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MGT 527 Entire Course<br>FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT<br><br>www.mgt527help.com<br><br>MGT 527 Final Exam Study<br>MGT 527 Week 1 Individual Assignment Business Consulting Paper<br>MGT 527 Week 1 DQ 1<br>MGT 527 Week 1 DQ 2<br>MGT 527 Week 2 Individual Assignment Consultant and Client Communication Strategies<br>MGT 527 Week 2 DQ 1<br>MGT 527 Week 2 DQ 2<br>MGT 527 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Functional Areas of Business Comparison chart and Presentation<br>MGT 527 Week 3 DQ 1<br>MGT 527 Week 3 DQ 2<br>MGT 527 Week 4 Individual Assignment Consulting Project Plan – Part One<br>MGT 527 Week 4 DQ 1<br>MGT 527 Week 4 DQ 2<br>MGT 527 Week 5 Individual Assignment Consulting Project Plan – Part Two<br>MGT 527 Week 5 DQ 1<br>MGT 527 Week 5 DQ 2 <br>MGT 527 Week 6 Individual Assignment Consulting Project Plan – Part Three<br>MGT 527 Week 6 Learning Team Assignment Consultant’s Code of Ethic<br>
MGT 527 HELP teaching effectively • MGT 527 Final Exam Study • MGT 527 Week 1 Individual Assignment Business Consulting Paper • MGT 527 Week 1 DQ 1 • MGT 527 Week 1 DQ 2 • MGT 527 Week 2 Individual Assignment Consultant and Client Communication Strategies • MGT 527 Week 2 DQ 1 • MGT 527 Final Exam / Test- Use As Study Material MGT 527 Entire Course MGT 527 Final Exam Guide
MGT 527 HELP teaching effectively • Week 1 DQ 1 • Each step leading to the implementation of a solution is an opportunity to engage the client, reduce resistance, and increase the probability for success. Of the 12 steps outlined in your readings, which two or three steps do you consider to be the most important? Explain your response. • Week 1 DQ 2 • Briefly discuss the major differences between an internal versus external consultant. In what situations can each be most effective? Would you rather be an internal or external consultant? Explain your answer. MGT 527 Week 1 DQ 1 MGT 527 Week 1 DQ 2
MGT 527 HELP teaching effectively • Write a paper of no more than 700 words. Complete the following in your paper: • Describe your vision and explanation of a business consultant. • Include a brief overview of a business consultant’s roles and responsibilities. • Answer the following questions: • What is a business consultant? • Week 2 DQ1 • How are the functional areas interdependent in your organization or one you are familiar with? How might that interdependency affect a consultant’s work? MGT 527 Week 1 Individual Assignment Business Consulting Paper MGT 527 Week 2 DQ 1
MGT 527 HELP teaching effectively • Week 2 DQ 2 • How might the functional areas of a small business compare with the functional areas of a large corporation? Do all businesses have the same functional areas regardless of size? Support your response with examples • Select a business unit from your organization that has a business or technical problem, which you believe a consultant may be able to help solve. You will use your selection in multiple assignments throughout the course. • Write a paper of no more than 1,050 words. Complete the following in your paper: • Develop strategies for developing effective client and consultant relationships with the business unit you selected. MGT 527 Week 2 DQ 2 MGT 527 Week 2 Individual Assignment Consultant and Client Communication Strategies
MGT 527 HELP teaching effectively • Week 3 DQ1 • How might a consultant seek to engage others in the change process? Why is engagement important to successful implementation? How might engagement techniques with management differ from techniques you might use to engage staff employees? • Week 3 DQ2 • What are some tools a consultant may use to engage the client in the discovery phase? How would these help you with your consulting project for this course? MGT 527 Week 3 DQ 1 MGT 527 Week 3 DQ 2
MGT 527 HELP teaching effectively • Post your completed Functional Areas of Business Chart in your Learning Team forum • Discuss, with your Learning Team members, the functional areas of business and how they interrelate with problem identification and potential solutions. • Select one of the following options for your assignment: • Week 4 DQ1 • How might a client feedback plan vary from industry to industry? Are all facets of a communication plan equally important regardless of industry? MGT 527 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Functional Areas of Business Comparison chart and Presentation MGT 527 Week 4 DQ 1
MGT 527 HELP teaching effectively • Week 4 DQ 2 • What techniques can you use to avoid taking client feedback personally? How might you structure and control the feedback meeting to generate the best positive outcome from the client? • Resource: University of Phoenix Material: Consulting Project Plan • Complete the discovery phase using the business you selected in the Week Three Functional Areas of Business Comparison. Include the following in your description: • Identify a presenting problem, such as low employee morale, that you think you may be able to help solve. MGT 527 Week 4 DQ 2 MGT 527 Week 4 Individual Assignment Consulting Project Plan – Part One
MGT 527 HELP teaching effectively • Week 5 DQ1 • What are some strategies for building an emotional commitment to engagement on the part of the client? Which of these strategies are going to be the most effective for your project? Why are these strategies the most effective? • Week 5 DQ2 • What components do you think are most important in a communication plan? What are the advantages of a formalized communication plan? What might happen if a consultant does not establish a communication plan with a client? MGT 527 Week 5 DQ 1 MGT 527 Week 5 DQ 2
MGT 527 HELP teaching effectively • Create a 1- to 2-page feedback plan for the organization you selected for your Consulting Plan Project. • Refer to “Checklist #7. Planning a Feedback Meeting” in Ch. 14 of Flawless Consulting: A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used. • Include the following in your • Complete the Consulting Project Plan. • Revise and apply feedback as appropriate for Part One and Part Two. Include these revised sections in your final submission. MGT 527 Week 5 Individual Assignment Consulting Project Plan – Part Two MGT 527 Week 6 Individual Assignment Consulting Project Plan – Part Three
MGT 527 HELP teaching effectively • Create a 10-slide presentation in which you create a code of ethics for authentic consulting. • Define authentic consulting. • Develop a 10-item code of ethics for the consulting field. For each item of the code, provide an example from journals or explain why the item should be included in the code of ethics. • Format your references consistent with APA guidelines MGT 527 Week 6 Learning Team Assignment Consultant’s Code of Ethics Presentation