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Christ Redeems Through His Church

Christ Redeems Through His Church. The Kingdom of God. The Original Plan. Why did God create humans? What was God’s original plan for men before the creation? Participation in the divine life Who are the elect? What is God’s foreknowledge? What does “predestined” mean?

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Christ Redeems Through His Church

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  1. Christ Redeems Through His Church

  2. The Kingdom of God

  3. The Original Plan • Why did God create humans? • What was God’s original plan for men before the creation? • Participation in the divine life • Who are the elect? • What is God’s foreknowledge? • What does “predestined” mean? • What does it mean that God “foreknew and predestined” the elect?

  4. The Original Plan • How does God make it possible for humans to participate in the divine life? • Who is the one that bridges the gap between God and man? • What are the “means [aids] of salvation” given in the Church? • Which word means that life in God depends on God’s mercy and gifts/sacraments? • Grace

  5. The Original Plan • Why did Jesus come into the world? • THINK: Original Plan • TRICK: Do we cause the Son of God to become flesh? • IMPORTANT: Jesus came into the world to be what He was always intended to be: the bridge between God and man. However, man’s sin caused Jesus to increase His original mission. • Sin and death had to be dealt with in order to allow participation in the divine life to take place • How will God’s original plan be fulfilled?

  6. The Original Plan • The mystery of redemption is the first step in restoring God’s original plan • Mystery because it is beyond our understanding of fairness or kindness • See Matthew 20.1-16 • Redemption because it restores and renews man so that he can return to the original plan: participation in divine life

  7. The Original Plan • What is objective redemption? • Christ’s death and resurrection are good for all • What is subjective redemption? • All must respond to God’s grace, to the mystery • Faith is necessary • See Luke 14.15-24

  8. The Church • Is it true that God is everywhere? • Where is God especially found aiding or helping humans attain salvation? • Where is God not just “there,” but God “for you” to be “in you”? • What does the word “church” mean? • Greek: ecclesia = “to call out”

  9. The Church • Jesus uses the word “church” to designate his new assembly, his chosen people, which would build upon and succeed the Old Testament Chosen People. • So what is the Church? • “The Reign of Christ already present in mystery” (CCC 763) • Christ’s reign occurs in His kingdom • Christ’s reign occurs within humans • Christ’s reign is a benevolent reign

  10. The Kingdom of God • What is the Kingdom of heaven? • THINK: Parables like Matthew 22.1-10 • Jesus said: “The Kingdom of God is at hand”

  11. The Kingdom of God • Where is the Kingdom of heaven located on earth? • What is the role of the Church in objective redemption? • Objective Redemption has been completed in the Passion of the Christ • What is the role of the Church in subjective redemption? • To bring all men to the knowledge of the truth

  12. The Kingdom of God • What is the core message of the Gospel? • Read Mark 1.14-15 • Three points • How does Jesus illustrate or talk about the Kingdom of God? • What is a parable? • Why did He use parables?

  13. Two Parables • Read Luke 8.4-15 • Who is the Sower? • Who is the Seed? • What carries the seed to the field? • How many types of ground are there? • What does each type of ground represent? • What is the main teaching? • Read Matthew 13.31-32 • How is the Kingdom of Heaven like a mustard seed?

  14. The Kingdom of God • What kind of kingdom did God establish? • HINT: Read the last paragraph on p. 171 • What were the people expecting from the Messiah? • How did Jesus defy their expectations? • Poverty • Victory by dying and rising

  15. The Kingdom of God • Why is the Church called a “pilgrim Church”? • NOTE: Abraham saw himself as a traveler • If the Church is a “pilgrim,” what does this say about your attitude toward material things? • Does the Church have two natures? Why? • What is necessary to “see” the divine nature? • THINK: What did the disciples have to “see” that Jesus is God? • When will all “see” the divine nature of the Church?

  16. The Kingdom of God • Who is the Kingdom of God? • HINT: The quote from Pope Benedict XVI • What does “fullness of time” mean? • When the time was right for Christ to come into the world • God’s plan for man to share in his divine life existed before time, was inaugurated in time by creation and salvation history, reached its fullness in time with Christ and his Church, and will be fulfilled at the end of time when all who have cooperated with grace are gathered together in the universal Church.

  17. Assignment • Read 173-176 • Workbook 7-9

  18. The Mystical Body of Christ Necessary for Salvation

  19. Christ’s Body • What two natures does Christ’s body have? • Human: visible on earth; glorified in heaven • Divine: hidden on earth; manifested in the Transfiguration • The Church is the Body of Christ. What are its two natures? • Human: visible, especially when the Church gathers or assembles • Divine: United mystically in Christ and, thereby, the Blessed Trinity

  20. Christ’s Body • What is the Mystical Body of Christ? • Read 1 Cor 12.12-31 • Write a few sentences about something that surprises or confuses you in St Paul’s words (D. Collins has reached the pinnacle of her entire existence. She may now die.) • DEFINITION: The Mystical Body of Christ describes the Church. It is the divine communion which unites each member of the Church, living and departed, in Christ, who is the Head. It is the members united in one Body.

  21. Aspects of the Church • What is the Church’s visible aspect? • What is the Church’s invisible aspect? • What is the “vertical dimension” of Christ’s Mystical Body? • Between each person and Christ • Living and departed • What is the “horizontal dimension”? • Between members • Living and departed

  22. Aspects of the Church • Which sacrament shows these two dimensions? • Read 1 Cor10.16-17 • Why can a person not be in only 1 dimension? • THINK: The importance of the Eucharistic cup • What does drinking from the cup teach us? • Solidarity • If “one member [in the body] endures anything, all the members co-endure it, and if one member is honored, all the members together rejoice.”

  23. Aspects of the Church • In what three “states” or “stages” does the Church now exist? • Pilgrim • Suffering (purged) • Triumphant • What vocations are possible for members of the Mystical Body? What role does each vocation have in the Church? • Lay • Clergy • Religious

  24. The Church as sacrament • What do we mean when we say that the Church is a Sacrament? • For no man ever hates his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, as Christ does the church, 30 because we are members of his body. 31 “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” 32 This is a great mystery, and I mean in reference to Christ and the church. (Eph 5.30-32) • Sacrament = means (aid) of salvation • What does the Church “do”? • What is her most important task? When is this done?

  25. Necessary for salvation • What does “extra Ecclesiamnullasalus” mean? • Literally: “Outside the Church there is no salvation” • The Church is necessary for salvation. What does this mean? • HINT: The Church is the Body of Christ • HINT: Baptism is necessary for salvation • ANSWER: Man’s salvation comes through the Church. No one is saved except through Jesus Christ, and the Church is Christ’s Body and gives Christ’s Body and Christ’s grace.

  26. Necessary for salvation • Why is this hard to accept? • Ignorance does not condemn. Rejecting what God gives, refusing His grace, turning away from Christ and His Church—that is what condemns. • God’s grace, given in the Church, is necessary for salvation. • Because the Church is necessary for salvation, what obligation does the Church (and the people in the Church) have?

  27. Assignment • Study Questions 6-9

  28. The Four Marks of the Church

  29. Assignment • Read 177-185 • Workbook 10-25 • Study Questions 10-17

  30. Thought Experiment • You are invited by a friend to go to church with him or her on Sunday. The sign of the Church says “St John Paul II Catholic Church.” The Mass is a little different from what you’re used to. For example, the priest invites everyone—no matter what they believe—to receive the Eucharist. And the priest’s wife wears a shirt that looks like a priest's shirt—except that the shirt is light blue. • How do you know which parishes are part of the true church? Is the sign enough? • Marks of the Church are one way to know

  31. Overall • What is meant by the word “mark” when we talk about the “marks of the Church”? • Four distinct items that identify the true Church • What are they? • Where are these marks stated? • Nicene Creed • What is always true about these marks? • Describe Church in all times and all places • Why do they need to be said? • To distinguish the true Church from heretical groups

  32. One • “I believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church” • Identifies the unity in the Church and among the Churches • Make a list of ways (teachings or practices) which reveal the unity in the Church • Unity in faith among the Apostles • One church established on Pentecost Day • One faith • One baptism • One set of Sacraments • Unity in the Liturgy/Mass • Communion (unity) among the Bishops • Apostolic succession (unity among Bishops of all times and places)

  33. One • Jesus prays “That they may be one, even as we are one.” • What unity or oneness is Jesus talking about?

  34. Holy • “I believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church” • What does the word “holy” mean? • Does it mean that everyone is perfect? • Does it mean that there is no corruption? • Does it mean that Bishops or Priests (or even the Pope) do nothing wrong? • “Holy” means… (read p. 179, first sentence)

  35. Holy • The holiness of the Church is given and guaranteed by which person of the Blessed Trinity? • HINT: Jesus said: “But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” (Jn 14.26) • Holiness is given in the Sacraments • The goal of the Church is that each person be holy • Holiness is shown in the lives of the Saints

  36. Catholic • “I believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church” • What does the word “catholic” mean? • “Universal” is too bland • From the Greek word meaning “of the whole” • Takes in all times and all places • So, not just the Church spread throughout the world, but also the Church spread throughout all ages or eras

  37. Apostolic • “I believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church” • What are the three ways in which the Church is Apostolic? • Established • Teaching • Continuance

  38. Apostolic

  39. Apostolic • What does it mean that the Church “subsists” in the Catholic Church? • continues to exist • resides or lives or abides within • Will the Church remain forever? Why? • 17 And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jona! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. 18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death [hell; inferna] shall not prevail against it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” (Matt. 18.17-19)

  40. The Teaching & Sanctifying Church

  41. Assignment • Read 186-190 • Study Questions 18-31 • Due Thursday • Study Questions 32-45 • Workbook 26-39 • Bring Review Quiz • Bring Essay Questions • Due Friday • Vocab • Test

  42. Holy Spirit • Who is the Holy Spirit • THINK: Nicene Creed • What is His role in your salvation? • In CCC 797 (p. 182), what effect does the Holy Spirit have on the Church? • Unity • Vivifies • What gifts does the Holy Spirit give to members in the Church? • Seven gifts (p. 78 in Workbook) • Theological Virtues • Graces

  43. Apostolic Succession • Why are the Twelve Apostles so important? • HINT: And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. (Rev. 21.14) • HINT: You are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, 20 built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, 21 in whom the whole structure is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord. (Eph 5.19-21) • What is “Apostolic Succession”? • Who succeeds whom? • What is the first evidence of “Apostolic Succession” in the Scriptures? • Who is the successor to Peter? • Who is the successor to the other Apostles?

  44. Guardian of Christ’s Message • What is the chief role of the bishops? • The chief role of the Bishop is to guard, preserve and pass on Christ’s message. • Where did the Church get this authority to teach and give the Sacraments? • Matthew 28.18-20 • What is the term that describes the teaching office of the Church? • Who exercises this office? • Can any bishop (even the Pope) exercise this office by himself alone? • Why is this important?

  45. Guardian of Christ’s Message • What is the role of the Holy Spirit in regard to the Magisterium? • But when the Counselor comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness to me; 27 and you also are witnesses, because you have been with me from the beginning. • But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things,[d] and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.

  46. Guardian of Christ’s Message • What does the word “infallible” mean? • Who has the gift of infallibility in the Roman Catholic Church? • When does he exercise this gift? • The Pope exercises this gift only in matters of faith and morals when he speaks ex cathedra • What are matters of faith? • What are matters of morals? • What is “ex cathedra”?

  47. Guardian of Christ’s Message • What does it mean to “define doctrine”? • Can bishops teach infallibly? How? • What is the role of Ecumenical Councils in teaching Christ’s message? • The councils pronounce the infallible episcopal teaching

  48. Sacraments • What is the basic work of the Church? • The Church transmits the grace of Christ’s redemption through the Sacraments • What is a sacrament? (Four part definition; p. 184) • Efficacious = does what it says; gives what it promises • Example • Instituted = started; initiated • Who instituted the Sacraments? • Entrusted = trusted in • Dispenses = gives; bestows • Who is the ultimate dispenser of all Sacramentstoday? • Who is delegated to share in this authority?

  49. Last Things

  50. Assignment • Study Questions 32-45 • Workbook 26-39 • Bring Review Quiz (my website) • Bring Essay Questions (on Edline) • Due Friday • Vocab (my website) • Test NOTE: Slides go up on my website tonight

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