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Kinematics of Young SNRs

An analysis of the kinematics and composition of young SNRs, focusing on SNR G292.0+1.8, with optical and X-ray observations. Collaborators: Knox Long, Steve Reynolds, Rob Petre, William Blair, Brian Williams, Satoru Katsuda, Dan Milisavljevic, Undergraduate Students: Adele Plunkett, Karl Twelker, Claudine Reith, Guarav Gupta, Jillian Garber.

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Kinematics of Young SNRs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Collaborators: • Knox Long • Steve Reynolds • Rob Petre • William Blair • Brian Williams • Satoru Katsuda • Dan Milisavljevic • Undergraduate Students: • Adele Plunkett • Karl Twelker • Claudine Reith • Guarav Gupta • Jillian Garber Kinematics of Young SNRs P. Frank Winkler, Middlebury College Conference on SNe, YITP, Kyoto 30 October 2013

  2. Tuesday, October 29, 2013 Last Update:11:04 PM ET Betelgeuse Explodes as Supernova Gravitational Waves Detected Worldwide First Exploding Star in Milky Way for 400 Years Spectacular Star in Orion Visible in Pre-dawn Skies NOT!

  3. Collaborators: • Knox Long • Steve Reynolds • Rob Petre • William Blair • Brian Williams • Satoru Katsuda • Dan Milisavljevic • Undergraduate Students: • Adele Plunkett • Karl Twelker • Claudine Reith • Guarav Gupta • Jillian Garber Kinematics of Young SNRs P. Frank Winkler, Middlebury College Conference on SNe, YITP, Kyoto 30 October 2013

  4. Kinematics of Young SNRs “Young” = < few thousand years Composition and/or kinematics hold traces of the explosion • G292.0+1.8: Core-collapse SNR, ~ 3000 years old; “Cas A’s older cousin” • Similarities to other young C-C SNRs • SN 1006: Type Ia SN, 1007 years old Kyoto, 2013

  5. PSR Park (2007) O-rich SNR G292.0+1.8 (MSH 11-54) [O III] 5007 • Optical knots: pure ejecta: O, Ne, no H, almost no S • X-ray emission enriched by heavy elements, except along central belt (Park 2002, 2004, 2007 — see Poster 60) • Active pulsar and associated PWN (Hughes 2001, Camillo 2002) • Distance ~6 kpc (Gaensler & Wallace 2003); Diameter ~8' => 15 pc Kyoto, 2013

  6. Kinematics I: Proper Motions • Proper motions from 7 epochs: 1986 - 2008 • Continuum-subtracted [O III] image shows expansion center and proper motions of 67 filaments projected forward 1000 years (Winkler et al. 2009) • Trajectories are ballistic: proper motion well correlated with distance from center Kyoto, 2013

  7. Kinematics I: Proper Motions • Above: 2’ x 2’ section of unsubtracted [O III] image shows PSR J1124-5916 • Backwards extrapolation gives expansion center and age ~3000 years • PSR transverse velocity = 440 km/s to SE (at 6 kpc) Kyoto, 2013

  8. Kinematics II: Doppler Mapping • Longslit and multi-fiber spectra from 1.5m and 4m telescopes at CTIO • Doppler velocities for 93 spectroscopically distinct knots • –1500 km/s < Vr< +1800 km/s • Gives a high-resolution 3-D picture of O-rich ejecta in G292 • Results qualitatively similar to F-P spectra of Ghavamian 2005, extending to outer knots, and with higher resolution Vr < –300km/s |Vr | < 300 km/s Vr > + 300 km/s Kyoto, 2013 CTIO image credit: T. Abbott and NOAO/AURA/NSF

  9. Kinematics II: Doppler Mapping • Fastest knots are distributed along broad, bipolar jets, roughly N-S • Brightest knots are along "eastern spur” Vr = –1500km/s Vr ≈ 0 km/s Vr = + 1800 km/s Kyoto, 2013 CTIO image credit: T. Abbott and NOAO/AURA/NSF

  10. Kinematics II: Doppler Mapping • Fastest knots are distributed along broad, bipolar jets, roughly N-S • Brightest knots are along "eastern spur” PSR Kyoto, 2013 CTIO image credit: T. Abbott and NOAO/AURA/NSF

  11. MultiwavelengthRelationship • [O III] • 0.5 - 7 keV (Park 2007) • 24 μm (Ghavamian 2012) • Dense circumstellar belt gives brightest X-rays, IR from dust • Encounter with belt on East drives reverse shock into ejecta to give bright spur Blue = 0.5-7 keV (Park 07) Green = [O III] Red = 24 μm (dust, Ghavamian 2012)

  12. Other Core-Collapse SNR Examples 3 more C-C SNRs with bipolar jets/cones • Cas A (Age ~ 340 yr) (Milisavljevic & Fesen 2013) • 3C58 = SN 1181? (Fesen+ 2008) • 1E0102.2–7219 (SMC, age ~2000 yr)(Vogt & Dopita 2010) And one that's different: • Puppis A (age ~ 4000 yr)(Winkler+ 1988; J. Garber thesis) NS recoil measured: at 700 km/s (Becker+ 2012) Chandra HRI Kyoto, 2013 CTIO image credit: T. Abbott and NOAO/AURA/NSF

  13. SN 1006 SN Ia remnant Shocked ISM (primarily) Synchrotron limbs Shocked Ejecta

  14. SN 1006 SN Ia remnant Chandra ACIS 2012(PFW+ ApJ, submitted)

  15. SN 1006 SN Ia remnant Chandra ACIS 2003(Cassam-Chenai 2008)

  16. Deep Hα image • Faint emission surrounding shell • Intriguing interior features

  17. Ejecta reaching outer boundary of shell (neutral H) Ejecta Bullets + Balmer Bowshocks Green = X-ray Red = Hα

  18. Large Scale EjectaInhomogeneities: X-ray equivalent-width maps • Si concentrated in SE • O, Mg in SE and central region • Ne is mainly interstellar Previously seen from Suzaku by Uchida+ (2013), with lower resolution UV absorption spectra toward a few UV “light bulbs” also show front-back asymmetries in cold ejecta (e.g. Hamilton+ 2007; Winkler & Long 2005)

  19. Summary • Optically emitting ejecta in G292 is loosely organized along bi-polar cones; spectra show O, Ne almost exclusively—almost no S or other O-burning products • Broad bipolar outflows (jets?) are a common—but not universal—feature of core-collapse SNe • SN 1006: ejecta show clear asymmeties on large scale (NW-SE, front-back) • SN 1006 ejecta also show small-scale clumpiness (scales ~ 0.1-0.3 pc); some have reached the shell edge and show Balmer bowshocks from encountering neutral H. Origin: instabilities in explosion? Or subsequently via R-T instabilities? Kyoto, 2013

  20. EXTRA SLIDES Kyoto, 2013

  21. 2010

  22. Kinematics I: Proper Motions • For all knots, distance traveled from the common expansion center is well correlated with proper motion—signature of ballistic trajectories. • Assuming un-decelerated expansion, radial velocity is proportional to distance from center along the line of sight. Kyoto, 2013

  23. [O III]  4959  5007 (a) -1267 km/s (b) 29 km/s (c) 1211 km/s (d) 482 km/s 1109 km/s (e) -341 km/s 27 km/s 986 km/s (d) (e) (a) (c) FWHM ≈ 360 km/s (b) Kyoto, 2013

  24. Fesen et al. 2006 Three-Dimensional Structure • For Cas A, most ejecta knots lie near a spherical shell, plus jets of much faster material (Reed et al. 1995) • Systemic velocity ~ + 770 km/s • Do similar patterns persist in G292 (~ 10 x older)? Kyoto, 2013

  25. Three-Dimensional Structure • Outer Fast-Moving Knots (mostly) lie near a spherical shell? (GHW 05) • Systemic radial velocity is small (~ +100 km/s, GHW05) • More distant (faster) knots lie far outside posited shell to the South Kyoto, 2013

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