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Prioritization Strategies for Effective Results

Learn efficient methods to prioritize tasks, overcome time constraints, make informed decisions, and manage stress effectively.

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Prioritization Strategies for Effective Results

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  1. Module 2: Chapter 5- Effective Methods to Prioritize for Results Chapter 6- Efficient Techniques to Beat the Clock Chapter 7- Always Make the Right Decision Chapter 8- Stop Stress Dead in its Tracks

  2. Chapter 5: Effective Methods to Prioritize for Results

  3. Vocabulary 1 = Don’t know it 2 = Heard of it, know a little 3 = Know it!

  4. Chapter 5 Vocabulary Prioritize: treat as more important than other things Relevant: connected to the matter at hand Irrelevant: not connected to something Actionable: able to be done Compartmentalize: divide into groups

  5. Do Now: • Write down all the tasks you need to complete by the end of the day. Now write down all the tasks you need to complete by the end of the week. • Now organize the list of tasks from most important to least important. Be prepared to explain your reasoning for your ranking of tasks.

  6. Pareto Principle • The Pareto Principle reminds you to focus on the 20% of your tasks that matter. • How can you identify the important tasks and weed out the unimportant ones?????? • USE THE IS- RAW ACRONYM!!

  7. I- IRRELEVANT INTERRUPTIONS ( non- productive tasks that use 80% of your time, i.e. video gaming, texting, online shopping) S- SPECIFIC (is the task detailed?) R- RELEVANT (will the task lead to achieving your goals?) A- ACTIONABLE (is this task something you can act on?) W- WORTHY (is the task worth the effort put in?)

  8. Chapter 6: Efficient Techniques to Beat the Clock

  9. Chapter 6 Vocabulary Efficiency: Not wasteful Time- Management: To work productively

  10. Do Now: What does the acronym IS- RAW stand for? Get into groups of 4 and take turns reading chapter 6 paragraphs.

  11. Get into groups of 4 and take turns reading chapter 6 paragraphs.(pages 71-76)

  12. Chapter 7: Always Make the Right Decision

  13. Chapter 7 Vocabulary Dilemma: a difficult choice has to be made Assuredness: free of doubt, confidence Decisiveness: little hesitation

  14. I caught one of my students cheating last period on a test. I was so angry I decided to give the student a zero as well as the student who was helping them. I didn’t even ask for explanation.

  15. Analyze my decision…. • What do you think about what happened? • Have you been in a situation like this? • Who did my decision affect? • Was it the right decision? • Did I make my decision with a clear head or was I influenced by something?

  16. Do Now: Do you believe yourself to be a good decision-maker, why or why not? Give an example of a decision that you made recently that supports your statement.

  17. Chapter 8: Stop Stress Dead in Its Tracks

  18. Chapter 8 Vocabulary Eustress: positive stress Distress: negative stress Anxiety: feeling of worry

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