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The future

The future. to conjugate – er and – ir verbs in the future, just add the endings to the end of the infinitive. to conjugate -re verbs in the future, drop the –e from the infinitive before adding the endings. all future stems end in –r. Regular verbs in the future tense.

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The future

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The future to conjugate –erand –ir verbs in the future, just add the endings to the end of the infinitive. to conjugate -re verbs in the future, drop the –e from the infinitive before adding the endings. all future stems end in –r.

  2. Regular verbs in the future tense Je travailleraidans le restaurant de mes parents. Nous finirons le roman dans la classed’anglais. Jacques apprendral’allemandcetété.

  3. Spell Changing Verbs in the Future • Many verbs that have a spelling change in the present have the same spelling change in their future stems.

  4. Some verbs have irregular future stems to which you add the future endings. Here are the stems of the most common ones. aller→ ir- avoir→ aur- devoir → devr- savoir → saur- être→ ser- faire → fer- pouvoir→ pourr- envoyer→ enverr- venir→ viendr- voir→ verr- vouloir→ voudr- recevoir→ recevr-

  5. Feminine forms of nouns • To form most feminine nouns add an –e to the masculine noun. • un avocat/uneavocate un marchand/unemarchande • Masculine nouns with the following endings follow a different pattern to form the feminine form.

  6. Feminine forms of nouns • Others have only one form that can be masculine or feminine. • un journaliste/unejournaliste un dentiste/unedentiste • un architecte/unearchitecte un artiste/une artiste • Some nouns of professions which were historically held by men remain masculine whether they refer to a man or a woman. • un auteur un pilote • un ingénieur un écrivain • un juge un médecin

  7. Feminine forms of nouns • However, there are some exceptions to the rules, for example: • un chanteur/une chanteuse • un prince/uneprincesse • un docteur/unedoctoresse • un maître/unemaîtresse

  8. Irregular verb conduire (to drive) The verb conduireis irregular, its past participle is connu. The verbs traduire(to translate), construire (to build), and produire (to produce) are conjugated like conduire.

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