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I NEED YOU TO DROP IT. STEREO TYPE S. “The ideal solution is so they not. to do something that can visibly see the homeless ”. THE DECLINING ECONOMY. the face of homelessness. he could be homeless. 600,000. to. 2,500,000. “ ‘I was a white boy home.

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  3. “The ideal solution is so they not to do something that can visibly see the homeless”


  5. the face of homelessness

  6. he could be homeless

  7. 600,000 to 2,500,000

  8. “ ‘I was a white boy home suburban afraid less people’”

  9. 1. SPEAK OUT

  10. 2. SUPPORT

  11. 3. MAKE GOALS

  12. 4. VOLUNTEER

  13. acknowledgments Mrs. Ward: For the support during this semester, especially when I could not find a place to volunteer Dr. Valenza: For continuing to be the best librarian ever and providing me with tons of valuable resources

  14. T. and E. Korich: My dad, who listened to me practice this presentation a lot of times and my mom, who volunteered with me every week Brian Jenkins: The owner of Chosen 300 Ministries welcomed me with warm arms

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