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Lab Practical #2

Lab Practical #2. Starfish, Shark and Turtle. 1. What is the name of this structure? A. Central Disk B. Madreporite C. Anus D. Mouth. 2. 2. What is the name of this structure? A. Arm B. Leg C. Ray D. Two of these. 3.

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Lab Practical #2

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  1. Lab Practical #2 Starfish, Shark and Turtle

  2. 1 What is the name of this structure? A. Central Disk B. Madreporite C. Anus D. Mouth

  3. 2 2. What is the name of this structure? A. Arm B. Leg C. Ray D. Two of these

  4. 3 3. What is the name of this structure? A. Anus B. Central Disk C. Mouth D. Ring Canal

  5. 4 4. What is the name of this structure? A. Spine B. Arm C. Tube Foot 5. What is the function of the structure in #4? A. Take in oxygen B. Take in water C. Movement D. Two of these

  6. 6. What phylum is the starfish in? A. Arthropoda B. Mollusca C. Cnidaria D. Echinodermata 7. What class is the starfish in? A. Echinoidea B. Crinoidea C. Asteriodea D. Ophiuroidea

  7. 8. What type of symmetry does the starfish have? A. Radial B. Bilateral C. Asymmetry 9. In the picture above, which surface is facing up? A. Aboral B. Oral

  8. 10. What body cavity classification does the starfish have? A. Acoelomate B. PseudocoelomateC. Eucoelomate 11. What is the classification of the starfish? A. Deuterostome B. Protostome

  9. 12. 12. What is the name of this structure? A. Spines B. Tube feet C. Ambulacral groove D. Canal

  10. 13. What does the Structure Labeled (a) identify?A. Eye B. SpiracleC. Gill Slits D. Nares

  11. 14. What does the Structure Labeled (b) identify?A. Eye B. SpiracleC. Gill Slits D. Nares

  12. 15. What does the Structure Labeled (c) identify?A. Eye C. SpiracleB. Gill Slits D. Nares

  13. 16. What Structure are the arrows pointing to?A. LungsC. KidneyB. Stomach D. Liver

  14. 17. Name the fin • Dorsal Fin B. Pectoral Fins • C. Anal Fins D. Pelvic Fin E. Caudal

  15. 18. Name the fin • Dorsal Fin B. Pectoral Fins • C. Pelvic Fin D. Caudal

  16. 19. Name the fin • Dorsal Fin B. Pectoral Fins • C. Pelvic Fin D. Caudal

  17. 20. Name the fin • Dorsal Fin C. Pectoral Fins • Pelvic Fin D. Caudal

  18. 21. Name the structure labeled (b) A. Lateral line C. Gill slits B. Spine D. Clasper

  19. 22. What class is the shark classified in? Osteichtheyes C. Chondrichthyes Amphibia D. Mammalia

  20. 23. What is the body cavity classification of the shark? A. Acoelomate B. Psuedocoelomate C. Eucoelomate 24. What is the classification of the shark? A. Deuterostome B. Protostome

  21. 25. The skeleton of the shark is made of ___. A. Bone B. Cartilage C. Tendon D. Muscle 26. Which fins of the shark are paired fins? Caudal and Anal B. Pelvic and Pectoral C. Dorsal and Anal D. Pectoral and Dorsal

  22. 27. What type of symmetry do sharks have? A. Radial B. Bilateral C. Asymmetry 28. Which sex of a shark has a structure called a clasper? A. Female B. Male

  23. 29. What is the name of this organ? A. Stomach B. Liver C. Lung D. Intestine 29

  24. 30. What is the name of this organ? A. Stomach B. Liver C. Lung D. Intestine 30

  25. 31. What is the name of this organ? A. Stomach B. Liver C. Lung D. Intestine 31

  26. 32. What is the name of the lower shell of the turtle? A. Carapace B. Plastron C. Ventral Shell D. Scute E. Dorsal Shell

  27. 33. What are the individual bony plates that make up the turtle’s shell called? A. Plastrons B. Scales C. Ridges D. Scutes

  28. 34. Turtles rarely die from pneumonia. A. True B. False 35. What class is the turtle in? AmphibiaB. Chordata C. Reptilia D. Animalia 36. Turtles are ________________. A. Deuterostomes B. Protostomes

  29. 37. Turtles are used for ___________. Food B. Cosmetics C. Medicines D. All of these

  30. 38. Turtles are classified as _____________. Acoelomates B. Pseudocoelomates C. Eucoelomates

  31. 39. Turtles are known to _______________ when facing a dangerous situation. Cry B. Cough C. Retreat inside shell D. Run and hide

  32. 40. Of the three organisms listed below, which one looked the most like humans internally? Starfish B. Shark C. Turtle 41. The main difference between a turtle, terrapin and a tortoise is the environment of each? A. True B. False

  33. 42. Which sense is highly developed in the turtle? • A. Sight B. Hearing • C. Smell D. Touch • The numbers of chambers in a turtle’s heart is • A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

  34. 44. The largest organ of the shark is the A. Heart B. Lung C. Liver D. Gall bladder The animal with the greatest ability to experience regeneration is A. Shark B. Starfish C. Turtle

  35. The incision on the shark occurred on what surface? A. Dorsal B. Ventral C. Lateral Which of the following is not an example of the Phylum Chordata? A. Bird B. Frog C. Lizard D. Crab

  36. Indirect development is when an animal goes from a larva at birth and develops into an adult. • True B. False Birds and mammals are endothermic animals. A. True B. False 50. Some members of the Phylum Chordata have an open circulatory system. A. True B False

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