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Test beam 2004 - crystal tests using E0’

Test beam 2004 - crystal tests using E0’. Possibility of new crystal producers for both Barrel and Endcap

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Test beam 2004 - crystal tests using E0’

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  1. Test beam 2004 - crystal tests using E0’ Possibility of new crystal producers for both Barrel andEndcap Need to appraise crystals from these producersOf particular concern: crystal response to irradiationBCTP and SIC have recently produced EE crystalsSIC crystals show a 25-30% additional light yield compared to BCTPApatity (North crystals) to produce a few crystals, by end April Proposal:Use test beam from May 27th to appraise crystalsConstruct 1 SC array with Russian and Chinese crystals, mounted on E0’Crystals to be pre-irradiated and sorted for the SCRead out with 25 channels of MGPA electronics (SM1) from 2003 Irradiate crystals at H4Follow LY and monitoring response in detail Objectives: To establish whether the crystals meet the CMS ECAL technical requirementsClearance to place contracts for crystals by summer 2004 D Cockerill (RAL), ECAL TCG

  2. Basic EE Hardware Needs for Crystal Beam Tests - May 2004 Working assumptions (06-Apr-04): • 1 EE supercrystal containing 15 SIC, 8 BCTP & 2 Apatity crystals • The supercrystal will be built at CERN • We will use (up to) 25 channels of 2003 ECAL Electronics chain • Beam starts May 27th • Goal is to have the bare supercrystal ready for HV boards by Apr 26th • All hardware for one bare supercrystal must be at CERN by the Friday after Easter, 16 April D Cockerill (RAL), ECAL TCG

  3. Preparation Responsibles: EA - Etienette Auffray, CERN KWB - Ken Bell, RAL DJAC - Dave Cockerill, RAL DB – David Bailleux, Minn MD - Marc Dejardin, Saclay MH – Maurice Haguenauer, LLR RB – Robert Benetta, CERN PSF - Paul Flower - RAL HFH - Helen Heath - Bristol PL - Pierre Lecomte - ETHZ ABL - Tony Lodge, RAL JR - John Rander, Saclay BJS - Brian Smith, RAL TA1 - CERN-PH TA1 group VP – Vladimir Postoev, INR VG – Viatcheslav Grishin (Slava), IHEP IA – Alexander Inyakin, IHEP D Cockerill (RAL), ECAL TCG

  4. E0’ • E0’ moved to bldg 11 on 30 March to be connected to full ECAL R/O chain • E0’ currently equipped with one prototype SC – to be replaced • Work ongoing by MD, RB, AL • Umbilical connected to Motherboard (with the ‘any 5’ trigger ordering) • 25 channels MGPA VFE + FE card (SM1, 2003) = one barrel tower • Blue LED pulses to front of crystals, one at a time • Signals seen in correct order by full readout chain • noise ~ 2 ADC channels, work in progress Possibility to inject light into each crystal separately from front D Cockerill (RAL), ECAL TCG

  5. Supercrystal assembly Hardware (needs+spares): SC crystals 25+5 EE crystals - EA SC mechanics + VPTs  1+1 Alveoles - 3 already at CERN - BJS/TA1  25+5 Tyveced Front Inserts - 75 already at CERN - BJS/TA1  1+1 sets of Rear Inserts - 3 sets already at CERN - BJS/TA1  1+1 Interface Plates - 3 already at CERN - BJS/TA1  1+1 Housings - 3 already at CERN - BJS/TA1  25+5 VPTs - ~48 already at CERN - DJAC 1+1 calibrated thermistors & cables (what connectors?) - PSF D Cockerill (RAL), ECAL TCG

  6. Supercrystal assembly + umbilical SC mechanics + VPTs (contd) Glue for Rear Inserts - already at CERN - BJS/DJAC Glue dispensors for Rear Inserts - already at CERN - BJS/DJAC RTV Glue for VPTs - on order in the UK - BJS Glue dispensors for VPTs - ??? - BJS/DJAC  2 Glueing Jigs for VPTs to crystals - already at CERN - DJAC  10 Centering tubes/weights for glueing - already at CERN - BJS/DJAC Bar-code reader for crystal serial numbers (or temporary labels???) - DJAC Jig for manipulating alveolar during construction – ETH-Z/PL  Supercrystal lifting "handle" - already at CERN - DJAC SC umbilical 5+2 HV boards - presently at RAL - ABL 1+1 umbilical signal looms - ABL 1+1 umbilical HV (SHV) cable pairs - ABL Test gear for supercrystal soak test at CERN - ABL/HFH/DJAC/KWB/VP/VG/AI D Cockerill (RAL), ECAL TCG

  7. E0’ Monitoring  50 Porte-Ferrules - already at CERN - BJS/DJAC  Tooling for Porte-Ferrules - already at CERN - BJS/DJAC  1 Level-1 EE fibre optic harnesses - 1 presently on E0’ at CERN - BJS/JR Laser(s)/photo-diodes/MEMs/mating-pieces-to-photo-diodes etc etc - JR??? E0’ mechanics  1+1 positional spacers - already at CERN - DJAC  E0prime support backplate & related ironmongery & cooling plates - already at CERN - DJAC  Mounting bolts & shoulder bolts - already at CERN - DJAC E0prime thermal enclosure, already at CERN, extra insulation – TA1 Support to mount E0prime system onto test beam turntable - TA1 design/ fabricate Readout  HV system for beam tests - KWB EE Mothercard/connectors/pigtail - ABL Full readout chain, LV system, MEM, etc - MD  1 set of EE cooling bars & related mechanics etc - already at CERN - JAH D Cockerill (RAL), ECAL TCG

  8. Test beam meetings/H4 Wed 14 April Test Beam Mtg, Yves Sirois - follow on from PRS, at ~ 16.00 - choice of crystals - irradiation procedure • Use of 6 days of beam for 25 crystals • Start up requirements (DAQ setup, laser setup) • Beam size, rate, calibration points • Shift list + test beam web page for 2004 • Laser system at H4 – expected to be ready by Mon April 19 • Optical cables from CR to area – currently those from 2003 • Cooling system + interlocks – to be discussed • 10 SHV cables to be laid from CR to area D Cockerill (RAL), ECAL TCG

  9. Test beam SPS MD 10.00 Wed 26 May – 10.00 Thu 27 May Beam 10.00 Thu 27 May – 10.00 Wed 2 June (~ 6 days) 25nsec beam 08.00 Mon 7 June – 08.00 Mon 14 June Shutdown 08.00 Mon 14 June – 08.00 Sat 19 June Beam 08.00 Sat 19 June – 08.00 Wed 30 June (~10 days) D Cockerill (RAL), ECAL TCG

  10. E0’ – corresponding SCs in CMS Spacer numbering Column, Row 5,5 6,5 5,4 6,4 D Cockerill (RAL), ECAL TCG

  11. Angles at CMS 737.67mm 587.31mm 3179 mmIP to front of EE  = 38.526 o q = 16.521 o IP D Cockerill (RAL), ECAL TCG

  12. Angles for E0’, Y-Z plane Y  = 10.47o Beam 587.31mm 3179 mmIP to front of EE Z D Cockerill (RAL), ECAL TCG

  13. Angles for E0’, X-Z plane X  = 13.06o Beam 737.67mm 3179 mmIP to front of EE Z D Cockerill (RAL), ECAL TCG

  14. E0prime backplate & SCs 250mm 352mm Position of middle of array, 390mm forwards from backplate, with respect to backplate edges D Cockerill (RAL), ECAL TCG

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