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1:1 Computing @MIT

Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps. A discovery project Bill Fitzgerald Senior Project Manager, ACP Joanne Hallisey

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1:1 Computing @MIT

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  1. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps A discovery project Bill Fitzgerald Senior Project Manager, ACP Joanne Hallisey Senior Project Manager, Discovery Phillip Long Senior Strategist, ACP Oliver Thomas Group Leader, Athena-RCC Group 1:1 Computing @MIT

  2. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps 1:1 Computing @MIT • If you’re praying in W13, you must be at MIT • A culture of technology and research

  3. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps 1:1 Computing @MIT • MIT faces the consequences of being “first”– • We have a “well defined” computing environment that endorses the three “S’s” • Scalable • Serially reusable • Sustainable This was implemented through the development of Athena

  4. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps Oliver Thomas Group Leader, Athena-RCC Group

  5. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps • Originally Project Athena(1983-1992) • A different kind of ubiquitous computing • Original focus development of an Academic computing platform and discipline-specific courseware • Sponsored by Digital Equipment Corporation and IBM The Athena Computing Environment

  6. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps Key Technology Developments • X Window System • Kerberos authentication system • Zephyr messaging system • OLC/OLTA interactive on line help • Hesiod directory services • Roaming profiles • Thin workstations • Highly scalable The Athena Computing Environment

  7. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps Athena Today • 700+ workstations in clusters, labs, offices, and dorms maintained by minimal staff • 25,000+ users • About 6,000 logins from unique users per day • New platform support (SGI, Sun, Linux) • AFS file system • 3rd Party Software • Math packages (Matlab, Mathematica, Maple) • Graphics/Modelling (Alias Wavefront, Autocad, Insight, Pro**Engineer) • Office packages (StarOffice, Applixware, Framemaker) The Athena Computing Environment

  8. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps Drawbacks • Heavy network dependency • Slow on launch • Demand exceeds supply at peak times • Unable to leverage market • Limited commercial software choice • UNIX is hard! The Athena Computing Environment

  9. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps • The Student Computing dipole Student Computing • High personal ownership (85%-95%) • Increasing resistance to high learning curve Athena (UNIX) presents • Athena is the base for academic computing • Faculty build with Athena in mind • Personally owned machines are not “critical systems”

  10. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps The Student Computing Class System • The Elite • It’s not just a job, it’s an adventure! • The Professionals • In-Depth Knowledge • No Passion • The Others • Goal Oriented • Computer is a means to an end The Athena Computing Environment

  11. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps • The MIT Network • Wireless Pilot • Network Security • Challenges MIT Infrastructure

  12. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps Wireless Pilot • 300 access points in service in selected classrooms, libraries, and public spaces by 6/30/2001 • “Partnership” with Lucent MIT Infrastructure

  13. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps Network Security • Kerberos • X.509 Web Certificates • Certificate-Based DHCP Reg MIT Infrastructure

  14. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps Network Security Challenges • Big Pipes, Little Pipes • Servers, Servers Everywhere • MIT’s Network Is Open(No Firewalls) MIT Infrastructure

  15. Hazards of Cracking – Portugal Closed for Business 15 October 1998 Courtesy Luis Carmona, Telepac (PORTUGAL)

  16. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps Network Security Challenges • Big Pipes, Little Pipes • Servers, Servers Everywhere • MIT’s Network Is Open(No Firewalls) MIT Infrastructure

  17. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps Network Security Challenges • Big Pipes, Little Pipes • Servers, Servers Everywhere • MIT’s Network Is Open(No Firewalls) MIT Infrastructure

  18. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps • The Only Way In Or Out Is Through The Firewall • All Threats Originate From Outside The Firewall • Connections Are Dangerous But Data Is Not The Three Myths of Firewalls “We’ve Got The Place Surrounded!” “Nobody Here But Us Chickens.” “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me!” “Sticks and stones may break my bones but Word™ will never hurt me!” Bob Blakley, IBM

  19. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps The Cost Of Freedom • The MIT Network Security Team • Average 4 Incidents per day • Cross-Departmental, Volunteers • Funded and Paid (finally!) MIT Infrastructure

  20. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps Joanne Hallisey Senior Project Manager, Discovery

  21. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps • Pre-admissions • New Students • Parents • Upperclass students Student Expectations

  22. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps • 24x7 reliability • 24x7 availability • Security • Multiple platforms • Lab, classroom,dorm,public space, off-campus connectivity • Remote access Anytime…Anywhere

  23. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps • File storage • Network performance • Software availability • Support • Repair • Personal use options • Backup???? Anytime…Anywhere cont.

  24. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps • Japanesehttp://web.mit.edu/fll/www/languages/Japanese.html • 6.001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programshttp://sicp.ai.mit.edu/Fall-2000/ • 2.009 Product Engineering Processeshttp://web.mit.edu/2.009/www/ Use of Technology in Teaching

  25. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps • “An Educational Experiment” • All course information on web pages • Lectures are online only via the online tutor system • Problem sets releases via the online tutor system- individual work • Collaboration encourage with caveats • Support for specified OS on personal computers - no Macs or general Athena 6.001

  26. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps • Use of technology to teach language - began JP NET in 1995 • Daily use of web (JP NEThttp://www-japan.mit.edu/) • Interactive exercises • Accessed by MIT and non-MIT people Japanese

  27. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps • Web pages parallel MIT home page • Course information online • Email and chat • Resources • Peer review 2.009

  28. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps Bill Fitzgerald Senior Project Manager, ACP

  29. Momentum for Change From Ideas to Reality Latest Call for Proposals Support for the Future Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps MIT Council on Educational Technology(MITCET)

  30. The Work Educational Technology Council Task Force For Student Life and Learning The New MITCET Life-Long Learning Alumni Engagement The Commitment PIVoT Is Deployed EMCC Is Launched Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps Momentum For Change

  31. MIT / Singapore MIT / Cambridge University, UK MIT / Microsoft I-Campus d’Arbeloff Gift MIT Internal Funding Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps The Resources

  32. MIT / Singapore MIT / Cambridge University, UK MIT / Microsoft I-Campus d’Arbeloff Gift MIT Internal Funding Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps The Resources

  33. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps Factories and Laboratories: A New Undergraduate Seminar FLUIDS: A School-Wide Modular Program Project VIEW: Communicating around Campus Studio Physics: The Re-Birth of Wonder Solving Complex Problems: Mission 2004 Classroom Communicator: Increasing Classroom Interaction From Ideas to Reality

  34. Students Classroom Communicator “Raising your hand... virtually!” Faculty Technology-Enabled Active Learning (TEAL) “Selling your chalk stock?” Physics Interactive Video Tutor (PIVoT) Alumni Life Long Learning: Keeping our alumni engaged with perpetual learning and involvement (i.e. Mission 2004) Staff Learn and apply new skills Work across traditional departmental boundaries Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps Engagement Across the Campus

  35. Continued interest in new ways to create excitement about the first-year educational experience. New areas of interest are: Educational impact of wireless and portable computing New educational initiatives that include alumni as participants Projects that investigate increased flexibility for learning experiences on and off campus New support model will be needed Is this the next generation of Athena, or a brand new family? Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps Latest Call for Proposals

  36. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps Next Steps • Leveraging existing technology proclivities among the MIT students • Preserve the functionally valuable attributes the Athena • Craft a series of experiments to evaluate the characteristics of a mobile student computing environment • Goal: transformation of educational technology in mature computing environment

  37. Social/Cultural Hardware Academic Value Software Support Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps Dimensions of Study

  38. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps Infrastructure Security Business Finance Dimensions of Study

  39. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps Test Cohorts • Convergence of academic program and independent living groups (ILG’s) • Student cohorts engaged in an academic program provided by a specific course or department • Student cohorts engaged in single shared class (e.g., course 6.001) • Student cohorts derived from a shared living environment (e.g., drawn from the same residence setting)

  40. Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps Givens • Multi platform (Intel, Mac) • Multi OS (Linux, W2K, MacOS X) • Common File System • Central+Distributed • AFS + MITster or Apache local web server • Secure Kerberized/Certificate-based environment

  41. Thank You Tune in Next Year for the Results !

  42. Academic Computing Practice (ACP)http://web.mit.edu/acs/ Project I-Campus http://web.mit.edu/alliance/index.html Latest Call for First-Year Proposalshttp://mit.edu/ed-proposals Educational Media Creation Center (EMCC) http://emcc.mit.edu/ Center for Advanced Educational Studies http://www-caes.mit.edu/ Story Line Introduction Athena Environment Student Computing MIT Infrastructure Student Expectations Use of Technology in Teaching Ed Technology Initiatives Proposal Next Steps The End URLs for Reference

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