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Interconnection and Interoperability in a VOIP World

Interconnection and Interoperability in a VOIP World . Challenges facing the industry . Committee on Telecommunications NARUC – Winter Committee Meetings Washington, DC 19-Feb-08. Richard N. Clarke Assistant Vice President Regulatory Planning and Policy rnclarke@att.com.

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Interconnection and Interoperability in a VOIP World

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  1. Interconnection and Interoperability in a VOIP World Challenges facing the industry Committee on Telecommunications NARUC – Winter Committee Meetings Washington, DC 19-Feb-08 Richard N. Clarke Assistant Vice President Regulatory Planning and Policy rnclarke@att.com

  2. Overview of the issues • Currently, default for voice traffic exchange is TDM/SS7 • Technology is very reliable and interoperable • Operational systems are highly developed • Business/financial models are reasonably well-known • IP-originated voice traffic is expanding rapidly • In the future, default for voice traffic exchange is likely to evolve to IP/SIP technology BUT EXACT ARCHITECTURES ARE STILL UNCLEAR

  3. LERG LERG STP STP Signal transfer point SS7 protocol signaling links Current TDM-TDM call flow Call Direction Originatingphone Terminating phone Orig Class 5 Term Class 5 Tandem Tandem LERG LERG Analog/TDMaccess lines Circuit switch with routing table (simple) TDM protocol transport links

  4. Infrastructure-Based Term Softswitch Orig Softswitch ENUM Electronic number mapping database (complex) SIP signaling packets Future VoIP call flows OriginatingComputer Terminating Computer Peer-to-Peer Analog inside wire IP-IP network interconnection (peering or transit) IP protocol transport links

  5. Transition challenges • Full transition to IP-based VoIP interconnection still requires: • Technology to be standardized • Reliability to be proven • Operational systems developed and disseminated • Business/financial models become clearer • VoIP regulatory mandates seem unlikely to be needed • 20,000+ IP networks already interconnect for best-effort data traffic exchange on an unregulated contractual basis • Negotiated prices for such IP data exchange are very cheap • Until IP transition progresses more fully, TDM interconnection must be the “lingua franca”

  6. LERG LERG IP-TDM Gateway STP Gateway translating IP/SIP into TDM/SS7 Current VoIP-TDM call flow Call Direction OriginatingComputer Terminating Phone Term Class 5 Orig Softswitch Tandem LERG STP IP protocol transport links SS7 protocol signaling links TDM protocol transport links SIP signaling packets

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