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Persecution of Christians

Persecution of Christians. Ancient and Modern. Ancient…. Persecution may begin as ridicule…. Nero. AD 64, Nero - first official persecution of Christians by Rome Scapegoats because of a fire that destroyed parts of Rome?

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Persecution of Christians

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Persecution of Christians Ancient and Modern

  2. Ancient… Persecution may begin as ridicule…

  3. Nero • AD 64, Nero - first official persecution of Christians by Rome • Scapegoats because of a fire that destroyed parts of Rome? • Thrown to lions, burnt alive to provide lights in his public gardens, made to fight gladiatorial combat…

  4. The secret sign of the fish – ICHTHUS - was used by Christians It’s a Greek acrostic for ‘Jesus Christ Son of God Saviour’ In Rome it became common for Christians to meet in the burial places – the catacombs Romans weren’t so keen on following them Secret Places and Signs…

  5. Writings…

  6. Perpetua & Felicity (early 3rd C) • Refusing to give up their Christianity, they and three companions were led into the amphitheatre. • The mob wanted blood; the five were whipped; then were set upon by wild animals • Wounded by the wild animals, they were then finished off by the sword • Both Perpetua and Felicity were young mothers Renaissance representation of the martyrdom of St Felicity

  7. Further outbreaks • Persecution of Christians continued on and off for next 240 years • The Emperor Diocletian began the last fierce assault on Christianity in 303 AD

  8. Modern?… Fr Jerzy Popiełuszko • During the period of martial law in Communist Poland • Fr Jerzy Popiełuszko was associated with workers and trade unionists from the Solidarity movement • The priest was beaten and murdered by three Security Police officers. Then, his body was dumped • It was recovered on October 30, 1984.

  9. Modern?… Bishop Romero • As an archbishop, he witnessed numerous violations of human rights in El Salvador, Central America • He began a ministry speaking out on behalf of the poor and victims of the country's civil war. • The government of El Salvador denounced him. • In 1980, he was assassinated by gunshot while consecrating the Eucharist during mass.

  10. Jean Donovan & Companions • El Salvador had been ruled by the military, which protected the wealthy landowners • In the 1980s, the country was in the midst of civil war. • As people demanded their rights, the military responded brutally… • The Church began to speak up for the poor • The missionary women, who transported refugees and distributed food and medicine to the poor • They were all found in a shallow grave…

  11. Persecution? Nations…

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