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Advanced Google AdWords

Advanced Google AdWords. Frederick Vallaeys – AdWords Product Evangelist. Agenda - Keys to Better Results. Advertising with Google AdWords Target your audience Pay the right price Improve your site’s ability to convert Manage your account more effectively Expand your reach.

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Advanced Google AdWords

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  1. Advanced Google AdWords Frederick Vallaeys – AdWords Product Evangelist

  2. Agenda - Keys to Better Results • Advertising with Google AdWords • Target your audience • Pay the right price • Improve your site’s ability to convert • Manage your account more effectively • Expand your reach

  3. Reaching Customers Online • Reach customers via three advertising touch points: Connect with Consumers When They Pursue Interests withGoogle’s Site Targeting Connect with Consumers When They Search withGoogle’s Search Solutions Connect with Consumers When They Research withGoogle’s Content Network

  4. AdWords Ads Reach Users When They Search

  5. Google Content Network Google Content Network GoogleAdvertising Network* • Reaches 548 million worldwide Internet users, more than any other property or network • Tens of thousands of advertising auctions occur every second to select and serve relevant ads • Hundreds of thousands of worldwide advertisers and publishers GoogleContent Network Hundreds of thousands of worldwide content partners *Google Advertising Network = Google properties + syndicated search + Google content network Sources: comScore Media Metrix (August 2007); Google internal analysis

  6. Advantages of the Google Content Network • Precision & Scale • Reaches 548 million worldwide Internet users, more than any other property or network • Target by categories, keywords, demographics, interests, geography, and time Measurement • Site by site placement performance report, conversion tracking, and Google Analytics • Measure reach, ad effectiveness, and frequency Broad Range ofEnvironments VariousCreative Options • Reach every conceivable audience in a broad range of online environments – from moms reading recipes to business professionals reading trade articles • Text ads, display ads, interactive gadget ads, in-video ads, and click-to-play video ads Sources: comScore Media Metrix (August 2007)

  7. Contextually Relevant Ads • Google’s flexible, content-targeted advertising program • Reach & Precision: Place ads on the largest global ad network (Google Content Network) alongside relevant content in real-time to reach an interested and engaged audience • Effective Pricing: Set your maximum CPCs or leave the bidding to Google. Minimum bids start at $0.01, offering full control of ROI • Creative: Easily test and re-test creative assets. Use text, image, Flash, or video ads to reach your audience

  8. Advertise on Sites Where Your Target Users Are • Run ads on specific sites based on psychographic & demographic audience criteria • Select specific sites, category, affinity,or demographic to advertise within the Google Content Network • Choose CPC or CPM-based pricing; minimum CPM bid is $0.25 • Promote your brand and message to broad or niche audiences • Run text, image, Flash, and video ads

  9. Agenda - Keys to Better Results • Advertising with Google AdWords • Target your audience • Keywords • Sites • Pay the right price • Improve your site’s ability to convert • Manage your account more effectively • Expand your reach

  10. Keyword Tool • Generates potential keywords for advertiser campaigns and reports their AdWords statistics – including search performance and search volume trends – to help you select keywords most likely to return quality leads within your budget • View estimated advertiser competition, search volume, cost, ad position, and search volume trends • Easy to generate, select, and add keywords, keyword match type and keyword negatives directly into your ad group • Generate keywords based on related search terms, highest click-through rate, webpage content, and text from your website

  11. Keyword Match Types • Ads are continuously matched to Internet users’ interests based on your keywords • Use keyword match types to your advantage • Broad Match • Phrase Match • Exact Match • Negative keyword • Ads are placed as buying decisions are made The Result:Businesses reach their audience at the right time, with the right message

  12. Broad Match Keywords • Broad match • Keyword: • buy flowers • May show for these queries: • buy flower • buy red flowers • flowers buy • new york buy flowers • buy tulips

  13. Phrase Match Keywords • Phrase match • Keyword: • “buy flowers” • May show for these queries: • where can I buy flowers • buy flowers in new york • But not for these queries: • buy red flowers (there is an extra word in between) • flowers buy (the words are reversed) • buy flower (this is the singular) • Buy tulips (the words are different)

  14. Exact Match • Exact match • Keyword: • [buy flowers] • May only show for the query: • buy flowers • Buy Flowers (capitalization doesn’t matter)

  15. Negative Keywords • Negative match • Keyword: • -cheap • Your ad will never show for these queries: • Buy cheap flowers • Cheap flowers in New York

  16. Advanced Match Types • Single word phrase match • Only show my ad when the query contains my keyword • E.g. “flowers” may show for “buy flowers” but NOT “floral arrangements” or “tulips” • Negative exact match + Broad match • Only show the ad for variations of my keyword • E.g. “flowers” and –[flowers] may show for “flowers delivered” but not “flowers”

  17. Dynamic Keyword Insertion • Improve the CTR of your ads by making the ad text more relevant to the keyword Keyword: • ‘flower delivery new york’ Ad Text: • {keyword:flowers} -> flower delivery new york • {Keyword:flowers} -> Flower delivery new york • {KeyWord:flowers} -> Flower Delivery New York • Flowers is the default inserted keyword • Keyword is inserted but NOT the query • Can also be used in the destination URL

  18. Search Query Performance Report

  19. Search Query Performance Report Example The Search Query column shows the queries that triggered your ads.

  20. Agenda - Keys to Better Results • Advertising with Google AdWords • Target your audience • Keywords • Sites • Pay the right price • Improve your site’s ability to convert • Manage your account more effectively • Expand your reach

  21. Site Targeting • Use the site tool to find sites where your target users are.

  22. Placement Performance Reports The Placement Performance report provides increased transparency and control to help you meet your ROI objectives on the Google content network. Domain and URL level reporting • See the sites where your ads appeared, at the domain or URL level Site-by-site* performance metrics • Understand how your ads are performing on each site through click, impression, cost and conversion metrics Special category reporting • See performance metrics broken out by categories such as Domain ads or Error page ads *At this time, site-by-site metrics are only available for content pages. Sites participating in the AdSense for domains (AFD) and AdSense for error pages (AFE) programs are reported in aggregate until site-level reporting is available in the future.

  23. Sample Report: New Columns The ‘Domain’ column shows you the domain of the site where your ad appeared.

  24. Placement Performance Report Best Practices • Optimize for success • 1. Re-evaluate keyword lists and ad text • Are your ads appearing on irrelevant pages? Take steps to optimize keyword lists and ads. • Consider creating content-only campaigns to tailor ad groups specifically for content. • 2. Utilize the site targeting feature • Site targeting may be used to directly target well-performing sites • Please note that site targeting utilizes CPM bidding • 3. Consider the site exclusion feature • Use the site exclusion tool to exclude sites which are not converting well • Avoid excluding sites based on subjective judgments on content or site quality • Page content is dynamic and may change from the time users viewed it to the time you viewed the report • Sites or pages you don’t find to be relevant, users may find to be useful

  25. Agenda - Keys to Better Results • Advertising with Google AdWords • Target your audience • Pay the right price • Improve your site’s ability to convert • Manage your account more effectively • Expand your reach

  26. How much should you bid • If you want your AdWords ads to be profitable, you should aim for an ROI of more than 100%

  27. Conversion Tracking Track ROI and make smarter decisions, for free • Correlate ad clicks to custom conversion metrics • Easily set up tracking for sales, sign-ups, leads, and page-views • Measure conversion value of campaigns, ad groups, and/or keywords and optimize bids accordingly • TrackGoogle and non-Google ads

  28. 1.0% 0.5% 1.5% 2.0% 2.5% Average Conversion Rate 00.00 06.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 Ad Scheduling: What is Dayparting? • Dayparting is a broadcasting term used to describe the practice of running different ads at different rates during different times of day. • Internet dayparting usually involves increasing your bids during times when conversion rates are typically above average, and decreasing them when rates are typically below average • AdWords advertisers can engage in dayparting by leveraging Ad Scheduling “Bid Multipliers” Increase bids during above average periods Decrease bids during below average periods Historical Conversion Rates by Time of Day

  29. Ad Scheduling: Using Bid Multipliers

  30. Pay Per Action Publisher chooses your PPA ad and places it on his site Set cost-per-action (CPA) value for a specific action on your site Ad shows on publisher’s site Pay for completed action(s) User completes action User clicks on ad

  31. Conversion Optimizer

  32. Conversion Optimizer The Conversion Optimizer allows you to specify your maximum cost-per-acquisition (CPA) bid and Google automatically adjusts your CPC bids to achieve those CPAs. Requires the use of conversion tracking and at least 300 conversions in the previous 30 days.

  33. Agenda - Keys to Better Results • Advertising with Google AdWords • Target your audience • Pay the right price • Improve your site’s ability to convert • Manage your account more effectively • Expand your reach

  34. AdWords connects you with prospects at the precise moment when they're looking for your products or services Google Analytics increases conversion by understanding prospects better through web analytics Google Analytics • Keyword AnalysisCompare conversion metrics per keyword, per site • Website OptimizationOptimize your web site for certain browsers, software platforms, search • Site Overlay Visual representations of customer click path and conversions • Geo-targeting Find out where your visitors come from • Complete Conversion MetricsSee ROI, revenue per click, average visit value and • and much more…

  35. Google Analytics: Measure Everything Google Analytics – Improve your site and increase marketing ROI • Free, hosted web analytics service • View over 80+ reports – online & for download • Key Benefits • Measure and evaluate ROI on your marketing efforts • Evaluate visitor navigation to identify site improvements • Track e-commerce metrics such as revenue, cost, and conversion rates • Utilize assistance from our Professional Services team Some of our customers:

  36. Website Optimizer (Beta) • Free site content optimization application that helps advertisers test and compare effectiveness of content on their web pages • Use A/B testing or Multivariate testing • Increase site effectiveness, visitor conversion rates and satisfaction • Detailed reports on combinationof content and components ofsites that drive highestconversion rate • Works with all analyticssolutions and all site traffic,not just AdWords traffic • Tests up to 10,000 combinations

  37. Multivariate: Test Multiple Sections and Combinations

  38. Multivariate: Test Multiple Sections and Combinations

  39. Multivariate: Test Multiple Sections and Combinations 2 different headlines x 3 different images = 6 possible combinations

  40. A/B: Or test whole pages

  41. Detailed Graphical Reporting • Reports are available in two formats • Combinations Tab shows how each combination affects overall conversions • Page Sections Tab rates how each section contributes to overall conversions as well as how each individual creative performs

  42. Agenda - Keys to Better Results • Advertising with Google AdWords • Target your audience • Pay the right price • Improve your site’s ability to convert • Manage your account more effectively • Expand your reach

  43. My Client Center (MCC) • A dashboard overview of all linked account statistics for advertisers and agencies to easily manage multiple accounts from a single login • Returns a unified reportacross multiple client accounts • Offers a single login toaccess all AdWords accounts • Displays up to 1,000linked AdWords accounts • Provides a relevant dashboard of information for all linked accounts

  44. AdWords Editor • Manage AdWords right from the desktop with Google’s • free downloadable account management application • Navigatelarge accounts quickly and easily • Locate and edit budget, keywords, CPCs, and more • Make bulk changes to keywords and ad text • Share comments and work collaboratively with other users • Work offline, then upload changes directly to the account

  45. AdWords API(Beta) • A service enabling developers to create computer programs that directly interact with the AdWords platform • More efficient control and creative management of large accounts • Generate automatic keyword, ad text, URL, and custom reports • Integrate AdWords data with databases, such as inventory systems • Manage campaignoperations, bids, and update creative • Track trafficestimates for individual keywords to optimizecampaigns

  46. Agenda - Keys to Better Results • Advertising with Google AdWords • Target your audience • Pay the right price • Improve your site’s ability to convert • Manage your account more effectively • Expand your reach

  47. Marketer’s Objective: Effective Advertising The Right Consumer At the Right Time With the Right Message Through the Right Medium 1 2 3 4 9:00 pm Prime Time TV 7:00 am Morning Paper 5:00 pm Search for Dinner Recipes Online 8:00 am Drive-Time Radio 3:00 pm Chat with Colleague about Latest Movie 10:00 am Check News Online 12:00 pm Send a Text Message

  48. Google Print Ads: Overview Key Benefits At Scale: Nationwide Coverage Over 400 major US newspapers 1 Print Ads Targeted: Geography and Section Specific Choose sections or even special-interest papers Currently addingSpanish-languageand collegenewspapersto network 2 Efficient: Marketplace-Driven PricingYou offer what the ad is worth to you 3 Simple: Centralized BuyingOne interface and one invoice for multi-paper buys 4 Bringing the simplicityand scale of a web-enabled marketplace tonewspaper advertising Easier scale I Better targetingFewer touch-points IIncreased efficiency

  49. Over 31M in total circulation 60% of total US paid circulation1 Google Print Ads: Newspaper Partners Google’s network includes over 450 daily newspapers, including the primary newspaper in 32 of the top 35 DMA’s. 1 Editor & Publisher (2005) newspaper fact book

  50. Measurable: Near Real Time Reporting Second-by-second viewership data within 24 hours 1 Accountable: No Make Goods, No BundlingAdvertisers pay only for impressions delivered 2 Flexible: Better OptimizationAdjust campaigns on the fly with a few clicks of the mouse 3 Efficient: All-Digital WorkflowAccess 100 channels through a single interface 4 Strong National Footprint13 million households via EchoStar partnership 5 Google TV Ads: Overview Key Benefits TV Ads A fully integrated,end-to-end digitalsystem for buying,selling, measuring, and delivering TV ads

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