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utilizing the school web epss

Data Sources and Building Budget. NMPED Priority Schools Bureau. utilizing the school web epss. Session Outcomes. Participants will understand which data sources to consider when linking budget to program in the school Web EPSS. Participants will be able to reflect budget in the

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utilizing the school web epss

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  1. Data Sources and Building Budget NMPED Priority Schools Bureau utilizing the school web epss

  2. Session Outcomes Participants will understand which data sources to consider when linking budget to program in the school Web EPSS. Participants will be able to reflect budget in the school Web EPSS.

  3. NM A-F School Accountability System

  4. Data Sources Data sources available at district and schools: • NM Standards Based Assessment • Formative and Summative assessments • School Report Cards Other data sources: attendance, grad rate, SAT referrals, measures of parent participation, discipline …..

  5. 2012-2013 School Report Card

  6. PSB Tools as Data Sources Schools with letter grades of D, F, and/or status of Priority or Focus were required to conduct a needs assessment in the late spring or fall of 2012: School and Systems Reflective Summaries These tools were designed to provide the school with an in-depth analysis of how well the systems of support and instruction practices are functioning to support student outcomes and increase teacher effectiveness.

  7. Looking at Our Systems: Celebrations and Challenges

  8. PSB Tools as Data Sources Literacy Reflective Summaries These tools were designed to provide schools with a means to review their school wide literacy system, looking at the effectiveness of the instruction and alignment with the curriculum.

  9. Looking at Our Literacy Practices: Celebrations and Challenges

  10. PSB Tools as Data Sources Math Reflective Summaries These tools were designed to provide schools with a means to review their school wide numeracy system, looking at the effectiveness of the instruction and alignment with the curriculum.

  11. Looking at Our Math Practices: Celebrations and Challenges

  12. Connection to Web EPSS The results of the Reflective Summaries served to help schools identify areas in need of improvement around their systems of support, effectiveness of instruction and curriculum alignment. These areas of need were reflected as Action Steps in the 2012-2013 Web EPSS under the Reading and Math Goals.

  13. The New Mexico Instructional Audit

  14. New Mexico Instructional Audit Schools with grades of D or F and/or status of Focus or Priority were required to go through the Instructional Audit process in Fall 2012. PED teams – Priority and F Schools LEA teams – Focus and D Schools

  15. Purpose: NMIA Priorities to Developing a SchoolPlan The New Mexico Instructional Audit (NMIA) provided schools with an independent examination of the operations and systems that support and relate to instruction. Results from the NMIA are essential and were reflected in the school’s 2012-2013 Web EPSS.

  16. Guidance: NMIA Exceptions 2012-2013 If within the last year your school completed any of the following, and has a summary report that was uploaded to the Web EPSS file cabinet, the school DID NOT have to complete the NMIA. • High Schools that Work: TAV or TRV • North Central Association Accreditation (Must be an individual school visit) • Participation in the University of Virginia School Turnaround Specialist Program

  17. New Mexico Instructional Audit The audit is based on 13 indicators related to research and best practices for teaching and learning that build on the work of the CLASS and also aligns with the Seven Turnaround Principles listed in the “New Mexico ESEA Flexibility Request.”

  18. New Mexico Instructional AuditRequired for all Priority, Focus, F and D schools • Compilation of data and findings based on interviews, classroom observations and document reviews. • Data and findings are shared with the superintendent/designee, principal and school leadership team at an exit meeting. • The NMIA team leader wrote a formal report and sent it to the superintendent and school principal within 10 days to two weeks.

  19. New Mexico Instructional Audit • The principal, with support and input from the district representative and school personnel reviewed the NMIA Report findings and determined actions to address the findings. • Findings are priorities that were reflected in the 2012-2013 School Web EPSS as Action Steps and connected to goals and strategies in this tool.

  20. Responding to the NMIA Report • Upon receiving the report, the district and the school had 10 days to two weeks to review and respond to the findings. • For each finding the school needed to provide a response. • The expectation was that the school responded to all findings, utilizing the cells provided in the report template and incorporated the responses into the school’s 2012-2013 Web EPSS.

  21. NMIA & Web EPSS Reviews

  22. Priority = Action Step NMIA Finding (Priority) Students identified as English Language Learners (ELL) are not benefitting from a comprehensive system of support to meet their learning needs in the general education classroom. Action Step All teachers in grades 1-5 will implement Walk 2 Read within adaily 90 minute block for English Language Learners and will progress monitor students using DIBELSevery three weeks beginning in January 2013.

  23. Priority = Action Step An Action Step should: Link to findings from NMIA Report Support the overall goals in the Web EPSS: Math, Reading and Transformation Provide detail and clarifying information (Who, What, Frequency, Duration,….)

  24. Linking Priorities to Web EPSS

  25. Available Resources for LEA and School New Mexico Instructional Audit Guidance Document New Mexico Instructional Audit Appendices Math, Literacy, and School and Systems Reflective Summaries http://ped.state.nm.us/ped/PrioritySchoolsIndex.html

  26. Adding Money to the District Plan for Schools to Access The District Plan Administrator is responsible for adding funding sources and related allocations to the District plan budget once the BAR has been submitted and approved.

  27. From the District plan page, click the Budget link tab at the top to see the overall plan budget.

  28. Then click the Add Funding Source link.

  29. On the Add Funding Source screen, select SEA.

  30. By selecting SEA funding sources schools can select from a list of all available Federal and State sources.

  31. Now Schools are able to build budget into their 2013-2014 Web EPSS

  32. Web EPSS Plan Filters

  33. Rolling out the Web EPSS

  34. Plus or Minus?

  35. Adding an Action Step

  36. Editing an Action Step

  37. Adding Budget Items

  38. Web EPSS Plan Filters

  39. Contact Information • Howard Oechsner505.827.6580 (o)Howard.Oechsner@state.nm.us • Patricia Hackney • 505.827.3835 (o) • patricia.hackney@state.nm.us

  40. Exit Slips

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