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14.3 part 2

14.3 part 2. America Joins the Fight. America Joins the Fight. T he Germans announced that their submarines would sink without warning any ship in the waters around Britain This policy was called unrestricted submarine warfare .

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14.3 part 2

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  1. 14.3 part 2 America Joins the Fight

  2. America Joins the Fight • The Germans announced that their submarines would sink without warning any ship in the waters around Britain • This policy was called unrestricted submarine warfare. • Germany sunk the British passenger ship Lusitania. The attack left 1,198 people dead, including 128 U.S. citizens

  3. America Joins the Fight • The US demanded an end to this, but Germany returned to this policy in 1917 • They gambled that their naval blockade would starve Britain into defeat before the US could mobilize • Ignoring warnings by President Wilson, German U-boats sank three American ships

  4. America Joins the Fight To: MEXICO From: GERMANY • In 1917 a telegram written by the German government was intercepted by the Allies which asked Mexico to join the Central Powers • They offered to help Mexico take back land they had lost to the US • In April 1917 United States entered the war on the side of the Allies.

  5. War Affects the Home Front • World War I soon became a total war. This meant that countries devoted all their resources to the war effort • Governments took control of their economies and switched factory production to war supplies • They rationed food and other supplies needed for the war

  6. War Affects the Home Front • Governments also suppressed antiwar activity, sometimes forcibly. • They censored news about the war • Governments also used propaganda, one-sidedinformation designed to persuade, to keep up morale and support for the war.

  7. Women and the War • Thousands of women replaced men in the work force • Women also worked on or near the front lines as nurses • Most women left the work force when the war ended, but they had changed the view of what women were capable of doing.

  8. Assignment • 1. Describe the major events that led to the US joining the war. • 2. Why would Germany ignore President Wilson’s warnings and continue unrestricted submarine warfare? • 3. Define total war. How did this affect life on the home front? • 4. How did government’s treat news and criticism about the war? Do you agree with these tactics? • 5. Describe the significance of women’s role in the war effort both on the frontlines and at home.

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