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Its Good to talk: Feedback, Dialogue and learning

Mark Goodwin . Its Good to talk: Feedback, Dialogue and learning. NTFS ‘It’s Good to Talk: Feedback, Dialogue and Learning’. 3 years 2009-2012 Funded by Higher Education Academy National Teaching Fellowship Scheme 3 institutions: De Montfort, London Metropolitan, Warwick.

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Its Good to talk: Feedback, Dialogue and learning

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  1. Mark Goodwin Its Good to talk: Feedback, Dialogue and learning

  2. NTFS ‘It’s Good to Talk: Feedback, Dialogue and Learning’ • 3 years • 2009-2012 • Funded by Higher Education Academy National Teaching Fellowship Scheme • 3 institutions: De Montfort, London Metropolitan, Warwick

  3. National student survey

  4. National student survey

  5. NSS scores 2011

  6. Nus Survey results

  7. NUS Survey results

  8. Students often misunderstand or misinterpret written feedback Staff may find it difficult to articulate the assessment criteria they use Staff and students disagreed about the current level and quality of feedback provision ‘Closing the gap’

  9. Research questions TRANSMISSION DIALOGUE

  10. Develop and embed a more expansive concept of feedback • Not just written • Not just for essays • Not just summative • Not just provided by tutor STRATEGY

  11. Not just written • Audio, blogs, online • Not just for essays • Exams, presentations, practical • Not just summative • Formative and developmental, exemplar exercises • Not just provided by tutor • Peer feedback and self-evaluation IGTT Projects

  12. www.dmu.ac.uk/itsgoodtotalk Mark Goodwin , Politics and Public Policy, DMU, mgoodwin@dmu.ac.uk Alasdair Blair, Politics and Public Policy, DMU , ablair@dmu.ac.uk

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