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Forming a Regional Food System Council/Coalition

Forming a Regional Food System Council/Coalition. What is the difference between a council and coalition ? What organization structure is best for my community? What  is working in other areas?. FEAST Leadership Network Webinar February 5, 2014. Agenda. Introductions

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Forming a Regional Food System Council/Coalition

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  1. Forming a Regional Food System Council/Coalition What is the difference between a council and coalition? What organization structure is best for my community? What is working in other areas? FEAST Leadership Network Webinar February 5, 2014

  2. Agenda • Introductions • Background: What’s in a Name? • Presentations • Established Regional Food System Coalition • Establishing Regional Food System Council • Statewide Food System Council • Q & A

  3. Our Speakers Kristin Frost-Albrecht, Executive Director Sharon Thornberry, Community Food Systems Manager Sara Miller, Economic Development Specialist Wendy Peters Moschetti & Ron Carleton

  4. What’s in a Name?? Musings of a Grassroots Organizer Sharon Thornberry Community Food Systems Manager Oregon Food Bank Council, Coalition, Alliance, Network, Food Web or Not

  5. Council: 1. an assembly of persons summoned or convened for consultation, deliberation, or advice. 2. a body of persons specially designated or selected to act in an advisory, administrative, or legislative capacity: the governor's council on housing. www.dictionary.com

  6. Coalition: 1. a combination or alliance, especially a temporary one between person, factions, states, etc. 2. a union into one body or mass; fusion. www.dictionary.com

  7. Alliance: 1. the act of allying or state of being allied. 2. a merging of efforts or interests by persons, families, states, or organizations. 3. the persons or entities so allied. www.dictionary.com

  8. Network: 1. an association of individuals having a common interest, formed to providemutual assistance, helpful information, or the like. 2. a system of interrelated buildings, offices, stations, etc., especially over a large area or throughout a country, territory, region, etc.: a network of farms or gardens. www.dictionary.com

  9. Food Web: 1. Noun Ecology. 2. a series of organisms related by predator-prey and consumer-resource interactions; the entirety of interrelated food chains in an ecological community. www.dictionary.com

  10. Considerations • What is your mission or purpose? • How formal do you intend to be? • Policy group? Is your existence codified? • What will your legal status be? • What kind of organizing documents will you need? MOU, Bylaws, Charter? • How does this collective fit into or serve the existing community food system?

  11. Thank You! Sharon Thornberry Community Food Systems Manager Phone: 971-205-5028 sthornberry@oregonfoodbank.org For more information: Oregon Food Bank www.oregonfoodbank.org Food for Oregon foodfororegon.oregonstate.edu

  12. Wallowa County Food System Council Sara Miller, Northeast Oregon Economic Development District

  13. History of Wallowa County Food System Organizing • 2006 first local food meetings and work plan • April 2010 Wallowa Chapter of Slow Food USA forms • May 2011 FEAST workshop in Enterprise • August 2011 NEOEDD receives AmeriCorps volunteer to complete a Community Food Assessment • October 2011 FEAST Funding & Organization committee becomes Wallowa County Food System Council, begins monthly meetings

  14. History of Wallowa County Food System Organizing • September 2012 Community Food Assessment complete • October 2012, planning workshop with Sharon Thornberry, OFB; create 2012-2013 Strategic Plan • October 2013, planning workshop, review of first year accomplishments, educational presentation from Matt Buck, create 2013-2014 Strategic Plan

  15. Strategic Plan Priorities • #1 Local Food Production and Processing - Strengthen producer network (communication and information) through increased collaboration (share information, resources, transport, marketing, etc.). • #2 Develop and expand farm/community - school gardens, including collaboration for additional funding • #3 Encourage development and collaboration among farmers markets

  16. Accomplishments 2012-2013 Plan • Goal #1: Local Food Production and Processing • One farmer accessed USDA funds to construct a hoop house • One rancher made first sales of product to a buying club serving low/moderate income neighborhood. • Additional beef donated to the Food Bank. • Slow Food Wallowas started mini-grant program for producers. • NEOEDD provided matched savings funding for food/farm businesses. • At least 32 articles about local food and farms.

  17. Accomplishments 2012-2013 Plan • Goal #2: Develop and expand farm/community - school gardens • Magic Garden awarded non-profit of the year at WC Chamber banquet, raised more than 3 tons of food for food access • Joseph Charter school, elementary and Enterprise Head Start students participate in Magic Garden activities. • First paid intern at the Magic Garden. • Wallowa Community garden increased production and provided food to the food bank, children’s summer lunch program and senior meals. • Wallowa High school student mentored in organic food production through Wallowa Community Garden

  18. Accomplishments 2012-2013 Plan • Goal #3: Encourage development and collaboration among farmers markets. • Lower Valley Farmers Market was approved to accept SNAP EBT and Debit cards. • Communication and trust among farmers markets allowed them to develop a joint SNAP match project. • Slow Food Wallowas PigNic fundraiser raised $2,700 in funding for the joint SNAP match project.

  19. Success Factors • Community spirit, hands-on attitude • Growing awareness of need for change • More people want to be self-sufficient • RARE volunteer support • Participation of partner organizations • NEOEDD staff support • Catalytic leaders

  20. Challenges • Participation at meetings fluctuates • Changing leadership and lack of formal structure • Opportunity driven • Progress in some goal areas and not others • Need for ongoing support for convening, record keeping, coordination and resource acquisition

  21. Where We Are Now • Regrouping – who wants to stay involved and why • Gardens and markets are moving ahead with their work • Food production/processing actions stuck • Possible RARE to support a few key goal areas: SNAP match sustainability; community garden sustainability and expansion; Wallowa County brand standards for ag/food.

  22. www.cofoodsystemscouncil.org

  23. COFSAC History • Initiated by LiveWell Colorado, www.livewellcolorado.org • Based on state and national recommendations to improve healthy food access • Established in 2010 by Senate Bill 10-106 • Renewed in 2013 by Senate Bill 13-168

  24. COFSAC Organizational Structure • Legislatively-mandated, Governor-appointed, volunteer, 15-member advisory body • Meets quarterly • Provides recommendations to the General Assembly, Governor’s Office, and the appropriate regulatory agencies • Does not make policy • Must issue two reports per year • One chair, one vicechair (only one from a state agency) • Consensus-building decision making framework • Very part-time staff funded by LiveWell CO

  25. COFSAC Members • Fifteen Appointees/Representatives • Dept. of Agriculture • Dept. of Education • Dept. of Human Services • Dept. of Public Health and Environment • 2 Food Wholesaler/Retailer (small and large) • 3 Agricultural Production • 2 Nutrition and Health • Rural/Community/Economic Development • Anti-Hunger/Food Assistance • Academic • Extension

  26. COFSAC Charge • To advance recommendations that strengthen healthy food access for all Coloradans through Colorado agriculture and local food systems and economies. 

  27. Accomplishments • Communications & Engagement: • State tour • Listening sessions • Logo design • Survey & interviews of local councils • Issue submission form • Open meetings • EBT at Farmers Markets Working Group • Issue Briefs on EBT at markets and direct market technical assistance

  28. Challenges • Slow process • Diverse knowledge base amongst members • Hard to secure state-wide representation • Lack of funding • No “teeth” (restricted to elevating issues and providing suggestions) • No tangible projects/outcomes

  29. Building a State-wide Network • Survey & interview of local councils: http://www.cofoodsystemscouncil.org/local-food-coalitions.html • Monthly networking calls of councils • Summit of local councils! Feb 11 & 12th 2014!!

  30. Additional Information • www.cofoodsystemscouncil.org • www.livewellcolorado.org/foodsystems • Ron Carleton, Deputy Commissioner of Agriculture, ron.carleton@state.co.us • Wendy Peters Moschetti, WPM Consulting, wendy@wpmconsulting.net

  31. Questions???

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