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Coaching for Math GAINS Professional Learning Day 2 PM

Coaching for Math GAINS Professional Learning Day 2 PM. Irene McEvoy irene.mcevoy@gmail.com David Zimmer dzec_inc@rogers.com September 17, 2009. Changing practice: Dilemmas, challenges, supports Dr. Christine Suurtamm, University of Ottawa. What does the CIIM report say?.

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Coaching for Math GAINS Professional Learning Day 2 PM

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  1. Coaching for Math GAINSProfessional LearningDay 2 PM Irene McEvoy irene.mcevoy@gmail.com David Zimmer dzec_inc@rogers.com September 17, 2009

  2. Changing practice: Dilemmas, challenges, supportsDr.Christine Suurtamm, University of Ottawa

  3. What does the CIIM report say? As we work together improving practice, what implicationsdoes the article suggest? Taking turns discuss something that you found interesting. (10 min.)

  4. Josh’s Dilemma:Role Play of Initial Meeting • Determine who will play the roles of coach, teacher (Josh), and observer. • Josh reads only the first paragraph to find out who she is and what she is about. • Role play an initial meeting between Josh and coach – observer notes paraphrasing, clarifying and interpreting questions. 5 minutes

  5. Josh’s Dilemma:Role Play Initial Meeting - Debrief • Observer goes first: what did you notice? What question stems did you identify? What might have been different. • Josh talks next. • Coach talks last. 2 minutes each

  6. Josh’s Dilemma:Role Play Co-Planning Session • Switch roles. • Everyone reads the second paragraph. • Role play a co-planning meeting that focuses on question #1. • Observer notes probing questions and instructing questions. • Coach to summarize the meeting at the 1 minute timer. 7 minutes + 1 minute to summarize

  7. Josh’s dilemma:Role Play Co –Planning Session - Debrief • Observer goes first: what did you notice? What was well done? What might have been different? • Joshtalks next. • Coach talks last. 2 minutes each

  8. Josh’s Dilemma:Role Play Debrief of the Dilemma • Switch roles. • Everyone reads the third paragraph. • Role play a meeting that focuses on question #2. • What question stems might you use? • 7 minutes + 1 minute summary

  9. Whole Group Debrief • What strategies were discussed in planning with the Big Ideas in mind? • What strategies were discussed to handle Josh’s dilemma regarding marks?

  10. What will you experience? • Discuss in your group topics you might be faced with as a coach. • Identify one dilemma/challenge to work on State on the chart paper: • Details you expect around this issue • Why this may be an issue you are dealing with • Other things that come to mind • Post your case study • Form working partners (groups of 2 or 3)

  11. Each group select an issue • Role play around the issue using question strategies. • 2 minutes on the initial meeting • 10 minutes discussing the topic as if it were part of a co-planning session (select the content you’ll be discussing) • 1 minute to summarize • Post your strategies on the chart paper.

  12. Graffiti • Rotate to the next issue • Add any new strategies that come to mind

  13. Coaching Frayer Model … Revisited

  14. Importance of Administrators • How will you engage your administrator?

  15. Lucy West: Changing school culture • What are some strategies?

  16. Coaching Resources http://www.curriculum.org/secretariat/archive.shtml http://gains-coaches.wikispaces.com/

  17. Ministry Resources • TIPS: Lessons, Planning, Continuums & Connections, Processes,… • CLIPS, Gizmos • Professional Learning Packages: Problem Solving, DI, Assessment,…) • Coaching www.edugains.ca

  18. Instructional Resources Cathy Fosnot

  19. Lucy West: Coaches Toolkit • What do you think it should contain? • What does Lucy say?

  20. Inside/Outside Circle: Outside circle faces in, inside circle faces out. Outside circle answers:My next step as a math coach is … Inside circle answers: The best thing about being a math coach is……. Outside circle ROTATES one place, answer opposite statement to your new partner . . .And Again . . .

  21. Make an Appointment • Find 1-2 people to contact in a month to discuss your progress. • Exchange contact information. • Set a date.

  22. Feedback Please • How did we do? • What did you find valuable? • What further support would you need? Final feedback form is a tear off at the back of your package. Please complete it and hand it in.

  23. It's a long journey … so, take the Greyhound! Start where they are … take them somewhere new … and challenge them to find their own way to the next destination. In bus rides and life … it's got to be the goin', not the gettin' there that's good. -Harry F. Chapin

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