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Chapter 9 - Water. Water Cycle Water Budget. The World’s Water. Oceans, lakes, rivers, groundwater, atmosphere, living things, glaciers, and more… Water is measured by volume. “How much space it takes up.” 97 % is in the oceans. The World’s Water. Less than 3% is fresh!!!
Chapter 9 - Water Water Cycle Water Budget
The World’s Water • Oceans, lakes, rivers, groundwater, atmosphere, living things, glaciers, and more… • Water is measured by volume. “How much space it takes up.” • 97 % is in the oceans
The World’s Water • Less than 3% is fresh!!! • 2/3 is frozen in ice caps • Rest is fresh (usable) water • Works out to be less than 1/2 of 1%
OCEANS 97.2% ICE CAPS 2% GROUNDWATER 0.78% LAKES 0.013% SOIL 0.006% ATMOSPHERE 0.0007% RUNNING 0.0002% BIOSPHERE 0.0001%
Where is the fresh water? • Tiny part is flowing on the surface of Earth (rivers, streams) • 100 times that is stored in lakes, swamps, etc. • 50 times that is stored in the ground as groundwater.
Water Cycle • Again like all matter, water is recycled. • Simple water cycle (Magnificent 7): Evaporation-liquid to gas Transpiration-liquid to gas in plants Sublimation-solid to gas
Water Cycle Condensation–Gas to liquid-clouds Precipitation-gas to liquid/solid Runoff-running water on surface Groundwater-soil moisture, water underground
Water Budget • Compares the input (water you get) and output (water you use) of water in a specific region.
Water Budget • Controlled by many different climate factors • Air temperature • Humidity (Season Extremes) • Rainfall amount • Soil Type
Water Budget Graphs • A comparison between Moisture supply (precip) and Moisture demand (evap) • A water budget has 4 parts: usage, recharge, surplus, and deficit
Water Budget Graphs • Usage – When plants, humans, sun is taking water out of the system. • Recharge - When the ground water is being filled back up
Water Budget Graphs • Surplus - Rainfall is greater than the need. Soil is moist. • Deficit - Need for moisture is greater than the rainfall coming into the system. Soil is dry
Rocks Holding Water?? Porosity – Volume of space in between rocks/soil that can hold water Permeability – The rate at which water can pass through the pore spaces of rock/soil
Rocks Holding Water?? • Impermeable – Water cannot pass through the pore space. • Capillary – Ability of water to “stick” to its surroundings by its surface tension
Water Table • Ground becomes saturated with water. This is the ground water that we have been talking about. • Water Table – The top portion of the “zone of groundwater saturation”
Water Table • Zone of Aeration – Water and air mixed with the rocks and soil • Capillary fringe – Border between air/water and just water. Right above the water table (pg. 154) • Zone of Saturation – Just water in the soil and no air
Wells and Springs • Ordinary well - A hole dug or drilled down below the water table. ( water must be pumped out) • Spring - Place where the water table is at the surface. • Artesian well - A well that is pressurized. (water will not have to be pumped out)
Aquifers • Are permeable materials that contain and carry groundwater • Best are - Sand, gravel, and porous sandstone Link to Page About Water Resources