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Early Life

Early Life. Frank McCourt was born on August 19, 1930 New York. The family frequently struggled to make ends meet . McCourt left school at 13 to earn money for his family . He also saved some for his own dream : To return to America . Career in Education.

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Early Life

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  1. EarlyLife • Frank McCourtwasbornon August 19, 1930 New York. • The familyfrequentlystruggledtomakeendsmeet. • McCourtleftschoolat 13 toearnmoneyforhisfamily. • He alsosavedsomeforhisowndream: ToreturntoAmerica.

  2. CareerinEducation • McCourtleftIrelandattheage of 19, returningtothe United Statesforwork. • He wasdraftedintothe U.S. Army. • New York University - He graduatedwith a bachelor'sdegreeineducation. • He taught English atMcKeeHighSchool and StuyvesantHighSchoolin New York City. • He retiredafter 30 yearsineducation.

  3. Hisworks • Angela'sAshes (1996) • ‘Tis (1999) • Teacher Man (2005)

  4. SummeryPlot • Thisbook is encompassing 36 years. • He dreams of a better life inAmerica and, attheage of 19, sailsontheIrishOakto a land of promise and wealth. (New York) • Thingschange a bit for Frank when he enterstheArmyduringtheKoreanWar. • Afterthewar Frank returnsto New York, and starstoworkas a docworker, than he decideshewantstoattendtheuniversity.

  5. SummeryPlot • He is abletoearnhisteachingdegree. Getting a jobinaschool. • Marryinghis love Alberta, becoming a father. • Livingintheamericandream. • Hismotherarrivesin New York, and diedthere.

  6. SummeryPlot • Frank realizesthat he is unabletocontinuethis life. – He divorced. • McCourtcontinuesteaching. • The novelendsin 1985. Frank has returnedtoIrelandtoburyhisfather and hismother.

  7. Inthe end somequotesfromthisbook, justtofeelit’smood. “It'snotenoughto be American. Youalwayshaveto be somethingelse, Irish-American, German-American, and you'dwonderhowthey'dgetalongifsomeonehadn'tinventedthehyphen” 

  8. “I told her tea bagswerejust a convenienceforpeoplewithbusylives and shesaid no one is sobusytheycan'ttaketimetomake a decentcup of tea and ifyouarethatbusyyoudon'tdeserve a decentcup of tea forwhat is itallaboutanyway? Areweputintothisworldto be busyorto chat over a nicecup of tea?” 

  9. “He thinks a woman is justlike a spider, theblackwidow, whichkillsthemaleafterhaving sex, bites offhismiserablehead. Womendon’tcareaboutmen, assoonastheyget over thebirthcapibilty. Menaresounnecesseryforthem, unlesstheyjumpon a horsetoattack an anothertribe.”

  10. “But I don'tknowhowI'lleverget a college degree and riseintheworldwith no highschool diploma and eyeslikepissholesinthesnow, aseveryonetellsme.”

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