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SingularityU [Country] Summit: Igniting Innovation for Exponential Growth

Join us at the SingularityU [Country] Summit to gain insights into cutting-edge technologies and innovative solutions that can transform industries and make a positive global impact. Discover the power of exponential growth through technology and entrepreneurial projects.

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SingularityU [Country] Summit: Igniting Innovation for Exponential Growth

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  1. Add your approved logo

  2. Where do you go for insights about technology that may save your industry from disruption?

  3. Where do you go for solutions that can change the world?

  4. How will you help make (insert sponsor name)the answer to both?

  5. SingularityU Summits are held in key international cities to expand understanding of how to use exponential technologies to create positive change and economic growth. Option to add personalized local quote below “Its [Singularity University’s] vision and expertise has been without a doubt a great contribution...generating exponential growth through technology and creative, entrepreneurial and social projects.” — Alejandra Valdes R. General Cultural Manager Gabriel and Mary Mustakis Foundation Chile

  6. What is Singularity University? PETER DIAMANDIS Co-founder of SU RAY KURZWEIL Co-founder of SU Singularity University is a benefit corporation based on NASA Research Park in Silicon Valley. SU provides educational programs, innovative partnerships and a business accelerator to help individuals, businesses, institutions, investors, NGOs and governments understand cutting-edge technologies and how to utilize these technologies to positively impact billions of people.

  7. Singularity University’s Mission Educate,empower &inspire leaders to apply exponential technologies to addressing humanity’s grand challenges

  8. Singularity University’s Faculty Raymond McCauley Chair, Biotechnology & Bioinformatics Kathryn Myronuk Synthesis & Convergence Emeline Paat-Dahlstrom Chief Impact Officer Dan Barry NASA Astronaut Rob Nail Associate FOunder & CEO Neil Jacobstein Co-chair, AI & Robotics

  9. Exponential Technologies Medicine & Neuroscience AI & Robotics Biotechnology & Bioinformatics Nanotechnology & Digital Fabrication Networks &Computing Systems

  10. At Singularity University, our greatest challenges are also our greatest opportunities. Global Health Education Energy Environment Food Poverty Security Space Water

  11. Lowe’s Innovation Labs + Fellow Robots Multilingual service robots to help customers find specific items and navigate through stores. SU Labs Corporate Member+ SU Labs Startup Company

  12. Miroculus A simple blood test that can diagnose disease before symptoms appear and monitor treatment. Graduate Studies Program 2013 + SU Labs Startup Company

  13. Scanadu The first medical tricorder, gathering temperature, blood pressure and heart rate at once. Exponential Medicine 2011

  14. MadeInSpace The first 3D printer designed to operate in zero gravity, enabling off-world manufacturing. Graduate Studies Program 2010 + SU Labs Startup Company

  15. Modern Meadow Exploring fundamentally new ways to create sustainable animal materials and cultured food products; reducing use of land, water and chemicals. SynBio Startup LaunchPad 2012 + SU Labs Startup Company

  16. Disaster Mesh A creative mesh network to help and connect disaster survivors. Exponential Youth Camp 2014

  17. 18 12 77 The SingularityU Global Community 55 93 500+ Innovation PartnershipProgram Members Exponential Advisory Board Members Global ImpactCompetition Winners CountriesRepresented Global ImpactCompetitions Singularity HUBMembers

  18. The Global Vision Singularity University is developing a global network of local SU innovation ecosystems that are: Values Driven Bold in Vision Partner Oriented Inclusive

  19. The Global Brand

  20. SingularityU [Country Name] Summit The SingularityU [Country Name] Summit will be hosted in [Date] in [City] . [#] guests from around the world comprised of C-level executives, business and political leaders. TBD, 2016 AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Debates—sessions—keynotes company cases—workshops Startup Expo—Eight SU Faculty

  21. SingularityU [Country Name here] Add your approved logo from country pitching SingularityU [Country] Summit Logo

  22. Objectives of a SingularityU [Country Name here] • Raising awareness of exponential technologies and their impact on future government policies, business, and business executives • Promoting high impact innovation culture • Igniting a conversation among businessmen/women, professionals, entrepreneurs and executives about the future of our country’s industries • Giving visibility to [Country Name here] high impact innovation companies. • Sharing best practices and success stories from different industries.

  23. The Location Add local photos of venue here Venue details 1 Main Stage for 700–800 people <<1 Press Conference Room for 100 journalists>> <<Ultra-fast Internet Access>> <<Organic and Gourmet Catering>>

  24. Pricing

  25. Partnership Opportunities SingularityU Summit offers a small number of opportunities for partnerships that allows associating your brand with the extraordinary world of leveraging exponential technologies for positive impact. This platform will allow you to directly connect with the participants, professors and people who are at the forefront of the creation of future technological development.

  26. Sponsorship Opportunities To be localized by partner. • Visibility • Examples. Signature ‘Presented by’, Logo prominently in communication assets, program, press conferences, photo and video, Presence in all advertising, media and press releases materials, 15 tickets full-pass.] • Sponsored Lunches /Dinners • Spaces of Interaction and Brand Exposure • Experiential space with <BRAND> Products. Digital media Planned by <AD AGENCY. Additional 15 invitations to the official press conference, pre-sales for customers and brand partners, reserved seats in the front row.

  27. Sponsorship Opportunities

  28. Sponsorship Opportunities Exclusive Platinum • The sponsor may suggest one exhibitor from its company to present during the event. • One exclusive Singularity presentation for sponsor’s board. • The sponsor will appear as host of the event. • Introduction and presentation of one of the sessions by a senior executive of the company (the company is owner of that session). • Exclusive breakfast with exhibitors. Exclusive Gold & Platinum • The sponsor may suggest one exhibitor from its company to present during the event.

  29. SingularityU [Country Name] Summit [City Name] [Date] [Contact Details]

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