comment on your status. (#drivingintowork).
OoVoo • ooVoo is a FREE video chat and instant messaging app for desktop, mobile, tablets and Facebook • ooVoolets you chat with multiple people at the same time! Kids think that feature is the best and makes it better than Skype. • ooVooalso lets you type message to your friends while video chatting. • Similar video websites are Skype, Gmail, UStream and Tiny Chat
Skype, Tiny Chat, ooVoo, etc. -- all these are great forms of video chats and are great for communicating with friends and families from afar. It’s good for business meetings as well. However many children and teens need to understand the dangers. • Online predators prey when they have the opportunity to interact with children who aren't media safety savvy and they often misrepresent themselves. • The bright side is that parents can put restrictions on who their kids talks to and for how long on a lot of these video chats. • OoVooallows users to share their desktop. This is when the person who you are video chatting with can see YOUR desktop and it’s images.
You can have parental controls on any of these chat-based websites… • You can get any chat history that was typed. • You can request if from ooVoo, or you have special settings on your computer so that the parental controls take screenshots every minute of video and messaging images. • You can monitor who your child is communicating with by looking at their contact list.
YouTube • YouTube is a video sharing website on which users can search ANY video they want. • People can also create an account, upload and share their own videos. • Most videos allow people to leave comments, which many times are rude, negative, and offensive.
But it can also be a dangerous place… • Videos filled with drug abuse, binge drinking, unhealthy behaviors like anorexia and bulimia • Pornography is rampant on YouTube • User comments are often filled with profanity • Is has been reported in the past that people are video taping other people without consent and will post it as a “joke” to YouTube. If you see someone video taping you…say something and report it. covenanteyes.com
Parental Tips for YouTube • To have an “all access” YouTube account, you have to be 18 years of age or older. • Perhaps you will want to create an account for your teen (YouTube account holders who are 13 to 17 years of age do not have access to all the videos on YouTube). • Monitor YouTube – Make sure your underage kids have not lied about their age and created their own 18+ YouTube accounts. Check your kids Internet history, or better yet, use good Web accountability services like Covenant Eyes to see which YouTube videos they view. • YouTube has created something called “Safety Mode” to help parents to better guard against adult content. • Flag any video you deem inappropriate. Usually, YouTube staff will review this video within an hour. covenanteyes.com
Kik Messenger • Kik is the latest smartphone instant messenger • It’s just like text messaging, but some think it’s “better.” • While I’m sure that many people use Kik to simply send messages to friends, the fact that it is very popular for sexting leads me to believe it is not a good choice for kids. • Kik is rated 17+ in the app store.
We all text… so is kik safe? • Texting or “kik’ing” can be safe when used correctly. Here are some use reviews from the actual Kik website… • Be Web Smart
Kik + Instagram = BFF (uh oh!) On Kik, you need to know someone’s username to start an online chat. Some Kik users use Instagram to publicize their Kik username in their profiles or by tagging their photos. You’ll see some users with “Kik me” and then their Kik username in their profile. If your child or teen’s Instagram profile is public, and they use it to publicize their Kik username, then anyone who sees that on Instagram might “hit them up” on Kik. So keep this in mind if you allow your child or teen to use Instagram. • Be Web Smart
Blocking tools • There are various types of blocking and filtering software available, such as Net Nanny, that can block access to certain types of site you might consider unsuitable. • Check with your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to find out if they offer any parental control options that can block your child from downloading any objectionable material. • Other blocking tools are Safe Eyes, K9 Web Protection, WebWatcher and Spy Agent.
Why does all this matter? For one thing, recent studies show that some college admissions officers use Facebook to take a peek at prospective students, which means that those incriminating photos aren't just embarrassing: they could actually hurt your child's chances at future success. Your memories, pictures, videos and thoughts are YOURS. Other people don’t have the right to your privacy. Don’t let them have the ability to make your private life a public form of entertainment. - education.com
How can you protect your child on the internet? • If you have desktops, laptops or Ipads, You should try to keep them in your living room or other communal area. Avoid allowing your child to keep their computer in their bedroom. • Agree on the time of day they can access the internet also and make sure that they stick to the rules agreed. • Encourage your child to talk to you about any communication they have received or viewed online that makes them feel uncomfortable or upset. • Bookmark your child’s favorite sites so that they can access them easily. This also reduces the danger of your child accidentally accessing unsuitable websites through misspelling words. • You should spend some time on the sites your children regularly access, either with your child or alone. • Create emails and other accounts that you and your child can share, instead of setting up their own. This way you can monitor any communications that they are sending and receiving. • Internet accounts should be in the parent's name with parents having the primary screenname, controlling passwords, and using blocking and/or filtering devices. - netsmartz.org
Cell Phone/iPad Safety • Establish rules for when they are allowed to use their cell phone, what websites they can visit, and what apps they can download. • Review cell phone records for any unknown numbers and late night phone calls and texts. • Remind your children that anything they send from their phones can be easily forwarded and shared. • Teach your child never to reveal cell phone numbers or passwords online. • Talk to your child about the possible consequences of sending sexually explicit or provocative images or text messages. • When shopping for a cell phone for your child, research the security settings that are available.
2013 Dinner Table Conversations.. • “Hey kids… how was your school day?” • “What features do you use on your cell phone? Could you show me how to use them?” • “Have you ever gotten a text from someone you do not know? If so, what did you do about it?” • “Have you ever sent a text, or received a text, that was rude or mean?” • “How many numbers do you have stored in your phone? Do you know them all in person?” • “Has anyone ever taken an embarrassing picture of you without your permission?” • “Have you ever taken an embarrassing picture of someone else? What did you do with it?” • “Have you ever talked with someone you first met online on your cell phone?” • “What would you do if someone sent you a text or picture that was inappropriate?”