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Case Study 2

Case Study 2.

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Case Study 2

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  1. Case Study 2 Tait is a 12-year-old boy who was diagnosed with ASD at age 2. Tait is generally healthy although he has recently been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and is sensitive to pain. He has difficulty with small spaces and "bottlenecks" where many people are congregated. Tait participates in special education at a local elementary school. His strengths include being curious, social, and visually astute. His challenges include communication, impulsivity, and behavior that may include tantrums, aggression, and property destruction. These challenges have made it difficult for Tait to participate in activities with peers. Tait's is often misunderstood by people when he speaks.Tait is a multimodal communicator whose verbal communication is not understood by most people.

  2. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) What is ABA? • Behavioural observation • Positive reinforcement • Prompting to teach each step of a behaviour

  3. Steps to take • Watch undesirable behaviours closely, or those that interfere with learning and social skills closely : tantrums, aggression, and property destruction • Determine what happens to trigger a behaviour, and what happens after that behaviour that seems to reinforce the behaviour. • The idea is to remove these triggers and reinforces from the child’s environment. • New reinforces are then used to teach the child a different behaviour in response to the same trigger.

  4. ABA 3) Structuring the environment • Rules: • Consistent throughout the year • Reinforce it • Specific • Child must understand • Keep parents informed so they can reinforce it at home

  5. Pictorial (STRENGTH: visually astute): Picture Exchange System Attach pictures to instructions e.g. Transition time Prepare the child for transition by giving visual cues Allow longer transition time for the child

  6. Teach conversation skills in small group settings so that Tiat receives ample opportunities to participate and receive feedback. Gradually increase group size.

  7. Social Stories To teach him how to deal with social situations that are difficult for him To control his emotions; exhibit it in appropriate ways After using social stories, assess and review Tait’sbehaviour

  8. Emotions Colour-coded stickers/Expressions/Cards to show how he is feeling: Ask questions depending on the selected card A soft spot (cosy corner) where Tiat can go to vent his frustrations and calm down. The corner can be equipped with his favorite things. Provide alternative opportunities for expression through the arts e.g drama, drawing

  9. Positive reinforcement • Response appropriately to Tiat’s display of emotions, ACTIVE LISTENING • Give praises, encouragement • Rewards e.g. stickers, preferred activities • Reinforce behaviour in other children as well, give reminders so that they can aid Tait in communication better.

  10. Keep in mind that this is a long process. Do not expect results immediately, it will take time for Tait to adapt. PATEINCE IS KEY.

  11. WHY? We choose to alter the environment (TRIGGERS) as it has a direct impact on Tait’sbehaviour. Helped him to regulate his emotions first so that he can better communicate with others. Provide him with alternative modes of expressions that taps on his strengths, interests, and abilities. Positive reinforcement to boost his self-esteem.

  12. Increase awareness and understanding in people around Tiat

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