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Sid Roth With His Guest Tony Kemp on the show It’s Supernatural

We had a case in New York, a woman had COPD, sheu2019s in a wheelchair, sheu2019s in pain, she has kidney failure. Sheu2019s gained 80-something pounds. God heals her of her COPD. Her breathing becomes normal, and then in 28 days,u00a0Sid Roth, she loses 80 pounds, gets up out of the wheelchair and becomes completely healthy.<br>

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Sid Roth With His Guest Tony Kemp on the show It’s Supernatural

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  1. Sid Roth With His Guest Tony Kemp on the show It’s Supernatural sid-roth.over-blog.com/2020/03/sid-roth-with-his-guest-tony-kemp-on-the-show-it-s-supernatural.html Sid: My guest went to Heaven. Tony Kemp, tell me about that. Tony: Well among other things, I met with two angels that God assigned to me. One angel was the angel that would give me revelation by the Holy Spirit, word of knowledge, word of wisdom and prophecy, and the other angel would stand beside me and help me minister to the people in certain gifts of the spirit, gifts of healings, working of miracles and the gift of faith. And whenever I’m going to minister in all specific areas those angels come to assist me. Sid: Now do you know if either of those two angels are here now? Tony: Yes. The angel of revelation is here now, and when we get to the part where it comes to minister healing the angel of healing will come in. Sid: I know. But I just wanted you to know those angels are here right now. So tell me about this person that had a glass grey eye. I’m just stretching right now. Tony: I was in Missouri. I was doing a ministers’ meeting. A woman comes up. She has a glass eye that’s grey. Her real eye is blue. And when she comes up to me for prayer, I say to her, Sid, “Oh you’re blind” and she rebukes me. She says, “No, I’m not blind. I just can’t see.” And when she says that to me, Sid Roth, I knew then that she believed something was going to happen. When we prayed with her, Sid, her glass eye becomes a real eye in her socket. It turns blue like the other eye and she sees out of it perfectly. Sid: If that doesn’t blow you out of the water I don’t know what will. What was going on inside of you when that happened? Tony: Pure joy. Because I remember the heavenly experience I had in the body parts room and seeing the body parts, and that was one of those cases where the body part, the angel of the Lord that does miracles, goes gets the body part, brings it, puts in the person’s body and it becomes physical in that person’s body. Sid: Tell me about people that have metal in their body and it turns to bone. I’m telling you, this is called stretch night on It’s Supernatural. Tony: I was in Detroit, Michigan. I was at a Baptist church. A man there in his 50s that had a knee replacement, and he had pain in his knee. When he walked through any place that had security the metal in his knee would set off the alarm, the metal detector. Sid: I know. I’ve got an artificial hip. It takes me a lot of time through airport security. 1/3

  2. Tony: So he comes up for prayer. He’s in pain. God touches him. His pain disappears and he actually starts hitting his knee, which he couldn’t do before. He drops to his knees. He crawls on his knees. He’s happy because now he says now I can put my grandchild on my back. Well the next time he goes through security the metal detector does not go off. Sid: I’m waiting for that day for me. Now I’m going to believe that day is today is the day of salvation. How about you? You believe today is the day of your healing. Okay. You met Rennie McClain, you told me, and he prayed for you to lose weight, and you dropped how many pounds? Tony: About 40, 50 pounds. Sid: Okay. And ever since he did that you prayed for people. How many people lose weight, the most that you know that lost weight in one meeting? Tony: I was in Syracuse, New York and 27 people experienced supernatural weight loss, and we’ve seen people, I usually give this instruction, Sid. I say, “Listen, repent of the way you’ve been eating. Do the best you can. Eat right. And when you do what’s right in the natural, God will do the supernatural.” I mean, we have seen people, oh my goodness, we had a case, cases, a person would come up and their stomach would be out here and it would literally shrink on the spot. Other people would lose two or three dress sizes, and then everyday they would lose weight. We had a case in New York, a woman had COPD, she’s in a wheelchair, she’s in pain, she has kidney failure. She’s gained 80-something pounds. God heals her of her COPD. Her breathing becomes normal, and then in 28 days, Sid Roth, she loses 80 pounds, gets up out of the wheelchair and becomes completely healthy. Sid: This is a man that only 10 miracles in all of those years, and he watches It’s Supernatural and this is normal. What is normal for him is going to be normal for you. Tony, pray for people right now. People are going, I even hear someone’s spine has just been restored in Jesus’ name, and someone’s whole back is restored. Go ahead Tony: The Father is ministering to you right now. There is someone right now, you’re a woman, you have a kidney disease. You’re being healed right now in the name of Jesus the Messiah. There’s someone else watching me right now, you have terrible migraine headaches. You’re being healed right now in the name of Jesus. Someone else, you are deaf in your right ear. That ear is popping open and you’re being healed right now. Someone else, you have ringing in the ears and now it’s coming to silence. There is one other person, you have a problem with your knee and that knee is being healed, that pain is disappearing and you’re healed in the mighty name of Jesus the Messiah. Sid: My heart’s desire is that you would be normal, normal as defined by the Bible. That means you can do, and because this is what our Master said, the Messiah, Yeshua, Jesus, “You can the same works that I have done and even greater.” As he is, so are we on this earth. I believe as we go out if you pray for supernatural weight loss at this moment and dental miracles, those two things people are going to receive them. 2/3

  3. Tony: I want you to bow your head right where you are. In the name of Jesus, Father, let angels go forth, and Father, let angels touch people. Let them get dental miracles. Lord, those that don’t have the money, let teeth that need to be removed be supernaturally removed. Let people who need fillings, let them have silver feelings, regular fillings and gold fillings. And Lord, those that need to grow teeth, I command you to grow teeth by the power of the Holy Spirit. And Father, I pray for supernatural weight loss right now, begin losing weight in the mighty name of Jesus for the Father’s glory. Sid: I can tell you this. An angel is here and all things, sinuses, you can breathe clearly in Jesus’ name. All things are possible. This is the conversation of Sid Roth and Tony Kemp from the show It's Supernatural. To read full conversation visit us here. 3/3

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