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MID DAY MEAL SCHEME in MANIPUR Department of Education(S) Government of Manipur.

MID DAY MEAL SCHEME in MANIPUR Department of Education(S) Government of Manipur. HIGHLIGHTS. Cooking Cost for a period of 9 months i.e from April to Dec. ‘10 has been released. UCs & Unspent balances from districts are awaited for further subsequent release.

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MID DAY MEAL SCHEME in MANIPUR Department of Education(S) Government of Manipur.

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  1. MID DAY MEAL SCHEME in MANIPUR Department of Education(S) Government of Manipur.

  2. HIGHLIGHTS • Cooking Cost for a period of 9 months i.e from April to Dec. ‘10 has been released. • UCs & Unspent balances from districts are awaited for further subsequent release. • Foodgrains have been provided upto the month of Dec.’10 i.e. for 9(nine) months out of 12 academic months. • Media Awareness Campaign launched. • Vigilance Committees at Block Level instituted.

  3. COVERAGE of Institutions during 2010-11

  4. COVERAGE of Primary Schools during 2010-11

  5. COVERAGE of Upper Primary attached with Primary Schools during 2010-11

  6. COVERAGE of Upper Primary without Primary Schools during 2010-11

  7. Approval Vs Achievement: (Avg. no of children availed MDM during 1.4.10 to 31.12.10) No. of children (In thousand)

  8. Average Number of children in Primary and Upper Primary covered during 2010-11

  9. COVERAGE of Working Days during 2010-11 as on 31.12 2010 Approval for whole year is for 220 days.

  10. Utilisation of Foodgrains during 2010-11as on 31.12 2010

  11. LIFTING & UTILIZATION OF FOOD GRAINS(District-wise) during 2010-11 – PRY AS ON 31-12 2010

  12. LIFTING & UTILIZATION OF FOOD GRAINS(District-wise) during 2010-11 - UPY

  13. Payment of Cost of Foodgrains to FCIduring 2010-11

  14. Utilisation of Cooking Cost during 2010-11

  15. Cooking Cost released by Directorate for Primary as on 31st Dec. 2010

  16. Cooking Cost released by Directorate for UPS. As on 31st Dec. 2010

  17. Expenditure Status as on 31st Dec. 2010 – (PRY-UPY) Rs. in lakh


  19. Proposals for 2011-12

  20. REQUIREMENT OF PRIMARY & UPPER PRIMARY FOR THE YEAR 2011-12. Projected Enrolment • (Primary) - 1,95,000 • (Upp. Pry)- 50,000 • No. of working days - 249 • Cooking Assistance in Lakh (Pry) - Rs.1262.43 Lakh ( Upp. Pry ) - Rs. 485.55 Lakh • Foodgrains (Pry) - 4855.50 MTs. (Upp. Pry) - 1867.50 MTs • Cost of foodgrains - Rs. 379.85 Lakh • Cooks Honorarium - Rs.377.28 Lakh.

  21. MME Proposal • Will introduce the IVRS based MIS in the State. • Engagement of coordinators at District level. • External evaluation will be done. • Capacity building both at District and Lower levels. • Foodgrain Godowns at District Level.

  22. KITCHEN SHEDS KITCHEN DEVICES • Construction of 1174 kitchen sheds in collaboration with National Mission on Bamboo Application is in full swing. Proposal for construction of the remaining 1889 kitchen sheds has been approved recently by MHRD. • Procurement of Water Container, Filter & plates for 1650 schools are under process.

  23. FOODGRAINS • To ensure uninterrupted supply of foodgrains and to provide in advance, lifting has been done on quarterly basis and released upto the month of December 2010 i.e. 9 months out of 12 months for the year 2010-11 under the supervision of District Deputy Commissioners.. • Backlog transportation charges for the year 2005-06 had been released from the available unspent balance. • A new revised rate linking with PDS rate on transportation charges has been approved by GoI recently taking into consideration of treacherous terrain of far remote areas of hill districts in the State.

  24. MEASURES AND ACHIEVEMENTS • Block Level Vigilance committees have been constituted and the scheme is being monitored. • Printouts, incorporating different aspects of MDM scheme, have been distributed for getting feedback from people at village to State levels. • Releasing of funds from Directorate to SMDCs (School Management & Development Committees) account through e-transfer is being continued.

  25. AWARENESS CAMPAIGN • Mass Awareness Campaign both in print and electronic media have been started. • Helpline Cell has already been opened to attend to any inquiries/complaints and for redressal. • Implementation status being reflected on the Education Department’s website

  26. Awareness Campaign – Hoarding on Roadside-(MDM Helpline Audio)

  27. Awareness Campaign – Hoarding on Roadside

  28. Constructed Kitchen at Schools

  29. Constructed Kitchen at Schools

  30. Constructed Kitchen at Schools

  31. Interiors of the constructed Kitchen Shed

  32. Interiors of the constructed Kitchen Shed

  33. Interiors of the constructed Kitchen Shed

  34. THANK YOU __________________________________________ DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION(S), GOVERNMENT OF MANIPUR.

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